Hidden Truth - Forbidden Knowledge

I recently read the book, Hidden Truth - Forbidden Knowledge, and came away with a greater appreciation for Dr. Steven Greer.  To be honest, this book blew me away.  I always found his words to be truthful and coming from a place of transparent honesty, but this work opened my eyes to some things about him and his work that I never would have guessed.  All of this may come as old news to many of you, as I know at least some of you have read it, but for those who haven’t, Greer presents a wealth of information that should be incorporated into a forum like this.  Let me apologize in advance for how long this post is and just say that Greer does a beautiful job of laying out the hidden mechanics of the covert agenda as well as some very spiritual concepts in layman’s terms, but the great thing is he does this with the authority and confidence of someone who has truly experienced what he is talking about.  His level of involvement in the covert, UFO and spiritual worlds is astounding.  I was going to just post a few choice nuggets of info but there was so much good stuff I couldn’t stop, so I’ve put it into categories for easier reference and digestion.  

Early Years:

At age 17, he had a near death experience that changed his perception of life; realized that the universe is folded within us and “the heart of compassion and the foundation of peace is found in the reality that we are all one.”  “Once one understands the structure of creation and begins to experience it in detail, it becomes very understandable how people can have dreams of the future, alter their physical body to levitate, or to de-materialize and re-appear in another place.  All the things you’ve heard about in what are considered mythological stories or so-called miracles become more comprehensible.  They are also completely attainable by every single conscious human being.  All beings will one day be capable of experiencing these things.  The ability is our birthright- not just humans, but every conscious being in the universe.  We are all children of God and all of these gifts and states exist within each of us.”  “There is sometimes a tendency by people involved in various spiritual and religious groups to put people who have this level of experience or knowledge on a pedestal, as if it’s unattainably unique.  It’s not, and that’s very important to understand.  It is, in fact, a disservice to the nature and potential of humanity to idolize something that should be understood as the birthright of everyone.”

Through his meditational practice he is able to contact and communicate with ET’s and call their ships to his location on Earth, hence the creation of CSETI - Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence.  He has many, many episodes of these contacts with and without others which are witnessed by both official and non-official sources.  “It is fair to say that ET’s would be aware of the risks and the pitfalls of this tumultuous transition we’re in today - which I liken to humanity as an organism going from childhood to maturity - and we’re in this prolonged adolescent phase.  We are chaotic and rebellious and trying to find our footing, but we are not yet mature.  And unfortunately, some of us are like adolescent boys who’ve gotten hold of some hand grenades and are pulling the pins out.” 

“The people running these covert projects are conscious beings who are educable and can learn and can grow and can get this information and change their paradigm before it’s too late.  In our own meditation and prayers we should ask for transformation and enlightenment for these people, rather than creating enmity and tension.”

“One of the great lessons I learned as a teenager was forgiveness.  I think it’s so important that if people contemplate the sort of situation the world is in on a macro-scale, that it really comes down to a very personal matter: The microcosm of our own lives is recapitulated through society, and we’re all operating as a universal resonator.  I found the divine and sacred exists and it is real and it is made manifest through lovingness and forgiveness.”

Intuitive Doctor: 

“One morning, I was back in the call room at the hospital at about 3am.  I was lying there, just sort of relaxing.  There was no one in the ER at that particular moment after hours of non-stop patients.  As I was lying there, in my mind’s eye I saw very clearly a woman coming in with congestive heart failure, and she was dying.  I saw it so clearly that I got up and put on my scrub top and shoes and went out to the ER.
    “The nurses said, “What are you doing here?”  I said, “I’m expecting a congestive heart failure patient - an elderly woman - to come in.”  They said, “Well, there’s been no call.”  And about two seconds later, the radio call came in from the paramedics:  ‘We’re on our way in with a woman with congestive heart failure, respiratory distress . . . ‘
    “This type if intuitive experience would happen frequently in the ER, but it wasn’t appropriate to talk about, because our society wants to keep spirituality and this kind of experience separate from our careers, our families, our politics and from everything.  
    “Another time, a 26-year-old male came in during flu season who thought he was sick with the flu.  The nurse triaged him and put him in a medical room.  We were very busy - we had 14 trauma and exam rooms, and one doctor!  I went in and saw this man.  He had fever, chills, nausea, body aches and headache and all the symptoms that you would see with the flu.  Normally, most doctors would examine him, do a couple tests and give him a prescription for Amantadine for the flu, and off they’d go.
    “I looked at this man and enigmatically sensed that he had a brain tumor.  Now, there were no symptoms of a brain tumor.  He did not have any neurological findings such as paralysis, numbness, seizure, etc.  But I had the power of my convictions.  So I turned to the nurse and I said, ‘I want a stat CT of the head.’  Well she looked at me like I was crazy and said, ‘Dr. Greer, he’s only got the flu!’  And I said, ‘Just do it.’
    “Thank God I didn’t have to go through an HMO or some insensitive bean counter, because if I had, this man would be dead today!  (Memo to the politicians and money whores ruining our medical systems: Medicine is an art, as well as a science.)
    “So, from this intuitive knowledge, I ordered the CAT scan.  He really did not, objectively, meet any criteria for ordering one.  But I said, ‘Whoever’s on the table, yank them off.  Get them out of the scanner; I want this one in, stat.’  So, he goes in, and the radiologist calls back, stat, and says, ‘Dr. Greer, this man has a massive astrocytoma’ - a big brain tumor - that was hernia ting the brain stem!’ . . . I immediately referred him to neuro-surgery for stat decompression.  We had to helicopter him, actually, to another facility.
    “’Dr. Greer, why did think this patient had a brain tumor?  I would have never suspected it with his presentation!  I would have never even gotten the CAT scan,’ the neurosurgeon told me.  ’Oh, I just had a hunch,’ I said.  The truth is that it was a type of sensing - the pop culture would way ‘remote viewing.’
    “Another time there were two Code Blues going on at once.  Well, I’m one doctor and I’ve got two people who literally have had their heart stopped.  The one we had been working on first had been in arrest a long time.  Then another one came in.  The first patient was in a type of rhythm that is fatal if you don’t get them out of that rhythm.  We’d used everything that could be used: cardio version, all the medicines, everything.  I won’t go into the gory, technical details.  The fact is, it wasn’t working.  Finally, we were going to have to call the code - end it - but I just sensed that this person could get back into a normal rhythm.  So I put my awareness on the heart, visualized the conduction system of the heart, and called on this higher power - the power of God - and mentally visualized and willed his heart going back into a normal beat.  And it did, at that instant!  Now, it may have been a coincidence.  Some of the skeptics would say, ‘Well, these other things kicked in.’  But I don’t think so.  It was very specific.  But it was out of necessity - do or die, literally.  So when you have to do it, and you call on the divine power in the universe - and it is urgent, heart-felt and done with a pure heart - almost anything is possible!  When you have to do it, then suddenly you find this ability, by turning within to the power of God, to do it.”  
    “Once, while in the emergency department, we had a terrible trauma case with an intoxicated person who died a violent death.  Later that night, when the ER was empty, I was sitting at the center station with the nurses.  All of a sudden, in the trauma room where this person had expired, the EKG machine turned on by itself, and the cabinets at the back of the room opened and IV bags and supplies begin to fly out!
    It was a classic poltergeist . . . This angry, confused person was obviously upset and in a rage.  So I turned to the divine presence, saw that soul and connected him to Godhead; asked him to leave and ushered him out with some of his cohorts on the other side.  And he left.”  
    “Yes, our gadgets and our technologies and sciences are wonderful, but there is also a role for the art of knowing and intuition.  It is a balance and we need to regain it in every aspect of our lives.”   “A skilled physician should also be a very spiritual being.”  

UFO or Alien Reproduction Vehicle:    

“This huge triangular ship, 800 feet long on each side, hovering above the town square, suddenly collapsed into a pulsing red ball of light the size of a basketball.  It moved a little bit and then vanished straight out into space, in the blink of an eye!
    “Now, the reason I relate this is that many people will see an orb and they will think it is just an orb.  But it could be an enormous half mile long craft that has changed energy forms, some would say dimensional shift, and appear as a ball of light.  So having that experience taught me two things.
    “First of all, the extraterrestrial capabilities are extremely advanced.  But also, what is in the UFO literature has been largely sanitized so the most salient aspects of the technology have been taken out - sometimes so that people won’t be discredited because it is so unusual.  But then, if it isn’t very unusual, most of the time this means it is an ‘alien reproduction vehicle,’ that is being manufactured by Lockheed and Northrup!
    “People often ask, ‘How do you know the difference between a man-made UFO and an extraterrestrial vehicle?’  It’s very obvious if you are ever close up to one, because the entire quality of it is different.  The ones that are extraterrestrial are extremely advanced, in the sense that they are ‘awake.’  The actual craft itself has artificial intelligence and is conscious.  The beings on board are connected into it and can connect to you consciously.  And the kind of light it gives off is like nothing you have ever seen on Earth:  It is extraordinary.  It looks like it is not of this world - and has an energy and intelligence associated with it that is very advanced.”

Statement to Dr. Death:  “I finally said, ‘Look, I know who you folks are but I have had up close and personal contact with these extraterrestrial beings and their craft and their technology.  You can’t deceive me about what is going on.  You can’t fool me, number one.  Number two, I am not rich but I am wealthy enough as a physician that I don’t need your damn money, so you can’t bribe me.  And number three, when I was 17, by any medical definition, I was dead.  I had an enlightenment experience, so I am not afraid of death, and you can’t frighten me away!  I am going to do this one way or the other.  There is nothing you can do about it.’  And I remember the look from the General.  It was: ‘We know exactly who this son of a bitch is.’”

“Those who put out distorted research dealing with cattle mutilations, human vivisection, alien rapes and encounters get enormous funding from the covert group and their friends and contacts in the disinformation arm.  They control and spin disinformation to the mainstream media, the UFO public, and what I call the ‘retail consumers of all things extraterrestrial,’ who swallow hook, line and sinker their harvest of fear.
    “They are very good at packaging it and seeing that only those aspects of the UFO subculture that support the party line of fear get financial support, publicity, etc.  Now, unfortunately, blowing the whistle on that hasn’t endeared me to some folks, but the truth is, people need to know how clever this group is at duping researchers to put out disinformation.
    “For example, many so-called abduction researchers receive leads to abductees by being tipped off by these shadowy groups and their contacts.  Often these leads are people who have been abducted in mind control experiments that are run completely by shadowy human paramilitary operations.”

“This shadowy cabal forces into the civilian population completely concocted pseudo-extraterrestrial events.  Very advanced technologies are used so that covert programs can simulate an extraterrestrial event, an abduction, or a cattle mutilation that looks like ‘aliens’ are invading.  In reality, the operation is being run out of a facility in New Mexico or Utah, using unmarked helicopters and specially trained people who swoop in and stage these hoaxed events.  This is carefully calibrated psychological warfare.  The stakes are enormous.  The propaganda purpose is very simple:  Put out enough fearsome and scary information so that the operation can seed into the consciousness of the masses a back-of-the-mind fear of anything from outer space.  Eventually the deceived masses will be brainwashed enough to support armed conflict between planets.”

“This is the rule of thumb that you can go by:  If there is a lot of money behind it, and if there is a lot of fearsome, scary, spooky almost demon-like information associated with it, you can be assured that it is disinformation that has wittingly or unwittingly been proffered to the public.
    “Many people don’t realize that in cases of, say, animal mutilations, the vast majority have reports of unmarked helicopters and human commando style operations doing these ‘events.’  This is well known in the research community, but these facts never get reported to the public.  The event is always portrayed as an alien mutilation of our innocent livestock!
    “Think about this.  We have a public that loves to go down to McDonald’s and eat hamburgers.  And this public is being informed that evil aliens are invading and torturing our poor cows!  Come on!
    “There is a psychological warfare component to all this.  The people who trade in these scary scenarios find out quickly that if they go the direction of negativity, they get a lot of funding and grant supports from certain quarters.  If they don’t go negative, or if they begin to tell the truth, all their financial support dries up.”

“At one point, the Colonel asked, ‘Well, what if these life forms are hostile?’
    “I looked at him and I said, ‘You know what?  You and I wouldn’t be having this conversation if they were hostile given the fact that the technologies that they have are so advanced that they can alter the fabric of space-time.  If they were hostile, in a nanosecond the earth could be turned into a cinder floating through space and you know it.  And insofar as we have been doing reckless and dangerous things against them for decades, the fact that you and I still are breathing the free air of earth is abundant testimony to their non-violence.
    “He just looked at me.”

Rogue Breakaway Group:

“Those who shouldn’t be in control but are, comprise an illegal, rogue break-off group that is trans-national and whose members are not only ruthless and murderous but operating completely without any legal authority.”

“You have to understand the compartmented nature of these interlocking interests that are keeping all this secret:  They are mainly in the corporate, institutional, financial, and technology sectors.  The government of ‘We, the People’ is the least important component of it, and this includes the military, the CIA, the NSA, the NRO, Army intelligence, Air Force intelligence - all of that is window dressing for an operation that’s quite outside it.  The real action is a hybrid group that is quasi-governmental but mostly privatized and utterly trans-national - and completely illegal.”

“I tried to explain to him that there was no way to frustrate the surveillance capabilities of this covert group, because they had non-local, ‘scalar’ technologies that would enable them to bypass entire generations of electronics.  Even the state-of-the-art NSA and NRO stuff is nothing compared to what they have, because what they have are electronic interfaces with consciousness, where they can monitor things in real time all the time.  Well, he didn’t know this.  I knew it and had remote-viewed them remote-viewing me.”

“A prominent industrialist who was involved with this cell was kept on drugs and was kept under some kind of mind control while this cell milked him of his money.  They then used his money to support this particular operation.  The methods and motives of this group are beyond dark.  I tell people: More than 10 or 15 percent of what I have seen and learned you don’t want to hear - It’s so damned disturbing, most people would commit suicide.  And many people have, by the way.
    “We all gathered around a conference table in the Wrigley mansion.  The discussion was about disclosing UFO information and making contact with ET’s.  One man, during a break, took me out onto a balcony and said, ‘You know, we understand you’ve had this meeting with the CIA Director and are providing information to the President, but you need to know that those people don’t know anything, and they’re never going to know anything.  You should understand that - well, you should be talking to people like us.  The people dealing with this are people who do a lot of contract work for the government, under ‘Work For Others’ - ‘WFO’ - contracts.  And you should be talking to certain think tanks.  And you should be talking to certain religious orders and certain orders of Jesuit priests who have control over the technology transfer.  And you should be talking to…’  He gave me a whole list.”

“He said, ‘Well, we know you have platinum cards and gold cards.  Just maximize all of them, every month: $50,000, $100,000, whatever.  Get as many of them as you want.  And give us the numbers.  And since we run all the super computers that back up and monitor the banking system of the world, we’ll simply erase those account balances to zero, as paid each month.’  This is a true story.  I’m telling you, every word is true.  Put me under any drug; hook me up to any machine.  What I’m telling you is true.
    “I said, ‘Yes, but then if I did that, you’d own my ass, wouldn’t you?’  He just had a twinkle in his eye.”

Political Figures:

“In the case of Bill Clinton, he very much wanted to see this happen but didn’t have the courage to do it.  His legacy was basically lost, because it was his responsibility, as the first full-term president after the close of the Cold War era, to have done this.  He didn’t rise to the challenge.  About the time that I was going to let it be known that I had had these meeting with the CIA director, after he had left office - I think he was there till ‘95 - I was visiting with friends in Santa Barbara.  I was being interviewed by a major New York paper, and they were going to run the story about our briefings for the White House and CIA Director on UFO’s.  The very day they were going to run that story, Linda Tripp emerged with her stories about Monica Lewinsky.  That was not an accident or a coincidence.  It knocked all this off the radar screen of the media.  And for the next couple years, it was 24 hours a day, seven days a week: the blow job heard round the world!  What utter nonsense!
    “News flash:  The best aphrodisiac is power.  And powerful men have affairs.  And guess what?  Married men who have affairs sometimes lie about them.  Gee whiz.  An impeachment proceeding based on this?  Give me a break.  Hilary Clinton was right when she said there was a conspiracy to assassinate Bill Clinton by character assassination instead of with a bullet.  She was absolutely correct . . .
    “By the mid-90’s, I concluded that the President of the United States was not going to deal with the UFO problem and that if he looked into it much further it would be the end of his presidency.
    “It was around this time that I met a good friend of President Carter who told me that Carter, in his early days as President and during the transition into his presidency, tried to find out about the entire covert UFO matter.  Carter had a UFO sighting in Georgia when he was governor, and we have his official report.  So Carter tried to get a briefing from then-CIA Director George Bush [W’s father] but Bush told him he would not give him that information and he should get it elsewhere!  Later, as Carter pushed further on this, he was visited by ‘a suit,’ who said, ‘Sir, if you would like to complete your first term as President, you will keep your God-damned mouth shut about this UFO matter.’  This insider and friend of Carter’s told me that he - and perhaps his family - were directly threatened.”

“I learned that Vice President Humphrey had gone secretly to Kirkland AFB and Sandia Labs, to look into the secret UFO related technology projects there.  He had learned that there were covert projects working on the extraterrestrial materials.  A witness who was at Sandia Labs at the time told me personally that he had worked with the UFO projects there and with the extraterrestrial reverse engineering program, specifically the electronics. 
    “Vice President Humphrey came to the facility and wanted to come in and see what was there.  But the Vice-President was told, ‘Sir, you are not allowed into this area.  And if you proceed further, we will shoot to kill.’  I asked this man, ‘Were they serious?  They would have shot and killed the Vice President of the United States?’  He said, ‘Absolutely.  He would have been a dead man.’”

“Then he (Congressman Virgil Goode) said, ‘But, you know, there’s another group that really runs the show.  It’s very shadowy, just as you’ve described.  And we’re (members of Congress) window dressing.’  He flat out told me: ‘Those of us in the Congress of the United States are window dressing.’  And I said, ‘Well, yes, sir, I know that.  On the other hand, you have enough power to do something, if you collectively choose to do it.’  And we had a discussion about that.  Towards the end of the meeting he said, ‘I really need to see the technologies.  And that’s what a lot of us are waiting for.  What you need to do next is put together something that proves the technologies behind the phenomenon..’  I’ve heard this from a number of Congressmen.”

“Bill Clinton didn’t have the courage to do it.  But I believe, quite frankly, he could have.  Doesn’t our public expect our leaders to be willing to go the distance regardless of their own personal ambition or their own personal safety?  Most politicians are not courageous.  We have a weak and spineless ruling class that is intoxicated on money, power, and selfish ambition.  So even when they find out about these issues, they don’t have the backbone and stamina to do the right thing on behalf of the Earth, the Earth’s people, or even the citizens of the United States.”

“As the briefing proceeded, Senator Bryan said he had no doubt these matters were real and ongoing, but that he had never been allowed access to that information.  This, from the mouth of a senior member of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence!  I then said, ‘You know, we desperately need for someone like you to hold open hearings on this subject, much as Gerald Ford had in the late 60’s.’
    “As soon as I said that, he changed from being extremely engaged to being very defensive.  He said, ‘Well, you’ve met with all these people.  Why doesn’t the President do it?’  I said, ‘I think you must know why the President won’t.  This is a really big nut to crack.’  And he said, ‘Well, I’m just a senator.’  I said, ‘Well, I’m just a doctor!’
    “You took an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States, and I am giving you evidence that the Constitution of the United States has been subverted, that the chain of command has been decapitated, that the Congress has been kicked to the curb, and that the most important technologies and information in the history of the human race are being managed by a rogue, illegal group.  If this doesn’t necessitate an inquiry by the Congress, what does?!’  He sat impassively for a moment then said, ‘I don’t know if I can do that, but have you spoken to John Warner on Armed Services?’  I said with all the passion I could muster, ‘Sir, I’m speaking with you.’  I was trying to not let him wiggle off the hook!  But it was clear that Senator Bryan was just terrified at the thought of pursuing the matter.”

“Mrs. Boutros-Ghali turned to me and asked, ‘When are you going to get this done?’  I said, ‘What do you mean?’  And she said, ‘Well, this information that we are not alone has to get out to the world.’  I said, ‘Well, Leah, you and your husband are the head of the world!  You’re the head of the United Nations.  I’m only a country doctor from North Carolina.’  And she said, ‘Oh, no.  It’s too dangerous for Boutros.  They’ll kill Boutros!’ 
    “And I thought to myself, ‘What am I?  Chopped liver?’”

“After a time, he finally got to what he wanted to say to me in the letter but didn’t want to write or say on the telephone.  The Prince said, ‘You know , you won’t be allowed to do this disclosure.’  I said, ‘Oh, why is that?’  He says, ‘You won’t be allowed to, but not because of what you think.’  He said, ‘The aliens won’t let you.’  I said, ‘Really?’
    “Well, it turns out the Prince’s brother had been abducted by what he thought were aliens.  But the Prince did not know that the abduction was done by a convert paramilitary operation.  The was investigated by a NASA researcher who I’ve worked with for years but who doesn’t know that I learned that this NASA researcher is part of the shadow government and is an eschatological, fundamentalist, end-of-the-world Christian.  He interfaces in the UFO phenomenon, but that is not his real role.  This particular NASA scientist told me that the Prince’s brother had been abducted from the castle in his country.
    “Now, what he didn’t know is that I have a source inside the covert paramilitary operations who do abductions who told me that, ‘Yes, of course, we abducted him so that his particular powerful family and the banking empire would be on board with our program to fight the aliens.’  Prince S.A. told me these extraterrestrials had been the cause of every conflict on Earth since Adam and Eve and that they were the ones enforcing the secrecy!  I asked, ‘Really?  Why do you think they appear over us with dozens of witnesses, interfacing and signaling to us and appear over major cities of the world, if they’re wanting to be so secret?’  He had no answer for that.  I said, ‘I have to disagree with you.  I think it is a very human group that wants to keep this secret, because to disclose it would mean the end of the entire centralized power system that exists, all fossil fuels, and the entire paradigm of anthropocentric religiosity.’
    “We had a frank but courteous exchange of ideas, and then we agreed to disagree.  It was clear that the Prince viewed the ET presence as something to fear and hate - and that he supported military action against them.
    “But in the course of this, he told me, ‘President Bush (Senior) wanted to do this, as well.  Around the time of the end of the Cold War, a group that I was involved with that included Gorbachev, President Bush, the United Nations Secretary General, Perez do Cuellar, were meeting to plan the release of this information to the public.’   This was in 1989.  He said, ‘But one night, during a late night planning session in New York, the Secretary General of the United Nations, Perez de Cuellar, was coming back from a meeting where the plans were being put in place to make this announcement about ET’s, and a UFO appeared, stopped his motorcade, and abducted him out of the limousine!  They took him on board the craft, and told him that if they didn’t stop this plan to disclose the extraterrestrial presence, that every world leader involved, including the United States President, would be abducted and taken off this planet and that they would stop the process!’
    “This is the famous case where an abduction researcher talks about a major international figure being abducted, along with a civilian who witnessed it.  What they didn’t know is that I knew people in the cell operating the alien reproduction vehicles and the psychotronic weapons systems that were set up and conducted this abduction.  In fact, a relative of the infamous red-headed sergeant at Roswell who threatened everyone, was there to coordinate the event.  He was inserted as part of the security detail for the Secretary General, and he set up the electronics at the site of the Secretary General’s motorcade, so that this late night pseudo-abduction of the U.N. Secretary General could take place.
    “The goal of the operation was to stop this entire attempt by the world’s power elites, including Gorbachev, to disclose the truth to the world.
    “Now, Prince S.A. really thought it was an alien abduction, just like he thought his brother was abducted by aliens.  He didn’t know that those abduction events are paramilitary operations run by humans, using things that look like UFO’s and even having creatures on board that look like extraterrestrials but are either disguised humans or manmade creatures.
    “This is called ‘stagecraft’, and I have a document that describes these operations.  It is from one of the private institutes involved in the simulation of alien abductions.  This has gone so far that they have engaged in the abduction of world leaders to try to cause them to hate extraterrestrials and support Star Wars.  It also convinces these leaders to shut down any effort to get the information out.”


“Piggybacking onto this meeting, of course, was this covert group, monitoring every minute of it.  That night my daughter and I went back to our hotel, the St. Moritz on Central Park South, right across from Central Park.
    “After falling fast asleep, I awakened hours later.  I couldn’t raise my arms; I couldn’t roll over; I couldn’t move!  I was in a state of complete physical paralysis.  I knew what was going on; a directional electromagnetic weapons system hit me.  It was coming through the window above my bed.  Projected into the room was the single most extreme sense of evil and terror I’ve ever felt in my life.  I could tell they were attempting to extract my astral body out of my physical body.  (This is what most pseudo-abductions are, by the way - astral body extractions.)
    “The Shadow Government was showing me that they meant business and were prepared to abduct me.  They were trying to convince me, as they had the Prince, that I should hate and fear ‘aliens.’  They wanted to convince me that the aliens were evil; that they were from Satan; that we needed a holy war against them.  They were attempting to convince me by teaching me a very hard lesson.
    But I knew this was manmade.  The only thing I could do was turn to God.  I held onto the hem of the robe of God.  I went into a state of transcendental consciousness and God consciousness, and as I did so, my individuality disappeared into the Infinite - and this violent group lost their hold on me.
    “Once in the Unbounded, this system could no longer hold me.  There was no ‘me’ there; you see what I’m saying?  ‘Leave thyself behind and then walk upon the water.’  Be as nothing, and then be everywhere.  I have told people who are being targeted with these systems, ‘The only way to escape them is to understand the power of transcending self and letting the drop of your individuality merge with the ocean of Unbounded-ness.”
    “But as soon as I re-emerged into my individuality and consciousness, the attack would begin all over again.  It was one of the worst things I’ve ever experienced.  They were clearly trying to grab my individuality, extract my astral being, and put me through their abduction sequence.  Now, remember, if you cause enough trauma to the astral body, it can manifest in the physical.  This is something many people don’t understand.  Most of these abduction events are actualized by technologies that can extract the astral body from the physical body.
    “Project Amethyst, run by a black cell at the NSA, killed people by severing the cord between the astral body and the physical body.  I know a guy who ran that program.
    “This experience was, in a way, a gift - because they tipped their hand and they showed me exactly what they had done to the Secretary General and what they had done to the brother of Prince S.A.  I was then able to remote view back through this electronic beam and see the people in the facility - all human - that were running it.  You see, anything that comes at you - if you stay calm and centered and in this transcendental state of consciousness - you can track back to its source and expose them.  So every time they’ve hit me, that’s what I’ve done.  And that’s how I’ve seen what they’re doing.
    “I have to admit, this was one of the most difficult things I have had to do - to stay in control of my own faculties while this was happening, so I could quickly escape the bounds of relativity, enter into the plane of the Absolute, where they couldn’t get me - because I didn’t exist anymore.
    “My daughter, thank God, was protected from all this and had no knowledge of any of it.”

“People like Col. MK, who is known as Dr. Death and has a PhD in thananology, the study of death, are masters of psychotronics and high-tech electronic systems that are responsible for abductions, mind control, and similar attacks.  So, when you realize what our leaders are up against - it doesn’t matter if they’re Skull and Bones, and it doesn’t matter it they’re a former CIA Director - if they try to step out of line, they run into this other group.  This inner high cabal is hell bent on keeping this subject tied up until there is a worst case scenario.  Their objective is the elimination of at least four to five billion of the six billion people on Earth.
    “After returning from this event in New York in 1994, I experienced the horrifying force of the Shadow Government.  Every night at 4:20a.m., as I was sleeping in my bedroom at home, there would be an almost sub-audible click, and I would be hit with an electronic weapons system.  I would become violently ill and so sick that I would get up and be nauseated, vomiting, with diarrhea, diaphoretic.  The bathroom floor would literally be soaked with sweat, because I had almost no blood pressure, and I would collapse on the floor of the bedroom, near death.  This happened to me night after night after night, day after day.  It was horrifying.  It lasted for only 10 or 15 minutes.  I know that this rogue group was trying to make me stop what I was doing - but I refused to stop.  
    “During this period, I remember one night going to sleep and suddenly seeing someone with this group at an electronic control panel.  It was an array of psychotronic and radionic high-tech equipment at an underground facility out west.  I clearly saw the handler for this particular operation standing outside the entrance to an underground weapons facility.  He was a middle-aged man with a moustache and graying hair - I know exactly how he looks; he was assigned to my case.
    “Inside this facility were some young men who were the grunts, the cannon fodder, operating this system to hit me.  When I saw them, I turned to God and I said, ‘Dear God, forgive them!’ and sent them a blessing.  I saw them very clearly - and then I saw them seeing me.  They had such a look of shame in their eyes.  They looked away, and it all ended.  After this, they stopped these nighttime attacks.
    “I later learned that the poor people who run these devices often end up dying from what they’re doing - that if they’re projecting a disease onto someone, they get it.”

“After I was on Larry King, we went to New Mexico, near Roswell and did a CE-5 project.  One evening Shari Adamiak, one other researcher and I went out in the field doing CE-5 protocols.  We saw some people who were obviously doing reconnaissance on us.  Then suddenly, while in one of our meditative states, Shari began shaking and almost convulsing.  I knew it was a seizure brought on by a directional weapons system exactly like the one that tried to extract my astral body out of the St. Moritz Hotel earlier that year.
    “I knew what to do: mentally I went to her and stabilized her back into her body, and neutralized the scalar system by using higher consciousness.  The rogue group was attempting to do a forced astral extraction, using one of these electronic warfare systems.  Shari attempted to take a long, deep breath, but was visibly shaken and frightened by the attack.  
    “Such attacks began to happen more and more, so we began our own counter-measures with people who had versions of these technologies.  I would notice that there would be times when we would be gathering and there would be a pulsed wave that would come through.  Literally, I would feel like I was being microwaved from the inside out.  As we put protective measures in place, these events subsided.  We also created a very spiritual support team to do meditation and prayer for our protection.”


“I learned from a number of people that you can’t really do films on the subject of ET’s anymore unless there’s a heavy militaristic, xenophobic overlay.  We went from ‘Close Encounters of the Third Kind’ and ‘E.T.’ to movies like ‘Independence Day’ and silly things like ‘Men in Black’ or ‘Mars Attacks.’  These movies all have an invasion or military conflict theme.  These covert interests want the populace brain-washed via this type of propaganda to the falsehood of ‘alien hostility.’”

“’My God, this stuff is really real?’ Larry asked.
    “’Of course it is,’ I said.  And then we had a very interesting conversation.  Later I said, ‘But Larry, why are CNN and the other news outlets covering the OJ Simpson trial and tabloid trash like that 24/7?  I don’t know anyone who’s even remotely interested in that stuff.  Everyone’s so sick of hearing about it.’
    “’Well, we have to,’ he said.
    “’What do you mean, you have to?  You’re a journalist.  Why don’t you report the big stories of the day?  This is the biggest story of the century,’ I exclaimed.
    “’Well, the corporate guys tell us that to keep our ratings up and compete with the other networks, we have to cover this kind of lurid stuff, and they pay my big pay check.  It’s all about ratings, and ratings get the advertising dollars, and advertising dollars pay me my big salary.’  And he was just that direct about it.
    “I said, ‘Yes, but what about journalistic integrity and editorial discretion about what’s important, what is really newsworthy?’
    “’Oh, come on.’  He said, ‘That’s out the window and has been for years.  It’s all about money and ratings.’”

Meeting Contacts:

“Sometimes these contacts and meetings happen rather mysteriously.  At times I will go to a city, and lie down in my hotel room and ask, ‘Who is here that I need to speak with?’  I will go into a meditative state and let my awareness travel to whomever it is I should see.  I will then see a specific person and decide, ‘I’m going to go to this particular place and ask this person to be there.’
    “And when I go to that place, there they are!  I see them exactly like I saw them in my meditation.  They vaguely say, ‘You look familiar,’ I say, ‘Oh yeah?’  And then we talk, and they always ask, ‘Well, what do you do?’  And I’ll just flat out tell them.  Invariably, they will say something like, ‘I work with SAIC - Science Applications International Corporation - and you don’t know how right you are.  Let me tell you about what I have seen…’”

Psychotronic Weapons:

“Carol Rosin was told by Werner von Braun, when he was virtually on his deathbed, that these covert programs would attempt to put weapons in space, and would hoax extraterrestrial events and stage an attack.  He warned this was a grave danger to the world.
    “But he said one thing that I asked Carol not to talk about during the Disclosure Project events:  Von Braun said there were electronic warfare systems that affect consciousness - that they were well developed and had the ability to affect behavior and decisions.  These so-called psychotronic weapons were the gravest threat of all.
    “Around this time, we had a retreat in Colorado.  Present was a woman who had worked in a corporation that was dealing with these technologies and had personally been present when they were used.  The operator could turn a dial and cause, say, a Board of Directors meeting to come to agreement on something within minutes, or they could turn the dial the other way and cause everyone to start fighting and descend into utter chaos.”

Cancer & Compassion:

“Prior to leaving the States for England, we learned that Shari’s cancer had become metastatic and was now in her lymph nodes.  This was very serious.
    “Also, I had just had another malignant melanoma taken off [they both rapidly developed malignant cancers from these weapons attacks - my note].  So that first night we were in the manor house nursing our wounds and we were frankly very emotionally upset.  At times we were just laughing and telling stories, and at times in tears.  We just knew one or both of us were not going to make it . . .
    “Suddenly, we saw a brilliant light, like a ball or a cluster of light, fly right through the closed window, turn and go over by the fireplace and then elongate into an extraterrestrial person!  Here is this extraterrestrial being, shimmering, again not quite fully materialized, standing about 3 feet tall.  There was nothing subtle about this, because it was visible with the naked eye in the fully lit room.  Shari didn’t see it at first, so I said, ‘Shari, look.’
    “As she turned, she saw the ET and exclaimed, ‘Oh, my God.’  We sat there in meditation with this being, who was basically trying to console us.  He was very sweet, and very grateful and very loving - just beautiful.  We remained in this state of contact and meditation for probably half an hour.  I knew then that one of us wasn’t going to make it, and this being was expressing great compassion, respect, and gratitude for our work.”


“You do not have to have a specific device in anyone when using the really advanced non-local electromagnetic systems developed by this rogue group.  Of course, one of the things that has been done in terms of controlling behavior and inducing memory are the so-called implants that people have taken out of alleged abduction victims.  These are manufactured by covert high-end electronics firms and are then implanted into people through hoaxed abductions.  These abductees are then directed to specific unwitting (or compromised) abduction researchers, who then claim ET’s did it!  What a travesty!”

Abduction Squads:

“Back in the ‘80s, there was a researcher named Paul Benowitz.  An officer in the Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI) was involved in such a case.  A military abductee was directed to Paul Benowitz for the purpose of causing him to go off track on an investigation regarding super secret projects around Kirkland Air Force Base in New Mexico.
    “A woman, late at night, was driving near one of these secret facilities where they were testing an anti-gravity vehicle.  She saw something she was not supposed to see, so a military abduction sequence was initiated.  They gave her a chemical, she lost consciousness, and then they implanted her.  Using advanced MK-Ultra type techniques, these covert operatives then gave her screen memories of an ET abduction sequence.
    “She was then directed, through these people, to Paul Benowitz and they started targeting him with some of these electromagnetic weapons systems.  He subsequently had a serious nervous breakdown and had to be hospitalized.  It was a huge tragedy.
    “This all happened because this hapless person saw something she wasn’t supposed to see.  The cover story was ‘an extraterrestrial abduction,’ when, in reality, what she had seen was a testing of an alien reproduction vehicle near Kirkland AFB.  Some people are just in the wrong place at the wrong time, and rather than let it out that secret human projects have anti-gravity propulsion systems, a hoaxed ET abduction occurs as a convenient cover story.
    “During the course of our investigations in the ‘90s, we identified a few people who have been on these squads.  One is a man outside Seattle, Washington and another one is in Colorado, who was an Army Ranger and had been pulled into one of these compartmented programs.  He said that it was the practice of ‘stagecraft.’  You were only sent on an abduction once, and then they separated you.
    “I’ve asked him to come forward publicly, but he’s terrified and he’s certain that he’ll be assassinated if he does.  He said that they actually had humans directing people who were made to look like extraterrestrials.  This ‘stagecraft’ is very advanced and would fool almost anyone that it really was an ET doing the operation.  He said they were using electronics, as well as drugs, to abduct people.  ‘You have no idea how many important political and key military figures have had either themselves or their family members abducted by us so they would learn to hate the extraterrestrials and support the Star Wars effort.’”

How Secrecy is Maintained:

“The fact is that you only need a few points of control in these institutions to keep it secret.  These players then go to their colleagues in the Congress and say, ‘I’ve had top access, and none of this is true.’  Memo to their colleagues:  People lie.
    “Over the years, the covert government has always kept a few such operatives in key points of control in various institutions, to maintain the secrecy and to maintain the current order of covert management.  This is true for every major country in the world, every major Parliament in the world, and every major religion in the world.  Academia and the scientific community are also similarly infiltrated.”

“My military advisor has been in such unacknowledged special access projects and has described to me how they work.  If there are ten people in that project and it’s an unacknowledged project, only those then people know what’s going on it.  And if you’re in that group and you step out of line, he told me that there is a bullet with your name on it, and it’ll find you.  And if you are not in that cell, no matter what your rank and position, you will never know it exists.
    “One of these projects was headed up by Admiral Harry Trane, who later went to SAIC.  At a certain point when they were going to close that project so it could morph and turn up at another place - just to keep the shell game going - this Admiral gathered all the men together and said, ‘Thank you very much for your services; you have been in an X billion dollar, unacknowledged project, but now it is time for it to change its form.’  And they shut it down.  I am working with many men who’ve been in these kinds of projects.”

“After Admiral Trane left the military, he went through the revolving door of the military industrial complex and to the crown jewel of the secret shadow government: Science Applications International Corporation, SAIC.
    “Our military advisor had the opportunity a few years ago to meet with Admiral Trane, and to bring up this issue [of a former UFO military encounter - my note].  Admiral Trane listened but became very silent and said, ‘I am profoundly disinterested in discussing this matter.’  He then picked up literally the last word of what was being discussed prior to the UFO subject being brought up and continued on, seamlessly.  
    “These people are trained to do this.  I have a very dear friend who introduce me to Mrs. Boutros-Ghali, the wife of the Secretary General of the U.N., and a number of other people.  She has been a long-time supporter and member of CSETI and the Disclosure Project.  She also has been friends for years with a very senior Senator.  I tipped her off that I was pretty certain he was one of the key operatives in this secret  rogue group.  So, she brought this matter up to him.  And he did the following :  He listened, looking at her with these intense, eagle-like eyes.  When she finished speaking, he brought up the last word of what was said prior to her mentioning UFOs and seamlessly continued the conversation.  He just snipped the UFO part of it out, as if it was never discussed.  She said it was really amazing.  
    “I, too, have seen this happen with people.  This is one way I’ve been able to identify the really well-trained, senior people in the shadow government group.”

“There are a lot of people in these projects who don’t know what the real agenda is.  It is highly compartmented.  Out of the 200-300 people in the policy group, globally, who deal with this, there are only a small number of them who know what all of the agendas are.  And the worst agendas are the ones I’m discussing.  There are about two dozen people who know the plan at that level.  It’s very, very, very tightly controlled through compartmentalization.
    “One of our most important objectives is to expose the layers of this agenda to well-meaning people in that covert group.  There are defections.  There are people who are saying, ‘I’m not going along with that.  I was doing this to keep it secret so these technologies couldn’t be weaponized by our enemies,’ or ‘I was keeping this secret to maintain the stability of the global economic system,’ or ‘I was keeping this secret because I wanted to be sure that we didn’t suddenly collapse the oil industry.’  But when they find out about some of these agendas, they say, ‘Wait just one minute!’  
    Out of the many thousands of people involved in these projects, and out of the many hundreds involved in policy management, most are deceived regarding the ultimate agenda . . . That’s why it’s very important that we not assume anything about people involved with these operations.”

“’They operate by having a few ‘respectable’ people in every organization function as vectors of disinformation - whether it’s the Bildebergers or CFR or the Trilateral Commission or the Senate or the Vatican.  Most of the people involved with these groups know nothing about these matters!’  The conspiracy theorists are all wrong about how things are controlled.  Masons - virtually none of them know about this subject.  Burl Ives knew little beyond what I told him.  And he was a 32nd-degree Mason.
    “But there are always a few who do know, and it is their role to go to their peerage - because they have their trust and their respect - and say, ‘None of this could be true, and you can trust me.  I’m your buddy.  I’m one of you.’  It’s the country club mentality.  They belong to the same peerage, and they’re people of stature.  But in reality such figures are on the payroll as assets of this shadowy group.
    “That is how the secrecy is maintained.  It’s actually very simple.  And it’s nowhere near as conspiratorial as many people would suppose.  You don’t need many of these control points if they’re people of stature and have ‘high credibility and visibility.’  All they need to do is say, ‘None of this is true, and if it were true, you know I would tell you.’  Right.”

Master Sgt. Dan Morris, US Air Force, NRO Operative:  “I would go interview people who claimed they had seen something and try to convince them they hadn’t seen something or that they were hallucinating.  Well, if that didn’t work, another team would come in and give all the threats.  And threaten them and their family and so on and so forth.  And they would be in charge of discrediting them, making them look foolish and so on and so forth.  Now if that didn’t work, then there was another team that put an end to that problem, one way or another.”

“There is a relatively small group of people actually running the secret UFO programs…In fact, I was told by an executive with E-Systems that E-Systems was heavily involved in these areas.  He said, ‘But very few people who work with the corporation know it.’ . . . There is an interlocking power structure of corporate, institutional, financial and religious entities.” 

“By the way, Bechtel Corporation is a big shadow government contractor . . . General Motors and other large corporations are also sitting on earth-saving technologies but will not let them out to the public.”

“The single most powerful entity within this group today is the corporate Mormon empire.”

Enforcement & Protection:

“Enforcement: you know, I always tell people, ‘Oh, the CIA?  Those guys are pussycats.’  The ones you’ve got to worry about are the contract guys who work for Lockheed or E-Systems or the ones that are contracted from this group that are attached to what are called the Devil’s Disciples, which is a motorcycle gang.  It’s a sub-section of the Hell’s Angels that routinely engage in torture and human sacrifice and vivisection - where they cut you open alive - in order to enforce secrecy in certain settings.
    “I know a man who is an energy researcher who worked with a victim of the Devil’s Disciples.  They wear necklaces that have a tooth from each person they’ve killed on it.  So, they knocked his teeth out and eviscerated him, and left him to die, but he survived.  Today, he is a very anti-social person and doesn’t want to have much to do with humans.”
“There is so much spy-versus-spy going on within the Shadow Government, and there are so many factions, and shifting alliances: It’s an extremely dynamic situation.  People have a tendency to view this covert control group as monolithic and fixed, but it isn’t.  It’s very dynamic, even fractured.
    “We have significant protection around the Disclosure project from unusual places.  Since 1998, none of our military witnesses have even been told, ‘Be quiet.’  Not one.  None of them have been threatened.
    “I met with a cell of the Shadow Government, prior to the 2001 Disclosure Project National Press Conference.  I said, ‘Please make your people aware of the following:  We welcome your assistance, or you may be neutral.   But if you harm one hair on the head of any of these men or women or anyone associated with the projects or even make a threat in that regard, or should I step off a curb in Washington on the way to a meeting and get hit by a metro but, there will be serious consequences.’  They know we meant it.  We have extraordinary spirit warriors who protect us - on earth and elsewhere.  It does not mean we are invincible - far from it.  But it is a check and balance, and it is just.”

“On one particular night, near Atlimayaya, we set up near an old fort, at the base of the volcano.  Suddenly we saw a police car sneaking up on us with armed police walking in front of the car, rifles drawn.
    “I mentally saw a flash that they were going to rob us and kill us.  We were in a meditative state and so we called on the Divine Being for protection.  We specifically focused peace and divine protection on the police.
    “Initially, the police were agitated and hostile - very threatening.  But they went from that state to being almost placid, instantly.  They inexplicably sat down, put their guns down, pulled out a guitar from the police car, and started playing the guitar!
    “I turned to our group and I said, ‘In one seamless movement, pick up everything you have, get in our car, and we’re leaving.’  We did this like our lives depended on it, then briefly said, ‘Adios,’ as they were playing the guitar.  It went from a situation that was extremely frightening to one that was extremely peaceful, through the effect of a divine calming influence.
    “We got in the car and then, at enormous speed, I drove our group back into the compound where we were staying.  We didn’t know how long they would be in that placid, dream-like state.  They were armed, cocked, ready to go - and I was determined to get us to safety.
    “But this shows how the divine, cosmic Being can change a situation, mysteriously, quickly, if we will call on that Power.”

Eschatological Worldview:

“The most violent rogue operations are the ones that are connected to ideology, as opposed to just money, and are rooted in a certain ideological and eschatological worldview. 
    “These are the people who have a worldview of destruction and feel that the only way for Christ to come back is for the world to be destroyed and for billions of people to be killed.  There is a very powerful group that holds to that belief system.  But they really are looking in their rearview mirror.  What they are awaiting has already come to pass.  They don’t know what cycle we are in already, never mind what century we’re in.
    “So, they’re completely off the timeline of the evolution of the human race but don’t know it.  They are driving the world in a certain direction, to fulfill their interpretation of a prophecy, which has already happened.  Alas, it may be a self-fulfilling prophecy of Armageddon - one that they create through ignorance, superstition and hatred.  So, ultimately, the problem is ignorance, and the solution is enlightenment, knowledge and genuine spirituality.
    “I remind people of the fact that no less a figure than Reagan’s Interior Secretary, James Watt, after a meeting during the Reagan years, said something to the effect of, ’All these environmentalists, they don’t need to really worry about the environment, because the end of the world is coming soon and Christ is returning, and the world’s going to be destroyed anyway!  God wants us good Christians just to go ahead and use it up while we still have time.’  I am paraphrasing, but this is essentially what the man who was in charge of policy for the entire interior of America said!
    “People need to understand that these types of superstitious and retrograde belief systems actually drive decisions and policies.  It’s a tragedy . . . I have met with many people at that level of influence, and they really hold to that belief.  At this point in time, the US government is fully infiltrated and run by people with this end-of-the-world belief system.”

Separation of Church & State a Myth:

“There are cells within the Vatican, within the Opus Dei group, that have a very dark view of all this and have really taken the information away from the others at the Vatican.  Like in the US, everything is very labyrinthine and compartmented at the Vatican; it is very secretive.
    “There have been Popes and senior people at the Vatican that are in the conventional religious structure who don’t know what’s going on within these black cells within their own bureaucracy.  It’s the same motif over and over again.
    “This motif repeats, whether you go to a religious entity, a political entity, a scientific entity, an agency of the government, or the military.  Remember that motif.  If you understand the motif of a rogue, compartmented, secretive operation within an institution, and multiply that process like a fractal - it just propagates all over the world.
    “While in Rome, I also met with one of the Knights of Malta - it does exist - and a representative of the Jesuit Secret Service and the Vatican Secret Service.  These groups are intimately involved in global financial and technological issues related to this subject.  They are some of the key people in the hierarchy.”

“The covert Vatican library and files have extensive information on all of these matters.  Remember, back in 1994, a secret government insider told me that, in terms of technology transfer and management, that I would be better off talking to certain groups of Jesuit priests than to the CIA Director or the U.S. President.  He was completely correct.
    “We have a naval witness who was on a mission to go out into the Atlantic and search for what they were calling magnetic anomalies.  Now, in those circles, ‘magnetic anomalies’ is a euphemism for underwater extraterrestrial vehicles.  They used a specially equipped nuclear submarine to search for underwater UFOs.
    “As they were setting up to go out on this secret mission, a limousine pulled up, and out came a suit (an unnamed covert intelligence operative) and a priest in full clerical collar.  They were the last ones on the submarine and gave all the instructions.
    “The submarine went to an area where they encountered enormous underwater extraterrestrial vehicles that were tracked at various times going 400 to 500 knots!  These UFOs were zipping through the water at the speed of a jet but were not leaving any significant wake.  Then suddenly, two of the UFOs came on either side of the submarine and took the entire nuclear drive system offline.  The nuclear submarine couldn’t move forward, backward or in any direction.  They were just suspended there.
    “All this time, they have sophisticated electronic equipment collecting data.  When the submarine returned to port, all this data was put together and was handed to this priest, who was not American.  He was from the Vatican.  He took all that data and left.  It was a special operation directed by and for the Vatican, using a US Navy nuclear submarine!  
    “Until this witness spoke to me, he could never figure out why a Catholic priest was the major-domo - the guy in charge - of such an operation.
    “We understand why.  The myth of the separation of church and state is just that - a myth.  Even people who understand that there’s a shadow government can’t believe the extent to which certain covert, rogue religious interests have infiltrated the organization.  That’s how the control is maintained.”

Most are Deceived:

“Most people can understand that there are secret projects.  A smaller number of people comprehend that there are ultra-secret, black projects.  Everyone in the government knows it.  And then there are a certain number of people who can get their mind around the fact that some of them could be related to projects that have broken away and are rogue and illegal - that are centered in the corporate and military-industrial-laboratory complex that deal with advanced energy systems and UFOs. 
    “But then you get into a smaller sub-set who understand that some of these rogue groups have fully operational devices that look like UFOs; have created artificial life forms that look like extraterrestrials; have been going around simulating contact events called ‘abductions;’ have engaged in the mutilation of cattle for the fear factor that they can put out to the public and the sub-culture of UFOlogy, the pop media, the science fiction buffs, and others - because that’s how they seed the consciousness with fear.  And then there’s even a smaller number who understand that the strings being pulled behind the scenes are from a trans-national, fascist-oriented group, not unlike the Thules that were behind the emergence of Hitler.  What they couldn’t do overtly during the Third Reich, they have done covertly.  And through Operation Paperclip we brought them into the United States and seeded the aerospace industry and the CIA.”

“Most of the people who are at the Pentagon, in the White House, and in the CIA know nothing about these ultra-secret agendas.  They are cogs in a machine, and are also victims of ignorance.  Most are good people caught in a machine not of their making - and about which they have very little knowledge.  It is our job to share this knowledge with everyone, including those in the government and military.  For 12 years we have been moving this information into those circles, and many are realizing that they have been deceived.  They then support Disclosure.”

“The technologies that are out there are far beyond anything ever reported in the news.  This is why I laugh when they say, ‘Oh, we can’t find Osama bin Laden.’  Right.  That and other fairy tales.  Please.  I mean, how stupid do they think we are?”

“The R.J. said, ‘You know, what most people don’t realize is that I was involved in putting together the projects that were doing a lot of these things that people call abductions!’
    “’We were hoaxing a lot of these abduction events that people think are extraterrestrial contact.  Well, this one place where I worked - it was underground - there were all these containers.  And there were these creatures that were growing in a culture medium that were at different stages of development.  And these creatures looked like what people think are extraterrestrials.’”

“One of the most sophisticated facilities of this type is in England.  A lot of these so-called ‘reptilian’-looking creatures that people think are extraterrestrial are programmed life forms and bio-machines, and are being created there.
    “Now, most people would rather not hear this level of detail, quite frankly.  But it’s important for them to understand the kind of mindset we’re dealing with.  One of the gentlemen I’m working with, from a very well-connected family of centi-millionaires who are very involved in diplomatic and intelligence operations, had gone through the programming at a certain meditation institute.  He got to Level 14 of the training.  He said that unless they could do a profile on you and see that you were to the ‘right of Genghis Khan’, in terms of wanting to be aggressively violent and destructive, you couldn’t get past that level.  Since he wasn’t wired to be extremely violent and hate-filled, they ended their involvement with him.
    “He said they talked a lot about Dr. Greer and the Disclosure Project, and they were really glad that I was getting information out that the UFOs and ET’s were real.  But they were furious to the point of deep hatred that I was exposing the false phenomenon and their false agenda.  They are committed to this final battle of inter-planetary war, which is the chief agenda of the hard-core secrecy.  They were livid that I would not go along with that agenda, and that I had discovered the plan for hoaxing an ET attack on earth - and was exposing it to people at the Pentagon and elsewhere.  He said they wanted me dead.  They do not want anyone of substance saying that the real extraterrestrial presence is not only very benign, but also extremely helpful and quite enlightened.”

“One of the serious problems:  The closer you get to what the hidden truth is, the less believable it is, and you risk your credibility.”

“This spook, who is masquerading as a scientist told the inventor, ‘Don’t let any of your technology out until our society collapses.  And then, Phoenix-like, you can be the science savior, and bring the technology out when everything has fallen apart.”

“Col. Corso asked, ‘Who goes there, friend or foe?’
    “And the ET said, ‘Neither.’
    “The ET then proceeded to say, We would like for you to stop using some of these radar systems that are interfering with our craft.’  (Remember that the Roswell crash had happened because there were high-powered radar system set up on a certain frequency that would disrupt ET craft propulsion and navigation systems.)
    “Col. Corso, being a rather brash military guy, said, ‘Well, what’s in it for me?’
    “The ET turned to him and said, ‘A new world, if you can take it.’”

“The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off.”

Order in the Universe:

“They’re [ET’s that are here - my note] peaceful and they have established global peace, or they wouldn’t have been allowed to leave their planet.  They would still be under quarantine.
    There is order in the universe that would prevent them from leaving, just like there is one that is preventing us from going to other star systems.  But once you have established a peaceful existence, you begin to have more and more freedom of movement.  The technologies, and the material sciences, become increasingly rooted in understanding the science of consciousness.”

“My experience is that there is a highly organized inter-planetary and inter-species group that directs and plans anything that would have to do with extraterrestrial civilizations inter-facing with an emerging world such as our own.  It is highly ordered; it is not space anarchy!”


“Humans have attained, in individual instances, the highest level of evolution possible - as high as any in creation.
    “But collectively, there is a great deal to be desired.  The potential within humanity is equal to the potential within any species in the universe.  Our capacity to evolve into very highly conscious enlightened individuals with a concomitant social structure is equal to any civilization that has ever existed or will ever exist in the universe.  That we are not there yet only means that our journey is not complete.  
    “This is why I think life on earth - and humanity specifically - is very cherished and greatly loved and is being nurtured, observed and protected.  There is great anticipation that we will soon grow up and quit clubbing ourselves in the head, like a bunch of crazy cavemen, and begin to live in a civilized fashion.”

“An analogy from quantum physics - a concept called phase transition - is useful here.
    “If you take a container of helium and cool it down to absolute zero, it begins to boil and agitate very violently.  Chaos and disorder increase even as some of the molecules begin to align coherently.  At the point that only about one percent - not 99 percent, but about 1 percent - of the molecules within the container become coherently aligned, the entire field, all of the molecules reach a state of coherence - super-fluidity is actually what it is called.  
    “Helium then takes on these magical properties; it behaves very differently and the entire field of molecules is coherent.  But just prior to that moment of extraordinary coherence is the point when it is most chaotic and most violent.
    “We are right at that phase transition moment in the history of the human race.  It is going to get more chaotic and seemingly more disordered.  But what we need to see are those islands of coherence that are developing.  We must become these islands of coherence and vision.  And when enough of humanity has, a phase transition will happen and the field of human society will quickly transform.”

“We are, in a sense, the children of the half-light.  The light is there - but it’s only half there, hidden in all the current darkness.  But ‘God loves those who work together.’  We can join with people and spend time with people who share this vision and are working in some way to fulfill this good future.
    “We have to be aware of the chaos, but we should not only focus on that.  It’s easy to dwell on the negative.  But there is so much that’s beautiful that’s all around us and there’s so much that’s happening that’s positive.  We can discipline ourselves to dwell on that which is good and beautiful and draw that to us and bring it into the world.  It isn’t easy because we live in a world that’s increasingly harsh and destructive.  But this propels us all the more to connect firmly to truth and to a deeper vision.  
    “We must have courage to choose enlightenment, and take responsibility for our own evolution and the progress of humanity.
    “We live in the most interesting of times.  We’re the last generation that will fully have the experience of both the old world and the new era.  We’re too close to it to really see it, but we have a beautiful station that is pivotal.  It is unlike any generation before or that will come after.  We are the generation of transformation.  It is at once overwhelming and beautiful.  We should be joyous and amazed at the extraordinary time we are in and the unparalleled opportunities we have.
    “Efforts expended through the difficulty of this time, for this purpose - for the establishment of universal peace - will be honored and remembered for thousands of years.  If we seize the opportunity, we are providing a service to humanity that no other generation could provide - and that’s why we’re here.”

Spiritual Experiences:

“As I entered that state I began to gaze around the solar system and saw that every planet was surrounded by space which was filled with infinite energy and light.  The empty space was actually teeming with light and energy.  I could directly see the baseline energy of the universe - the field of energy and light from which the entire material cosmos emerges from Infinite Mind - from the Godhead.  Instead of the darkness between stars and planets, there was an enormous light and energy with solid planets moving as islands of energy in this field of energy and power.  Then, as I gazed at each planet, I directly perceived that each one was awake and conscious and had a specific tone and personality.  Each created sphere had a very specific tone - and if I were more musically inclined I could recreate it.  They were all pure tones and very specific.  As I looked at Mercury, I saw he was rather androgynous but more male; Venus was definitely female.  Jupiter was just fantastic.  And Mars is definitely male.  The Earth: Definitely female.
    “As I gazed at Earth, there was a very beautiful tone emanating from her.  Remember, each planet had its own tone of creation - no two tones were alike.  Some much higher and some very deep and baritone, but all were beautiful tones.  As I gazed at the Earth, I connected with her as an awake conscious being and she communicated to me this infinite and crushing - I use the word crushing because I couldn’t tell the story for years without weeping - love.  And there was a sense of melancholy also, for what was happening to her and the damage being done to her and the suffering of humanity upon her.  It was profound and beyond words.  It was one of the most emotional and moving experiences of my life.
    “Earth was very clearly saying how great her love was for her children and that her purpose was to be the womb for creating life that could become enlightened and grow towards Divinity.  But she was also suffering tremendously from the recklessness and selfishness of her children.  So there was this enormous melancholy - a sadness beyond my ability to convey in words.  And yet, towards the end of our communion, she made it very clear that this suffering would not continue for much longer.  Earth made it clear that this burden would be lifted suddenly.  

“Early one morning, while I was meditating, I suddenly went into a state of cosmic consciousness and then into God consciousness.  What I saw was the entirety of creation in the shape of what some call the cosmic egg.  If you can imagine: it was infinite, and yet it was discrete.  Around it was the infinity of God.  I was in a state of being perfectly one with that and aware of it.  Then I saw that Shari was there.  She was ahead of me, and I know that what I was doing was showing her the highest celestial level of creation.  I knew that she would go into the infinite, celestial home ahead of me - because she was literally closer to that infinite cosmic conscious place.
    “I knew that she was going to go into it and become one with it.  It was, in a sense, the raiment of God - the body of God.  It was the total expression of Creator, Creation and unbounded Mind together.  I could see the totality of the creation as this gorgeous peach-pink-magenta, sombrero-shaped or galaxy-shaped entity - similar to an egg.  It was infinite, even though it was discrete - filled with joy - indescribably magnificent.  It was not only physically stunning and celestial, but filled with love and everything beautiful.
    “As we approached it, we heard a trillion - an infinite number of - beautiful angelic voices, like the Vienna boys Choir, singing, ‘We are all one in spirit’ over and over and over.  As I gazed into infinity, I could see that every created being in the cosmos was represented in it, and yet were still one in this state of infinite awareness.  From the morn of eternity, the sound of these voices repeated, ‘We are all one in spirit’ in a specific melody so exquisite - if only I could describe it.  It was beautiful beyond words.  And just as that happened, I dissolved into that state of infinite love and perfect unity in consciousness.”

“Now a great light has gone from the world, but it shines forever brightly in the realms of eternity.  I know Shari was ready for this great journey:  Precisely seven mornings before the morning of her passing, we crossed over together to the other side, if only for a while.  Awestruck, we witnessed a Light - a Presence - so beautiful, emanating from the center of creation.  No words can depict it; it was beyond anything the intellect can grasp.  An infinite brilliance, golden while in the center and becoming more peach, pink and magenta as it expanded infinitely before us, suffused us in a sea of love, joy and beauty unlike any experience of my life.  It was the experience of the consciousness of God - pure light, unspeakable love and peace.  And permeating that Spot were millions of voices joining as one, singing a melody too sweet to recall.  And the refrain was: We are all One in Spirit.”

“Here are the security systems we have in place. And here is why now is the time to bring these wondrous new sciences into practical application. 
    “Right now, in addition to behind-the-scenes tactical security, we have what I call ‘strategic security.’
    “We have some very powerful people within this covert group who support what we are doing, and who will respond in kind to any threat against us.
    “And we have millions of people who know what you are doing.  Remember what the National Security lawyer told me in 1990 when I was considering forming CSETI.  He said, ‘Don’t walk, but run, and get this information out in front of a lot of people.’
    “And that is why I agreed to go on ‘Larry King Live,’ and why I agreed to go on a lot of shows like ‘48 Hours,’ because whether the publicity is good or bad, having millions of people watching what we’re doing provides enormous security.
    “Such exposure puts a billion-watt spotlight on you and everyone you’re working with.  And here’s the good news about that:  Secret power thrives in the darkness of secrecy.
    “If they step into the fray when there is a big spotlight shining on our efforts, they are going to have a lot of people see their ugly actions happen in real-time.
    “All that we can do, and that we find, all our evidence and so forth are duplicated and put into the hand of certain key prime movers who will get that information out to the public - on the radio, on the internet, on the television - if anything happens to us.
    “If you do that with the plans for a new technology, it will not disappear, but rather be massively disclosed.  And then killing us will not matter.
    “This is a counter-intuitive strategy that many scientists have a hard time understanding:  Secrecy is impossible to maintain against the group we’re dealing with.  They have electronic systems that interface with consciousness.  Forget the old NSA hooks in space.  That was ‘60s technology.
    “They can monitor everything going on in real-time.  And there is no way for us to keep what we’re doing secret from that element.  So we don’t waste any time or effort or thought doing it.  It is delusional to think you are going to do anything off the radar of this powerful covert machine.
    “Then what is your choice?  Your choice is to do a type of Aikido.  You take that energy and you flip it around to the opposite and you act in complete openness and transparency.  So instead of being obscure and secretive and furtive, you do it in plain sight, and you get it out to the masses in real-time as quickly as you can.  
    “That is why as soon as Dr. Loder, and a member of our board for SEAS, and I came back from an offshore location where we found an energy device in 2003, we went public and talked about it with millions of people listening.  
    “The more that people know, the less likely it is these rogue interests can act, because there is a big spotlight on the effort.  They’re vampires, like Dracula.  They don’t want to step into the sun.  When the sun comes up, they go running like cockroaches.  You flip the light on and the cockroaches all go back into the crevices.  
    “They do not want to be caught in a covert, murderous, disruptive action against a group with high profile.  I have spoken to some people in the mainstream media, who have said:  It would be very difficult for us to get the information out simply as a story about UFOs, but if you or anyone else gets a threat, and you can prove it, or anything happens to you, that is going to be a big story, because then it is going to be a scandal.  And there will be billions of people wondering what the hell happened to you and your people.  
    “We also have tapes, that are already duplicated and in the hands of people for sudden release, that disclose the key facilities and many names related to this covert group.  
    “But, many of these scientists live in fear and trauma, a type of ‘new energy posttraumatic stress syndrome.’
    “These scientists have been convinced through psychological warfare modalities, to be very paranoid and overly secretive - but that only works against them.  They will never win the secrecy game.  But we can succeed at Disclosure!
    “There is no way you’re going to do it secretively.  Your worst enemies are going to know everything you’re doing in real-time; and the people who could be there supporting you, the masses who are concerned about the environment and oil, won’t know what you’re doing.  This is the mistake that has been made for 100 years.  
    “People want a solution to the environmental, oil and poverty issues of this planet.  There is enormous support for any technology that helps resolve those problems.  
    “Once mass support is in place, you would have people rioting and burning down Washington before you could let the patent office issue a Section 181 to seize the technology!”

“We have enough assets and information to unravel the whole matrix . . . Imagine what we could achieve if we had any real significant institutional support or funding!  If we had had five or ten million dollars, we could have completely ended the secrecy.
    “A lot of this now is in the hands of the public; the information is there.  People can put the testimony on cable access channels or show it in their communities.  And this is happening all over the world.”


“It is somewhat ironic that people often ask, ‘Aren’t you concerned when one of these UFOs is nearby, that something might harm you?’  I say, ‘No, except to the extent that there are other people nearby.’  The threat is always coming from humans, not extraterrestrials.  We have many cases where people pulled out their guns and started shooting at a UFO, no questions asked!”

Mr. Don Phillips, Lockheed Skunkworks, USAF, and CIA Contractor:  “. . . states that there are records and filmed documentation of meetings in California in 1954 between ET’s and leaders of the USA.” 

“Once when an etheric ET was at one of these expeditions, we offered a crystal to this being.  As I extended my hand to give this beautiful crystal to the ET, we all looked at my hand, and it morphed in front of us and changed; it elongated, and then had only three fingers - and looked just like the ET’s hand! 
    “All of us saw that.  It was like his hand and my hand become one.  All of us saw my hand completely change.”

“I have been told by people who have studied the very advanced extraterrestrial vehicles that they are extraordinarily sophisticated - even the crude ones are seamless.  There is never a seam.  How are they made?
    “Well, they are not made by taking a chunk of iron ore or alloy and banging it crudely into a shape!  They are actually made through what I call ‘infra ultrasound.’  The object is made by assembling and maneuvering the astral matrix to build the template of the craft at that subtle level - and it then emerges as a perfect molded form into material physical molecules.”

“Since before we started the Eisenhower Interstate System, we have not needed an interstate system.”

Thank you, Francis.  I have been discovering some of this as well.  Excellent post and thank you again!  --fairy

Bob07's picture


Thanks for the post.  I read the whole thing as a review of the book, which I have read and recommended to many.  I agree with you about Greer -- especially regarding his integrity.  And an important aspect of his story is that the "bad aliens" are a fiction created by advanced technologies in the hands of the covert group, while the real ET presence is benign and spiritually developed.  He is clearly unequivocal about this.  I know this is a point of contention amongst many in the larger UFO community, and even Fred mentions negative ET's, in addition to positive ones, in the excellent big picture that he has tentativlely put together.  And while I don't really know where the truth lies here, I tend to feel that Greer has his finger on the truth -- at least I hope he does.   At the least -- unless he's outright lying -- he seems to have the witnesses to back up his contention that abductions and other scary encounters are staged events.  And my sense of Greer is that, although he may be subject to vanity and even arrogance (an impression of mine, as well as something that Fred, who has spent time with him, has mentioned), he is not a liar.  Indeed, my feeling-sense is that his heart is solidly and courageoustly in the right place.  I believe him to be one of the "tallest" heroes of our time, whether he ends up being sung or unsung.

Knightspirit's picture

Amazing read - excellent! Can't wait to get the book... Thanks Francis!

lightwins's picture

I agree it is a wonderful book & a great read.

Noa's picture

Thank you, Francis, for providing this information.  Do I understand correctly, that you have painstakingly typed exerpts from the book, rather than simply cutting and pasting the text from a website?  What a gift you have given us!

One thing that struck my mind while reading your post is that if these elitists have psychotronic weapons and the ability to do astral body extractions, why aren't they using them on the masses?  It seems to me the sheer fear and panic these weapons create would achieve their evil ends more readily than more conventional methods like using nukes, or slowly poisoning our air, food, and water... while being virtually impossible to detect.  Or perhaps, such large-scale broadcast of these technologies isn't practical.  Thank, goodness!

Another thing I noticed is that Dr. Greer's material exposes similar secrets as those disclosed by the Wingmakers. 
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http://www.wingmakers.com/index.html  This gives credence to his information, at least to my mind.

I found chapters 1 & 2 of the book online at
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This is fascinating stuff.  Great post!


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Francis's picture

that high school typing class came in handy after all.  I just thought some of the ideas he brings up are important enough to help spread, seeing that there's so much other disinformation being spread.  Happy to see some of you liked it.  Amazing book.

Wendy's picture

Great post Francis, you have saved me the days that it would take this slow reader to read his book.  Now that I've read your post, I really want to meet Steven Greer in person and see if I can feel the kind of presence that his book seems to indicate that he is.

Thank you,


lefty-dave's picture


THANKS FOR POSTING THIS...it was a great read...think I'll get the book...I've followed  Dr Greer for ten years now, and never could understand why it is taking so long to get the message out ...and to get new energy technology to the forefront of society..


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