![Wendy's picture Wendy's picture](http://gatheringspot.net/sites/default/files/styles/activity_avatar/public/pictures/picture-169-1500332593.jpg?itok=y6NxgdF8)
Hi Everyone,
This video starts out with sound problems but they are shortly fixed so please hang in there.
I'm really interested if you all think this presenter, Lucas is on the right track. I personally think he done an amazing job of connecting dots. His basic premise is that the ellite have not been trying to kill us all with chemtrails, etc. but have been trying to save their own and hide a coming natural disaster, rather than be honest about the threat so that we might all have more of a chance to save ourselves.
He ties together such disparate facts as the Norway spiral, chemtrails, underground bases and the Denver airport. I now feel like I have more of a handle as to what's coming down the pike. I heard about this video on the Dr. Bill Deagle show (Nutrimedical report). I was a bit on the fence as to how much I believed what Deagle has to say but now that this Lucas video has tied so much together, I think I'm going to take Deagle's dire warnings a bit more seriously.
Lucas's website:
Dr. Bill Deagle's website (has archives of his radio show - hour 3 on Fridays has the most relevant info.)
Hi Wendy:
Did you watch Lucas' entire presentation? I tried, but it is soooooooo long and I kept waiting for him to make a point and tie it all together. I finally gave up.
Would you mind summarizing his main point(s)? What is the significance of the spirals? What does any of this tell us?
I've bookmarked the nutrimedical site and will listen to their broadcasts.
Thanks for sharing.
Hi Noa-
He actually tries to stay away from conclusions but the gist of it that I got was that the spiral had been something that was seen 36,000 years ago when the beginning of the troubles started then. Many people have seen the PTB plans as trying to kill us all - he thinks this is a cover story for the reality that the PTB really are expecting major natural disasters. He points to the Georgia guidestones as saying we need to maintain populations levels at (less than they are today - don't remember, perhaps 1/5th of what it is today) but never mentions bringing population levels down. In other words, he thinks the PTB are planning for a natural disaster, similar to what happened 36,000 years ago. So as to maintain their own and survive, they are keeping plans secret from the rest of us but not trying to kill us all. He thinks chemtrails are about protecting the environment from incomming radiation from the sun, which may be triggered to have a CME by a possible planet x or other event. Deagle mentions this in recent broadcasts too - he thinks there will be a brief period of such a severe solar radiation that it will kill most plant life, forcing us all to live indoors and rely on stored food until the period is over. This severe radiation or a comet or other meteor striking the earth is probably what caused the massive flooding 36k years ago. My own thought is that flooding may not be that bad this time round as there isn't currently much ice at the north pole where it melted the last time. Lucas goes into detail about the Denver airport - makes it clear that he thinks this will be where the PTB are planning to hole this thing up. He ties this nicely into all the scary airport security - the PTB want to discourage us all from flying should natural events begin to get bad. Lucas never makes it clear (to me atleast) if he thinks the Norway spiral was the real thing as it happened 36k ago, or if he thinks the Norway Spiral was produced by the PTB so that when the real signal comes, all us conspiracy buffs will just think it's HAARP again and not worry about some real natural event to come.
I found it was very worth watching - he has some data about changes in sun spot activity, a recent comet visit and a blockage of 1 area in google sky that all support the idea that the PTB are trying to hide a planet x or comet or other natural problems.
This should all be taken in together with Graham Hancock's stuff as background info. - I have a post here of his interview by Project Camelot.
I guess I'm getting to a pretty panicky place right now and sorry if I'm needlessly spreading fear. This is partly why I'd like others to watch this and see what they think. I'm putting this together with recent testimony from Lindsay Williams, that Madam Secretary Albright was recently overheard telling a friend to make sure they had plenty of stored food available - that they are expecting a major crisis to happen soon.
I've also seen videos lately that FEMA has been placing massive orders for blankets and underwater caskets. Lots of stuff to make you think something bad is in it's way soon. Sorry to be panicky - I will take some time now to envision a healthy and peaceful world.
Here is the first part of Tom's latest from the Hathors
Partaking From the Solar Winds
This message deals with the KA body (a term from ancient Egyptian Alchemy), and discusses how you can utilize this unique energy-body to draw to yourself ascension-energies from increased solar activity. For those unfamiliar with the KA—your KA body is an “invisible” second body that is the same shape and size as your physical body. This energy body both envelops the physical body and interpenetrates it. This body is sometimes referred to as the etheric double or spiritual twin. The KA shares similarities with what is called the Chi body in some traditions (Taoism) and with the pranic body or etheric body in certain yogic traditions. By its nature, the KA can draw to itself, and then into the physical body, highly benevolent energies that accelerate one’s spiritual evolution.
The Message
You are now entering a more volatile time in terms of planetary change.
Your Sun, the solar star of your planetary system, is increasing its energetic potential and is entering a period of increased volatility, solar flares and magnetic storms. While these actions will create real problems for you in terms of your telecommunications and weather patterns, there is also an immense evolutionary potential within this solar activity that we wish to discuss.
Like you, your Sun has an etheric body, a solar KA, if you will. This etheric body of the Sun extends millions of miles beyond the boundaries of the Sun itself. Your Earth is well within this auric field of the etheric sun, and, as the solar flares and solar winds that drive charged particles through your vicinity affect you physically, they also affect you etherically. Indeed, these very charged particles that pose a challenge to your physical dimension are a type of nourishment for your KA, your own etheric body.
Your mental attitude and emotional/vibratory state is what determines whether these solar particles are a source of nourishment and evolution, or rather a source of annoyance and de-evolution.
In this message we do not intend to discuss the many physical challenges that will emerge for you during this period of increased solar activity, rather we will focus on things that will assist you to take the greatest evolutionary advantage of what is occurring with the Sun of your solar system.
Just as there are eruptions of fire and photonic energy from the Sun during solar activity, so too, there are bursts of spiritual or interdimensional light from within your KA body. Indeed, from one perspective, increased solar activity equates with an increased activation of your own personal KA.
There are several things we suggest regarding taking advantage of this evolutionary catalyst. This catalyst of which we speak will extend well beyond 2012 and has to do with the flow of what we call the solar winds. These are distinct flows of photonic and magnetic energy that pass through and around your Earth. By opening yourself to these distinct forms of energy, and by incorporating them into your KA body, you strengthen your KA and greatly accelerate the ascension process for yourself.
As these solar energies increase, so will the volatility and uncertainty of your physical world, as well as your mental and emotional worlds. Irrationality and impulsive behavior will be on the rise. Challenges to cognitive functioning and memory will also take place during heightened cycles of solar activity.
The first step in utilizing these solar energies for your ascent in consciousness is to understand their nature and not to resist their effects.
It is important to understand that the causative agent in the increased solar activity at this time is not originating from within the Sun itself, but rather it is originating from the Central Sun of your own galaxy. This flow of highly catalytic energies from the Central Sun to your Sun is the primary reason for the evolutionary potentials of this particular cycle of solar activity. In turn, the Earth herself is also being affected, especially through her KA—her own etheric body.
So the first thing to understand is that there is no escape from this evolutionary catalyst. You are here to ride it out, whether you like it or not. So the first step is not to resist that which is imminent.
The second step is to embrace it and to utilize these energies with mastery—to ride the tail of the dragon, so to speak. In this instance, the dragon is referring to the Sun itself and the tail to the solar winds. You can ascend to great heights in this period, if you but find the courage and method to do so.
The third step in this utilization of the solar winds is to allow them to affect your KA directly, through an invitation, and this is done through your heart. Specifically you choose, through an act of personal will, to enter into the vibrational harmonic of appreciation or gratitude.
It is important to understand why we are suggesting this. You are not expressing appreciation or gratitude to the universe for the solar winds, per se. You are choosing to enter into one of these high emotional states because they will create an Energy Attractor. In other words, you are entering into a state of appreciation or gratitude for pragmatic reasons.
These emotional states increase the receptive harmonics of your KA, which transforms your entire KA body into a receptive vortex, drawing to itself the photonic and magnetic energies of the Sun, rapidly accelerating the rate of vibration within your KA, your own etheric body.
And it is through your KA that you enter into the ascension process. There are, needless to say, many paths and ways to enter the ladder that leads upward into higher states of consciousness, but regardless of how it is done, or through what spiritual lineage it is accomplished, the KA, your KA, is the foundation.
(go to link below for the remainder of this latest Hathers/Kenyon message)
tomkenyon.com » Partaking From the Solar Winds
I just watched the whole thing,,most of which wasn t new to me,except for the petroglyphs being integrated into everything..I studied petroglyphs and graphs for a while, and spent a summer travelling around the country to see them..The spiral is common pretty much everywhere I went..After seeing all of this,I still don t see how the spiral relates, (other than the obvious likeness to the Norway spiral)..Just about every spiral I have seen is aligned with the solstices and equinoxes,and some follow the 18 year cycle of the moon,,(9 rings makes 9 each side of center), which is amazing enough. I have hundreds of photographs, but none show people running from the spirals..As a matter of fact ,they are often alone,away from other glyphs,as they had to be strategically placed for the shadows to fall precisely on the rings....Other than that I liked the presentation........Chris, I really like this guy s take on the solar activity..I have been doing an excercise for a few years that I got from old Taoist translations in a chi kung book that relates, and it is very simple..I think I posted it here months ago,but here it is again...It is called picking up and swallowing the moon, and sun...The week of the new moon,you practice in the morning with the sun,as the energy is fresh,and cool,and beneficial to the body...Stand for a minute,facing the rising sun..Get it in the first few minutes after it comes up, once it is warm on your face, it is not good..Take a slow deep breath in,pretending to take a big mouthful of the sun..Hold for a second,bringing your consciousness to what is in your mouth, then "condense" it..The only way I can describe this is to kind of implode yourself into this mouthful you have taken..A good reference would also be to go back to "what the bleep" and find the conversations about how we are o point,and fluctuate off of it...You will feel that mouthful "condense" to weightlessness..Don t lose it !,now take your mind and lead it to the dantien,down below the navel, or just picture swallowing it,like a big gulp of food,or better yet, water....Do this 7 times,practicing the technique with focus each time..Then stand for 2 or 3 minutes,,Then go about your day.....The week of the full moon,do the same practice between 8pm and midnight with the moon,7 mouthfuls,stand for a few minutes,then go about your business...This has become a most excellent practice for me, it is good for the imagination,taking something and transforming it with your mind..This same technique ,leading energy with your mind,is how you heal yourself..You can send energy anywhere in your body..But I shouldn t use the word "send",that implies pushing it in a direction..To "lead" energy with the mind is the key to all Eastern medicine and martial arts,the same technique is used for both,a great example of Yin and Yang...The old taoist documents surrounding this method,and there are only a few, link it to immortality, one says that those who practice it faithfully become "fairies"...I find it a great way to stay in touch with the lunar and solar cycles,and don t look for any specific results, as they are long term,outside of a nice sense of well being..It is nice to see any science that supports these old theories....If you look at what the new physicists are saying about the creation of the universe,then go back to an old Taoist book,and their theory about it, you will see they are one and the same, except that the physicists haven t learned as much yet,,and the Taoist version is only about 3 or 4 pages long,Ha! Things like this really support the theory that we are only "remembering" old knowledge......Thanx for the link Wendy,,,Oh, and ,on the excercise,you should do it the first 3 or 4 days of the cycle..I live at 7000 ft., and often can feel the strength of the moon enough to start the night before it is full.The interesting part is that you will be able to feel the levels of energy of both the sun and the moon change every day once you have done this a few times..It is a great connection to make...It makes me hungry just thinking about it!1
Excellent offering bro! Thanks for the tip. Really reminded me of Dan Winter's work on implosion. In fact a handful of sources come to mind as I was reading your exercise with sun and moon, all having to do with implosion guided by Love, Appreciation and the Golden Mean Ratio.
Dan Winter gets deep into the science of all of this, so much so that he is a bit difficult to follow much of the time, but the intuitive side of us, our right brains, pick up on the Love and Appreciation part that very naturally begins to direct and orchestrate what must be a very natural process that has simply been abandoned by so called modern man.
According to Winter, we have the innate ability to implode gracefully, or to harmonize with sun and moon as you are saying in your post, and make use of that energy. If I understand what Winter and others are getting at, our sun is actually an implosion based hyperdimensional gateway. Wouldn't surprise me at all to find that others more advanced than we are and have been using our sun and many other stars (which are very much alive, Conscious Beings) to travel as per (or something very similar to) the phase conjugate implosion type method that Dan Winter is describing in all of his exhaustive research...
Another way to get a feel for all of this is to understand that our physical bodies already employ implosion methods that transform physical food into energy and Ultra Violet Light that our DNA consumes on a regular basis... Also helps us to understand just why happy joyful content loving people make much better use of their food to energy/UV light than those feeling angry, unhappy, down, depressed, etc.... No wonder so many good sources make the art of appreciation a vital exercise. Appreciation will not be forced upon us. We must choose... We choose something every moment of every day...
We truly must be at the threshold of a brand new (but very ancient) intuitive and practical awakening to this understanding...
I have never thought of the process of transforming food as anything other than biological,but it makes sense..One of the Taoist books I read describes the "void" as filled with 3 kinds of matter..These of course are manifested into different things,,One of them becomes the "solid " matter that makes up our physical form...That blew me away, as I always imagined the food we eat as being what transforms into the matter that makes us "grow".Then I thought that the food must just fuel some kind of process that manifests this matter and incorporate it into our being..Now I am thinking,the food and the matter interact to manifest more "us",,ha! The chinese speak of the triple burner,where our energies mix, manifest, and then distribute from,,it must be the "kitchen"...The "key" ingredient would be our "Yin" energy. our water, or sexual energy,the" original essence"..It comes up from below to become the catalyst for these miracles that create us, make us grow, heal us, etc..Then, I guess, the "attitude" shapes what comes of it ! Thanx for the Dan winters tip, I am going to look him up,,you always throw me a bone to help me take another step Chris...I am not sure where you have found the extra life to ingest all the info you have, but thanx..
You have shared so much pertinent info that I was not aware of, so back at ya.
9-11 was my catalyst for jumping down the rabbit hole, and then everything came as if I were being guided by some benevolent helper(s). So many of us can relate to this kind of guidance phenomenon I'm sure.
And then there is Fred to blame for all he has done and the inspiration that his life has become...
To a large degree, the physical world (comprising less than 4% of what we are presently aware of from a 3rd density perspective which surely must be severely limited) clouds our potential understanding and has us (along with most scientists, biologists and physicists) thinking about things as if the "physical" or physical matter is the most "real", when it is very likely the exact opposite...
Another interesting "thing" comes to mind again while typing these thoughts. Talk about grand illusions, if you go "micro/nano" small enough into what "appears" to be dark empty space vacuum you will find Energy and Light (and of course Conscious Self Aware Living Entities from a myriad of dimensions/densities).
Nassim Haramein did some interesting calculations that have the physical human body smack dab in the middle of scale. So as the mind is blown away about how vast the universe is toward the large end of scale, we sometimes tend to ignore the vastness of scale in the micro/nano direction.
To get the same dramatic sense of the micro scale and all that is there we can thank a few brilliant physicists who have proven mathematically that there is enough potential mass energy in one centimeter of empty vacuum space to create all the stars, planets and physical mass in our present universe as far as the Hubble Telescope can see in all directions. One could easily conclude that there is substantially more going on in the micro direction than the macro...
Terence McKenna was very keen on this knowledge first hand with the magnificent trips he was taking while on DMT or Ayahuasca...
And one more blow me away thing - whatever "God" is, God is neither Energy, nor Light. Those manifestations are expressions, much like our emotions. Whatever "God" is cannot be described. Reminds me of the unpronouncable Hebrew name for God, YHVH....