A Day Made of Glass

I have mixed feelings about this one!


Noa's picture

Gazooks, this video has been viewed on Youtube nearly 5,900,000 times! 

Between computers, TVs, and cellphones, Americans average over 8 hours per day looking into LCD screens.  http://www.sixwise.com/Newsletters/2009/April/22/Americans-Spend-Many-Hours-a-Day-Watching-Screens.htm

The harmful affects of EMFs is slowly getting press, but I've heard no talk about making cellphones and such any safer.  Until there's a public demand for safety, health risks will likely continue to be built into this technology.

I've already seen those TV screen mirrors in the bathrooms of some upscale homes.  If the rest of these gadgets catch on, you all might want to consider buying stock in Windex!


tscout's picture

invented this technology was on ted tv a couple of years ago,but he didn t need glass or anything,he would just throw it up on a wall....Of course,that would elim inate the need for billions of dollars in raw meterials being turned into trillions of dollars of profit, hence the need for all the glass...But, at least it s not plastic !!

perakee's picture

Thanx for sharing this video, John. I love watching how technology is evolving. I read Ray Kurzweil's book on the future of technology called The Singularity Is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology and was simply amazed. That is one of the books that changed my life. Until then, I only saw a gloomy future-- death, war, chaos, disease, global annihilation. I magined a nice future for my children and children's children, but it seemed that I was the all alone. Ray's book opened my eyes to a whole new world.


ChrisBowers's picture

Larry, your comment reminded me of something that came up in the WingMakers material concerning technology and its effect on human evolution.  It said that every evolving species like ours comes to this place where technology becomes so sophisticated and complex that the species begins to allow technology to do the work and make most or all of the decisions, and that this retards/stifles evolution of the species.

I don't take this as gospel since we don't know for sure if the WingMakers/James data is completely accurate, but I found it very interesting and it definitely rang an intuitive/common sense bell in my head when I first read it.

I also have the book you mentioned, what an amazing guy Ray is all his life, productive from such an early age....

perakee's picture

Chris, I too get a presque vu WTF!?! response when I reflect on the Wingmaker material, though I would have to reread it to bring up specific points. (You may not remember what they said, but you remember how they made you feel!) But I have often wondered just how much of our 'modern' technology is actually racial cryptomnesia, things learned long ago and possibly even far, far away, forgotten and just now remembered. When you read the Mahabharata, the Old Testament, and Zecharia Sitchen's works on the Sumerian tablets, then look at the pyramids of Egypt, the ruins of Baalbek and Machu Picchu, and read about some of the archeological finds that defy all explanation, we cannot but feel awe at the accomplishments of our ancestors. What led to the destruction of those civilzations? Are we headed towards the same ends?

Francis's picture

Here's another possible perspective on the technology issue that would seem to add something else to consider:

There’s a passage from Drunvalo Melchizedek’s The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life Vol. 2 where, in 1972, he is taken by two angels (I know, humor me here) during a three day meditation.  He says together they “flew outside a membrane that surrounds and contains both the Earth and the Moon.  This spherical membrane is about 440,000 miles away from the Earth, though our scientists are not aware of if yet.  On the other side of that energetic membrane sat motionless a huge vehicle that was about 50 miles long.  It could not be detected from Earth because of the technology they were using.  It was cigar-shaped, black and seamless.” 

After entering the ship, he says there were about 350 very tall beings who telepathically told him “’We are Sirians.’  They showed me instantly how they, the Sirians, are actually two humanoid races, one very dark and one very light, and they became brothers a long time ago . . . They wore white clothing with little gold insignias on their left arms . . . They seemed to want to teach me as much as possible about how their ship was run and how they lived.” 

“Everything in the inside of this ship was white, no other color.  The rooms were seamless and had forms that came out of the floors and walls and ceilings - mostly the floors and walls - that looked like art forms, shapes like beautiful futuristic sculptures.  It felt like you were in an art gallery everywhere you went.  And these shapes were their technology.  They had no moving parts in the ship, nothing except shapes.  They had reduced their entire technology to shape, form and proportion, and all they had to do was connect with the shapes with their minds and hearts and they could do anything.

“Those of you who have been to Peru have probably noticed that in the middle of the old Incan temples there would often be a large beautiful rock with many angles and shapes and sacred proportions cut and formed on its surface.  Well, those rocks are not just rocks - those “rocks” were and still are ancient Incan libraries.  They contain the entire records of their civilization.  If you know how to connect with them, you can read every second of what happened during the entire Inca period.  But the Sirians on this ship had taken it way beyond just record-keeping, so that anything you could think of could be done by this unbelievably simple and beautiful technology, even space travel.  We on Earth today are just beginning to understand this technology.  We call it psychotronics.  It is a technology that requires human (or other than human) contact for the technology to work. 

“When I came back into my body, the angels began to tell me why they had taken me there.  They weren’t using words but were telepathically projecting images to me to explain what was happening to me.  I expressed to them, ‘Wow, that was incredible!  Their technology is amazing!’  I went on and on, saying how great it was.  They watched me for a bit, then said, ‘No, you don’t understand.  That’s not the understanding we want you to have.’  I said, ‘What do you mean?’

“My angels told me this: ‘Suppose your body gets cold in this room, and you decide that you’re going to go out and make something to heat the room.  So you invent a heater, a really good heater, and some kind of energy source, whatever you need to heat the room.  Then you put the heater in the room, it heats up the room and you get warm.  From the angels’ point of view, if you did that, you just became spiritually weaker.  Why?  Because you were forgetting your connection to God.  You could have heated the room or your body by your own inner essence, but instead you gave your power away to an object. 

“The angels projected to me that as civilizations make more and more advanced technology, if that is the choice they have made, they are separating further and further from the source of life and are becoming weaker and weaker because they have become addicted to the technology.  They need it to survive.  The angels were saying that the beings in that ship were spiritually very weak.  In other words, I was not to look at them as a super advanced race, but as people who needed spiritual help.

“The bottom line of this experience was that the angels wanted me to give up technology and concentrate on pure consciousness as the way to remember God.  I heard all that.  I really thought I understood the lesson they were giving me.  Then as time went on I completely forgot it.  It’s such a human thing to do!”  

Noa's picture

Thanks, Francis.  Drunvalo Melchizedek's explanation doesn't sound that far-fetched to me.  I've heard similar accounts from some of the many channeled works online.

Some time ago, there was an episode of the Twilight Zone (or maybe the Outer Limits) that depicted a woman doing everything she could to keep from freezing to death during a blizzard.  At the very end of the story, we see that the woman has actually been hallucinating (or more likely, intentionally using her mind to cool herself).  We see that she is really in a hospital being sponged down by nurses to reduce her burning fever as the sun moves ever closer to the earth. No explanation why the nurses weren't also feverish, but anyhow...

I was a wee child at the time, and that was probably my first validation of the concept of mind power/imagination.  I remember my mother telling me countless times, "Oh, it's only your imagination," when I told her I saw fairies and such.  Society norms are one of the reasons why this power, innate to all of us, lies dormant.

As the earth continues to shift into higher vibrations, leading into 2012 and beyond, we could see more people developing such powers. 

Pretty exciting!


ChrisBowers's picture

Drunvalo's experiences and sacred connections never cease to amaze and move me.  The monks in Tibet already do something very similar.  John Perkins tells of a time when he went to visit up there and the ones he wanted to meet with were not available at the time.  He would have to wait.  What were they doing?  They were melting snow.  The monks compete with one another to see how big a melted circle they can create around them up in the higher elevations as they sit there meditating naked with only a blanket around them.  They create so much heat that not only do they not get hypothermia, but they melt the snow around them.

Someone with a current understanding of physics and burning of calories would not be able to understand this.  They are somehow connecting with source and creating a kind of free energy...

Bob07's picture

You've heard about Wim Holf, the Iceman... We've had postings about him before.

(See http://www.itstrulyrandom.com/2008/03/08/real-life-ice-man-climbed-up-mount-everest-wearing-a-pair-of-shorts/ )

It says in this article that he practiced the Tibetan "ritual" (meditation) that you refer to, Chris, to generate heat.  There is no evidence, I've read, that his physiology is any different from anyone else's.  So I don't know all the factors that contribute to his abilities.  But apparently anyone can generate heat in excess of what his/her mitrochondria do.  Whether it comes from the "Source" or the quantum vacuum or wherever,  don't know.  But I even succeeded in doing it -- not to the extent of drying blankets or melting snow, but enough to make myself warm in an uncomfortably cold environment. 

You put your attention in your belly, about 4 fingers' breadth below the navel (but not in the genital region), and you carefully build a fire there.  See the flames.   Imagine the heat radiating from there throughout your body.  Keep the fire burning as long as you want the heat.  I'm not sure, but I think that with practice you can keep the fire burning in the background of your awareness while you do other things.  That's my sense of it, but I haven't taken it to this point.  Maybe that's what Holf does.

Gives new meaning to having "fire in the belly."

Francis's picture

of monks and their abilities to transcend their surroundings through meditation.   Gives a small window into the human potential that lies dormant in most of us.  I've been reading some books about Jesus' 30(?) lost years and discovering how the ancient mystery schools taught the initiations necessary for us to enter our true God estate - our rightful heritage and the same initiations that helped Jesus gain his, but that these many places of learning were decimated through ignorance and fear and superstition over time.  It's no wonder the majority have no concept of how to connect with their higher selves anymore.  I read last night that the word pyramid translates to pyro meaning "fire" and mid meaning "middle."  So in an esoteric sense the purpose of pyramids would be to point us to the fire (light of God) that is within our center or heart, and these pyramids were most likely the places of learning and initiation where this took place. 

And I agree with you Noa about societies norms, and even further, the ways in which it trains our focus away from our innate abilities (such as your parents, though I'm sure they had your best interest in mind, seeing how society frowns upon such things).  Here's one more passage from the book that always floored me.  I think it applies well to this subject of our innate but dormant powers:

“I had a friend named Diana Gazes who did a TV show in New York for a while called “Gazes into the Future.”  She used to film all kinds of spectacular healings to put on her show.  She stopped her show after many years, but one of the last shows she was going to put on (though it never made it) was one about an incredible healing with an eleven-year-old boy.  She had been taping on video this boy’s progress over about a year, and it was almost done when her show was canceled.

“When this boy was very young, he used to collect salamanders.  You know, you can pull off a salamander’s leg or tail, and it’ll just grow another one.  Well, the parents hadn’t told him that that applied only to salamanders and not people.  Because they hadn’t told him, he didn’t know.  He believed that all living things did that, including people.  When he was about ten years old he lost his leg above the knee.  So what did he do?  He just grew another leg.

“It’s all on Diana’s video.  In the last part of the video he was growing his toes.  It took about a year or so for him to do it.  What’s possible?  It all depends on your belief systems, what you believe is possible and the limitations you put on yourself.”

p.s.  I checked and this person and her show did exist but I haven't been able to find the video (go figure . . .)


Hi guys,

I can actually raise the temperature of my hands by up to 10 degree's.....part of a relaxation meditation....it's not magic or anything...just an ability we all have but rather than being taught how to use it we are taught it is not possible...that it is "magic"....truth is that all it is about is being connected to your body, feeling everything and learning how to take charge of organs, blood flow etc...awesome tools and really essential skills  for those who want to control their vibration, which basically worls the same way...



Knightspirit's picture

This story of Drunvalo going to the ship and seeing them use the shapes as their technology reconfirms what I have heard form other sources about Humans being FAR more "advanced" spiritually than even the most advanced ET races. They are absolutely dependent on technology to survive - while we have people on earth right now who can pray food out of an empty can - just like Jesus could do - no technology required. Some would say that this is one reason why there is so much interest from the ET community in what we have here, and where we are going. They don't understand it, and want to learn what our connection to "god" is and how we are able to make that connection. 

I think we under estimate who we really are - and give the high technology idea more credit than it deserves. We will always be infinitely more than just a reflection of our technology! Much of what we have today in terms of technology was seeded to us from ET's in the first place. That video just confirms where that technology is taking us - and one must wonder how long before we just stay in bed and "plug in" to the technology that will ultimately be doing everything for us in the workplace...

Maybe we would be much farther along by now if we hadn't accepted that first technology deal with the ETs. Food for thought anyway...

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