The products are rather pricey, but it may be worth it if it really works. Fascinating idea!
Sonic Bloom Promises Natural Gardening with Sound
Dan Carlson had a vision to provide food for the world’s hungry people. As a soldier in Korea, Carlson saw a desperate mother who laid the legs of her small child beneath the rear wheel of an army truck: crushed legs created an authentic cripple, entitled to a family-saving food subsidy from the US Government.
Back home after his duty in the armed forces Carlson spent several years at the University of Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station studying plant physiology. He concluded that plants were able to obtain 72% of their nutritional requirements through their leaves via the stomata, the mouth-like pores on the lower surface of the leaves. Plants could flourish in very poor or unsuitable soils and climates – provided a way could be found to increase the uptake of nutrient into the leaves. He knew that plants translocate any excess nutrients from their leaves down to their root system, thus conditioning the soil and storing nutrients for future use.
His work led him to eventually find a range of sound wave frequencies which stimulated the stomata into action and thus increased the uptake of ‘free’ nutrients available in the atmosphere, including nitrogen and moisture in the form of humidity in the morning dew. The sound frequency Dr. Carlson discovered was the sound of an approaching thunderstorm not the same range as some songbirds during spring mating and courtship rituals. This has misdirected some people to suggest that the spring birdsong may be one of Nature’s signals, a trigger for trees and plants to break dormancy and begin to grow. Unfortunately, this misdirection has led to idealistic hypotheses that are not sustained by the facts. Sonic Bloom offered an aspect of the environment that even organic gardeners had forgotten, and the sound is provided by Sound Magic and the amazing growth is provided by the full complement of necessary natural ingredients that are in Plant Magic® .
Experimenting with various plant extracts, trace minerals and amino acids, Dan finally came up with a combination of organic nutrients that often gave the most rapid and balanced plant growth. After several years he developed with a nutrient blend, which when applied with the sound frequency, produced rapid and balanced growth on over a hundred different crops, from avocados to zucchini. Sonic Bloom was born! But Sonic Bloom did not have all of the natural elements that are now found in Plant Magic®
Sonic Bloom helped Dan Carlson achieve world-wide recognition for his Purple Passion plant, which grew so big that it is listed in the Guinness Book of World Records as the world’s largest indoor plant. It eventually grew to 1300 feet in length. But the purple passion plant experiment was of novelty value only. Scientists were not interested in this success because it involved a non-edible plant of no commercial value. I saw that plant at Dan's home, but it looked very straggly, not the beautiful plant with which I am familiar.
So Dr. Carlson approached farmers and commercial growers to try Sonic Bloom on as many crops as possible. He managed to encourage the U.S. Department of Agriculture to become involved in barley growing trials involving fifty varieties and different growers. They reported an average 68 percent increase in yields across the board, with several varieties treated with Sonic Bloom producing more than 100 percent yield increases.
Sonic Bloom trials had begun. In 1986 Acres U.S.A. magazine reported 30 percent increases on oranges and the reversal of the disease, ‘Young Tree Decline.’ Papaya showed 300 percent increases. A macadamia tree considered past the age of production became virtually ever-bearing. Sonic Bloom treatment brought yield increases of 400 percent for cucumbers, African Violets with up to 300 blooms per plant instead of 30, and 300 percent yield increases on sweet corn were among many other successes of Sonic Bloom trials. Perhaps the greatest potential for this revolutionary Sonic Bloom technology lies in forestry -–with the promise of shorter tree rotation times and exceptional wood density qualities. In the U.S., pines have halved their maturity time with Sonic Bloom.
With Sonic Bloom treatment you can expect 1/3 larger potatoes, 1/3 more yield, a denser potato and each generation shows an improvement over the last.
The senior editor of Professional Farmers of America magazine, a definite skeptic, tested Sonic Bloom and reported 100 percent yield increases in soybean yields. The Sonic Bloom treated soybeans were visibly larger, with an increase in pods per plant and pods numbering from 60 to 100. In Wisconsin, Sonic Bloom treated soybean plants produced up to 300 pods per plant; whereas 30 to 35 is considered to be the norm.
Harold Aungst won the Pennsylvania State alfalfa-growing contest using Sonic Bloom with no herbicides, pesticides or expensive fertilizer. He managed 7.6 tons per acre after achieving the state average of 3.4 tons in his first cutting. Cows preferred the Sonic Bloom-grown alfalfa and ate the entire plant, stalk and all.
Growing bigger with Sonic Bloom apparently doesn’t mean a loss in flavor. Growers report exceptional quality and taste with fruit, vegetables, and nuts treated with Sonic Bloom. Oranges from Sonic Bloom-treated trees have been found to contain 120% more vitamin C content. Protein in soybeans nearly doubled. Apples from the Circle K Orchard had 1,750% more zinc, 400% more iron, 326% more chromium, and 126%more potassium. With Sonic Bloom, a Florida citrus growers’ total orange production increased by 66%. Not only did the orchard flourish, its fruit, tested at the Garvey Center for the Improvement of Human Functioning, in Wichita, Kansas, contained 121% more natural vitamin C than oranges not treated with Sonic Bloom. Because of the high nutrient content, most fruits and vegetables have a doubled or tripled shelf life. Sonic Bloom treated pineapple have double the sugar, 1/3 the acid, a fully edible core, and maturity increased by 1/3. And the terminal fruit (first ratoon) often weighs 8-11 pounds, double the norm. Normally the lateral fruits (second ratoon) are only 2-3 pounds and are often discarded. With Sonic Bloom treatment, the second ratoon left on the plant mature to 4-6 pounds, a marketable size. If cuttings are made of the second ratoon and planted separately, the fruits will often grow to 8-11 pounds like the first ratoon. In either case, this provides a second crop where normally only one crop is harvested and this along with the larger size more than doubles the harvest.
The commercial possibilities of a product like Sonic Bloom are enormous. Sonic Bloom is a completely organic technique that enhances plant development through natural nutrients and sound frequencies that stimulate absorption of the nutrients. The system was approved by the former International Organic Growers and Buyers Association (OGBA). Many rigorous field tests have yielded reams of data showing that Sonic Bloom works. See Grower's Results
Commercial growers and home gardeners using Sonic Bloom reported far fewer pest and disease problems. Healthy plants are not so susceptible to damage by insects and disease organisms. Treated plants actually kill or intoxicate pests because of the alcohol associated with high levels of complex sugars. Their digestive systems can’t handle the high sugar levels.
These alcohols are the building blocks of amino acids. Since alcohol is basically antifreeze, this may partly explain the ability of plants to withstand frosts. It could be the reason outdoor, California varieties of strawberries treated with Sonic Bloom are surviving the harsh winters of Wisconsin, and baffling experts who said they would never grow there.
While the jovial and extroverted Carlson is having lots of fun with the astounding results of Sonic Bloom-treated crops, he hasn’t forgotten that perhaps the greatest feature of his sound and nutrient method is its ability to grow better crops in poor soils and low rainfall.
Not only do crops treated with Sonic Bloom grow in areas where crops had not grown previously, they’ve thrived. In New Mexico, they’re making world record claims for Amaranth. Not only were the heads the biggest ever encountered, the Sonic Bloom-treated Amaranth matured 56 days earlier, on poor, adobe-sand soils with a pH ranging from 7.7 to 7.9. In the first year, the Amaranth grew one-half pound heads. The next year, the seeds taken from those Sonic Bloom-treated heads produced heads weighing more than a pound.
Sonic Bloom-treated plants also apparently produce seeds that grow as well as their parents without further treatment. However, those seeds when further treated with Sonic Bloom, grow to become even better than their parents. Sonic Bloom helps plants realize their genetic potential. Sonic Bloom optimizes the latent ability of plants to exhibit characteristics hidden in their gene pools, activating advantageous genes that may have been hidden for hundreds of years. There is no need for genetic engineering because the most productive genes are already there.
Alan Kapuler, of Peace Seeds Oregon, reported on the effects of Sonic Bloom on the germination of 89 kinds of flowering plants. Apart from dramatically stimulating the germination of several plant types including squash, sweet corn, peppers, paulownia, and three species of rare solanums, four of the plants germinated only in the presence of Sonic Bloom.
Although the Sonic Bloom sound/nutrient system is organic, it also possesses another feature that could have far-reaching implications for this planet. The concept has been nicknamed "Sonic Doom", or sound aiding in the absorption of herbicide. Tests have shown that by employing the sound 45 minutes prior to spraying, even hard-to-kill mature weeds can be sprayed with 50% less herbicide, resulting in faster, total kills. The sound is so efficient at getting the herbicide into the plant that it doesn’t matter if it rains an hour after application. While we do not advocate the use of herbicides, using 50% less will obviously result in less damage to the environment. We like the idea of farmers reducing their herbicide bills by half or more and using the savings to buy Sonic Bloom nutrient to increase their yields! The Sonic Doom concept may also make the less effective, but environmentally safe, weed killers more efficient. But Sound Magic® is even more effective.
In the U.S., many farmers are on a ‘set aside’ program, where the U.S. Government pays growers not to grow anything. Further, the agricultural colleges, dependent on large grants from chemical companies to maintain their fiscal vitality are reluctant to “rock the boat” with new, non-chemical agricultural solutions. As a result, Dan Carlson’s achievement is probably more recognized in countries other than the USA. In 1993, the Bio-Research Committee in Japan, which represents 8,000 organic farmers, declared Sonic Bloom to be the best thing that they had experimented with in recent years. China and Afghanistan have employed Sonic Bloom in their forestry. Organic authorities in New Zealand and Australia, are registering Sonic Bloom. Agricultural ministers in Indonesia and Malaysia are bringing Sonic Bloom technology to the agricultural institutes throughout their countries. In 1991, Carlson was asked by the Philippine Department of Plant Industry to work with Philippine farmers whose land and crops had been devastated by toxic ash spewed from Mt. Pinatubo’s eruption. Presently, farmers there are awaiting registration of the product for large-scale commercial use.
Dr. Carlson has spread the word about Sonic Bloom to potential growers in Mongolia and the Ukraine. Dr. Hou Tian Zhen, from Mongolia’s Zinjiang Academy of Forestry studied with him for a year. Taking Sonic Bloom back to Mongolia, Hou has realized a 30-90% increase in yield of the tested food crops, such as watermelons and potatoes. Sugar beet farmers in the Ukraine are experimenting with Sonic Bloom and evaluating its potential to feed people in a shorter time, with larger, longer-lasting, more nutritious products.
But in a $13 million research study sponsored by the Dominican Republic, Plant Magic® won the contract to provide healthful organic food for their people without damaging the land.
In 100 countries and in every state in the united States, Sonic Bloom had tried to make a difference, increasing productivity and nutrients, reducing the use of water and herbicides, speeding crops to market ahead of the competition, withstanding early frosts and insect depredation, speeding germination and maturation of seedlings, releasing the full genetic potential of the plants. Plant Magic® will succeed because it is truly inspired and the intention is to keep the costs low and the performance high.
It seems all things respond to the totality of the environment, a lesson we could have learned long ago from the native peoples of the Americas and the world if we hadn't been so closed minded. Science along this line of thinking could provide even more remarkable results.
Anyway, I think this is a great discovery and I am sending links to the site to friends working on sustainable and just agriculture. Thanks for the info and link.