Persephone Speaks - Maya Spector
Persephone Speaks
You know very well that death comes,
Yet you live as though it won’t touch you.
You exile any thought tinged with darkness.
In a world of your design there would be:
Flowers without soil;
Sleep without nightmares;
Bodies without pain;
People without flaws.
This world does not meet your expectations.
Open your mind to the fullness of life!
Yes, to wars, child prostitutes, mudslides, tsunamis.
Yes, to cancer, wildfires, car accidents, homicides.
Yes, to abuse, greed, environmental degradation, Republicans.
Until you welcome all the contradictions into your tender heart
You are only half alive.
You feel reality pressing down on you -
A burden growing heavier each day.
Time is the great illusion.
Let this be your resolve –
To live with grateful eyes
And a vast mind.
- Maya Spector
and what a perfect way to end it,
"to live with grateful eyes and a vast mind"