An Introduction to a Resource Based Economy with Peter Joseph

Wendy's picture

I've only watch the first part so far but....

I continue to maintain that Peter Joseph's resource based economy is an extremely dangerous idea and I'm amazed that others don't see the inconsistencies and lask of thought that has gone into his ideas. I think he's a control freak and I would hate to live in any society that was attempting to implement his ideas. The most efficient way to do things leaves no room for personal choice or artistry. If he wants to make the decision to live efficiently, that's great. He can start loaning his car to all that could use it when he isn't, and lead a life designed around permaculture. (I wonder how he would handle the problem of having someone get into an accident while using it?) If he actually did these things, I'd call him a hero but instead he wants to impose his ideas and values on others, like I said - he's a control freak.


Noa's picture

Peter Joseph, in my opinion, is brilliant at articulating information in a concise and simplified manner.  His Zeitgeist series of films provide an invaluable service in creating mass awareness of the hidden mechanisms now operating to control people.  I did, however, notice one glaring inconsistency in the original Zeitgeist movie.  In it Peter Joseph warned people to leave the U.S. because it was a "sinking ship," yet he continues to live in New York.  Maybe he's changed his mind since then.  (The original movie is now unavailable for viewing.)

I, too, have mixed feelings about the Venus Project and the resource-based concept -- (which, BTW, is not Joseph's idea, but Jacque Fresco's).  I don't know if all the proposed automation and the decision-making models are wise or not, but I think it's a step in the right direction.  At least the greater good of all, including the planet, is given priority in these models rather than the wasteful, profit-driven system we have now.

ChrisBowers's picture

This is the way to look at the Venus Project and the amazing forward thinking work of Jacque Fresco.  I believe he is spot on with ideas of a resource-based economy.  Without trailblazers like Jacque humanity would be spinning it's wheels for much longer.  there may be flaws, but what foreward thinking idea doesn't initially have flaws.

Wendy, your polarized reaction on this occasion and in times past concerning the Venus Project and Jacque's ideas for a resource-based economy is curious and intriguing to me.  I wonder why you are having such an over-the-top reaction to Peter Joseph.  I highly doubt that Peter is a "control freak", and it is seemingly out of character for you to attack another's efforts to bring change that is so sorely needed these days.

Did you have a prior falling out with Peter or Jacque, or someone else at the Venus Project or Zeitgeist Movement???  As you can imagine it just plain seems a bit over the top and very polarized...

Wendy's picture

Hi Chris-

No falling out, I just don't get it. I've worked for engineers and planners most of my life. Planning is not the answer or the proper way, unless you are confining your planning to your own life. VP is basically advocating pure sociallism - not the good mixture as we see in Sweden but centralized economic planning, as exemplified by China and old USSR. No personal responsibility or decisions. It seems to go against everything the course was about. I'm mystified as well as to how anyone can't see that VP is looking to control others rather than being the change they want to see...

We have plenty of good examples of small communities that already live sustainably. I recently saw a short video about how the Amish have embraced solar for electricity because it still leaves them disconnected from the grid. Now that's my idea of a solution - not a bigger, more extensive and powerful central planner, in essence a bigger grid. Just live and let live. Keep your decisions for your own life, no attempts to impose them on others, unless they ask for advice. The Amish aren't asking everyone else to be Amish, they are simply setting a good example.

I find these ideas dangerous at a time when we have a chance to make real improvements in the near future as the current economic system collapses. I'm convinced that the venus project is one of 2 things, I'm afraid it might be the later. It's either a bunch of naive people who don't understand the old addage "Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely" or it is owned and controlled by the international bankers who are looking to give us more "change" while actually maintaining their lock and control on society.  We need more freedom in the form of true capitalism, (Mom and Pop shops) not monopoly corporatism and government control. We can get more freedom with less government which would dis-allow corporatism to develope. The two are dependant upon each other. Government in a monopoly corporate system is every bit as dangerous as corporations. The venus project seems to be advocating more government in the form of a scientific dictatorship. When I see how science can be corrupted as we have seen with the whole global warming scam and the medical industry...

Like I said before, if the venus project would simply stop advocating that others change and set the example by starting a community themselves and see how it goes, that would be a different story. I fail to see how decisions would be made, simply by following the scientific method. When it comes down to the nitty gritty of deciding what color to paint the hallways (in situations where science does not apply) there will be no answer other than follow the leader. God forbid anyone would want to waste resources on artistry.

Thanks Chris for helping me to solidify my thoughts, sorry we disagree.

PLJ for all...


Bob07's picture

Joseph does have a very acute rational understanding of "the problem", and so he has important insights to put in the common "pot".  His foundation and perspective are purely scientific; he declares this.  However, I don't think that the solution is fundamentally a rational or scientific one (although science and reason may be essential for us to reach a working solution).  The foundation we need, I think, is one of compassion -- a feeling-connection with everyone.  Without it, science and "reason" are likely to produce a horror (a Franken-solution).   In Joseph's talk here we heard only the voice of reason, of abstract thinking.

We've seen rational systems/solutions before -- some in the abstract and some in reality.  BF Skinner's novel, "Walden Two", is an example of the former.  It creates in fiction a "perfect" society, based solely on rational insights and concerns (and since Skinner was a psychologist, the major insights and concerns behind the novel come out of psychology).  But, the feel of the book is sterile; it's the creation of ideas, lacking real feeling or life.  The model society portrayed feels dead, machine-like.  And of course, that's what the intellect alone produces -- ideas, models, and machines.  And, although Joseph's ideas and insights are interesting and even valuable, he expressed them with absolutely no feeling or reference to love, compassion, tolerance... the human feelings and qualities that would really make a social system work.  For all of its virtues, it's a cold rendition, and so it's a bit chilling.  Such a society would have to be planned and administered by the most rational and scientific -- an elite.  I understand why Wendy is uncomfortable with that.  A Walden Two could easily metamorphose into a Brave New World or a 1984, given a wrong turn or two.

Examples of seemingly rational systems/solutions in reality are/were the Communist economies/societies, all of which have arguably failed in human terms (with the possible exception, in some ways, of Cuba).  They were all built on ideas believed to be based on reality.  How could they be wong?  Germany under Nazi rule was basically a "rational" system.  Experts identified the problems and fixed them efficiently.  The trains ran on time, the population got their basic needs met.  No one was hungry, no one unemployed.  The standard of living was pretty good.  The "problem" people were removed to concentration camps, and life was good for citizens who fit with the plan.  But, of course, there was no love or consideration for human beings as human beings, but only as working parts in the social machine.  And so a horror was the eventual result.

To wrap this up, Joseph has much to conribute to the solution, and so his voice is valuable.  His is the rational part of our collective consciousness speaking its truth, and so we should listen.  But to use any set of ideas alone as the foundation for a new social-economic system would be a disaster.  I would not want Joseph or any team of experts, no matter how well-informed and brilliant, to be in charge.  Ideally (and I have no idea how this would happen) there would be people of real wisdom, true representatives of the people, in charge. And if we humans on this planet are undergoing a transformation of consciousness and being,  this probably will happen.  I even believe that at a certain point in our spiritual and social evolution, central planning and "government" won't even be necessary.  This is basically an anarchistic view.  We may have a way to go to reach that point, but awareness and love could really be the governing "elite."


Wendy's picture

After thinking a bit more about this, it's really the idea the the Venus Project is sugesting a way for everyone else to live. I feel insulted and threatened by anyone who would dare to suggest how others should live, never mind sugest how they should make their decisions.

Throughout history we've been hoodwinked by our leaders, it's time to say "No more leaders!" Religion did this, now governments and the vp is doing it. As David Icke says "Time to get up off our knees!" I refuse to follow the VP or any other social planners. I want to make my own decisions (and my own mistakes), in my own way. I have my own values and I respect that others have values that differ from mine. I envision an incredibly free, and diverse society where people are wasting resources on all kinds of things (not on purpose but from my limited perspective) but learning at their own pace and their own way that waste does not make a better future for themselves. If they can grow beyond that, to think about the unborn children to come and others in their world, that's great but I can only hope and offer to set my own example. To impose my values on them would be wrong.

Perhaps you all don't see this as different from what we have right now, perhaps you are right. What I see is a lot of social manipulation and control from a select few. If we can just say, no more control, not from a select few be they benevolent dictators, scientists, the scientific method, international bankers or whoever. We need to focus on controling our own lives and have faith that experience and our good example will teach others how to best control theirs.

I'm frightened by politicians who say they want to eliminate poverty. What if I choose to live in poverty? Isn't it really a personal choice? I've tried to help some homeless people in my time - they generally prefer to stay homeless. Well if they are asking for help I'd like to offer what I feel is appropriate but I won't tell them that their lifestyle is wrong or what they should do.

Ever go to the carribean and see those tiny ants clean up crumbs off the floor? No central planning, no housekeeper, just individual ants trying to get a meal. In the end you never could have figured out how to clean up a mess quicker but individuals working in self interest, creating a beautiful whole.

Sorry I get so negative sometimes but when I see something dangerous I feel compelled to point it out. I really think the venus project is a very misguided attempt to solve the worlds problems.


Wendy's picture

Thanks Bob,

I forgot about the whole Nazi example and I never read Walden 2 but your ideas make sense to me. Yes, the lack of heart is definitely a problem and I agree that perhaps we are not ready for anarchy yet but if there must be government, small tribes of people governed by councils of elders (usually the closest you can get to real people of wisdom) who are forced to listen to the new ideas of the young people at least once a year would be preferable to me.

Who is it that said "you can't legislate virtue."


ChrisBowers's picture

around addiction to current monetary system and resulting lack of "money supply" and dilution of dollar, then maybe, just maybe we will see a natural development of exactly what you are saying the Venus Project should do by example in this current paradigm.

I thought they had plans along these lines after a move to Equador.  I highly doubt they are naive, or that they are receiving their marching orders from central international bankers, but anything's possible.  I may be projecting, but I see them speaking from a vision of future human understanding that would not be about controlling others.

It would come only after a collective unified change of heart that would naturally lead to a real golden age where no one could get on with their living until other's suffering ceased, no matter how far away they were.  There would be no distance when it comes to suffering of another.

The Heart will change and then maybe something akin to what VP and others are suggesting would be a natural spontaneous outcome.  Heart-based technology and planning.  NO POLITICS!  Spontaneous Heart-based democracy, representatives from every pod community serving to come together to truly represent the people, to make good efficient decisions for the common good.

I can see why you see what you see about the VP Wendy when I think of this current paradigm and collective condition of the Heart of Humanity.  I always saw what Jacque and associates were talking about from the romantic hopeful vantage point of a HUGE change of Heart of the whole species, a change that would have Humanity very naturally and spontaneously fading and transcending the current metaparadigm and its purposefully broken and dated disingenuous scarcity-driven "planned obsolescence" models.

We can agree on this - something has to change....

Wendy's picture

Hi Chris-

Yes, I love your vision of the future, lets hope it happens.


Noa's picture

First, a few corrections...

1.  If I remember correctly, central to the operation of the Venus Project is a decision-making council whose members would be rotated in and out to encourage fresh ideas and prevent any one person from controlling community affairs.

2.  Ants, like bees, do not operate as individuals.  Rather, they are governed by a hive mentality for the benefit of the colony.  Any food an individual ant has collected is turned over to the group.  Ants and bees have a very structured cast system wherein workers remain workers their entire lives and are often sacrificed for the survival of the whole.

On that basis, the first scenario sounds more likely to support freedom and creativity than the latter.  Thankfully, though, we have more choices than these two.

We create a better world by first picturing it in our minds.  Envisioning people wasting its resources is not what you want to manifest, is it Wendy? 

We are all powerful co-creators of life.  Everything that was ever created began as a thought.  Our thoughts shape our future.  So, be careful what you wish for... you may just get it.

Wendy's picture

Hi Noa-

I can't speak for others but I think this is what all of us here at the g-spot are striving for.

I don't want people to waste resources but I do want them to have the freedom to waste resources (from my limited perspective) if they so choose. I see women in fancy dresses and little girls with beads in their hair in this Mali video. What a waste of resources in an areas where people are having a hard time feeding themselves! We all choose to waste resources in one form or another, based on our own values. The Amish waste resources - human labor and time spent on well maintained, beautifully well kept yards around their houses. I waste resources buying books I rarely take the time to read. Any form of human recreation or artistry is a waste of resources, seen from an entirely logical, cold minded point of view. We must give each other the freedom to make these choices for ourselves - any attempt to tell others how to use their resources is an attempt to control others and is dangerous and wrong, as far as I'm concerned.

I would consider the Mali system to be the best form of what I call true capitalism. Capitalism is the only non-directed economic system that allows for freedom. It does not mean that we don't feed the hungry and take care of others in our society. It does however mean that we choose not to force others to do these things. In a capitalistic system people look in the mirror and realise that if they want to help those who need, they have only themselves to look to. They do not force others to help those in need but can ask. Virtue can not be legislated or in my mind it should not.




Knightspirit's picture

I agree with Wendy on there being no substitute for our own personal responsibility in society. Government - no matter what kind - simply will never be able to fill that role. I have many "liberal" friends who seem to believe that this is the role of government - to make sure that we all do the "right" thing. I think we have to come to grips with the realization that to keep our freedom - some things are going to have to be left to personal choice and responsibility, and in that way, we will define the society by our personal choices.

I had one friend even suggest that there be a law against smoking in peoples own homes, as kids can't avoid the second hand smoke. While logic says this might seem to make sense - it completely bypasses the freedom, privacy and responsibility that belongs to the "smoker." Government cannot "fix" these kinds of issues. Only we can - and there really should be no issue at all in most cases like this. Indeed - in reality - there are already a whole book of laws that could already be applied in such a case, and yet we always seem to want even more, somehow thinking that if we just made it a crime, somehow people would take that responsibility that they are missing. But that isn't where it will come from - fear of punishment - it has to come from reason, and from compassion. Government can't teach these things.

They are voting to ban plastic bags here in Oregon. Same idea. If everyone stopped using them - this would not be an issue coming up for a vote. But they want to force EVERYONE to stop using them - even though almost everyone here who uses them recycles them anyway, and many never use them. I would prefer to have the choice as to whether to use one or not - even at the cost of the "environment" - because in my mind - that choice is actually more important. Interestingly - have you noticed that governments rarely limit the choices of the corporations they support? Why can they ban the use of plastic bags - but not ban their manufacture instead? And who decides?? 

ChrisBowers's picture

The "right" thing cannot be legislated or enforced as method for transformation of the species.  Those more advanced in evolved understanding of universal law (they might call it "law" for the sake of communicating ideas to a evolving species) operate in non or limited intervention for this very reason.

Our divine sovereignty is highly regarded and respected no matter how "dumb" and "dumber" we behave.  This is made perfectly clear in The Law of One sessions and many other like sources.  Intervention was attempted and we made gods of these benevolent helpers, so their sincere desire to help backfired, doing more harm than good.

When I first read that I was so relieved to find that highly evolved life forms also make mistakes in the "real world" of the ever evolving Cosmos.  Another thing to consider is that the higher densities become unified by nature of the process.  RA, Lucifer and other 6th density social memory complexes are the spontaneous result of this divine process of unification, while still holding sacred the uniqueness and creativity of the so called "individual".

I think we can learn a lot from these examples of spiritual/physical evolution.  I also believe that we need to worry less about protecting so called freedoms of the individual and be more concerned with liberated exercise of personal sovereignty, a sovereignty that is absolutely Sacred, but lies dormant until it is exercised freely by the Divine individual.

It is so important to this awakening that we realize, because of our Sacred, Sovereign and Divine nature, none can be victim to anything but one's own imagination.  This is the test.  There are no powers that be, other than the power that already governs the whole of all that All of this is, and that is Sacred, inviolate, as are each of us.

This awakening will be a re-membering and re-cognition of this, a Conscious re-discovery of that which we are All already aware of in other simultaneous levels of our multi-faceted existence.  The experience is like becoming or evolving, but we all are already there.  This understanding remembered is an awakening that transcends all notions of despotism, and does so with a very still serene smile of Knowing.

We are being tempted to not know that which we already know.  As always, it is us, not "them", who must choose to awaken from this Self-inflicted slumber.  This is a prison planet only with our expressed willful consent...

this is not happening "to" us.  we choose to be here now...

Noa's picture

I wonder how evolved our civilization would be now without thousands of years of suppressed knowledge, and intentional indoctrination and deception... not to mention the bombardment of chemicals, noise, and violence on our psyches.

If laws were truly designed to protect society, they wouldn't mandate individual decisions to use or not use things like seatbelts or motorcycle helmets on the motorways and recreational drugs or "unconventional" sex in the privacy of one's own home. What we do with our own bodies is our own business.

When I was a child, we didn't have seatbelt laws and I was never belted in.  We slid down burning hot metal slides onto burning hot asphalt on the playground.  Somehow we survived without all those rules to protect us.

Maybe this is part of the dumbing-down process.  Why bother learning how to take care of yourself if Big Brother will do it for you?  I can see how we've ultimately given away personal responsibility for our own well-being. 

In France, you see people do many things that are illegal in the U.S.  It's considered normal for men to pee in the open -- by the side of the road or in a communal (unisex) toilet.  I've even walked past a man using a urinal on my way to the lady's room in a grocery store!  People park their cars wherever there is a space, including the sidewalk, without getting a ticket. Pedestrians just walk around them.  (But pedestrians always have the right of way, so cars can get ticketed for not stopping for them.)  I've even seen cars precariously parallel-parked all along the steep embankment of a town reservoir.  No restrictions.  No warnings.  I've walked up ancient ruined steps, without guard rails, overhanging cliffs to view castles and historic monuments. Lawsuits waiting to happen, right?  No, people don't generally sue in France; they take responsibility for themselves. 

Sorry, Jeff, you have to bring your own bags to shop in France, too, as most stores don't have them.  There is almost no litter anywhere, except in the bigger cities where fast-food has become popular.

I think culture is just a matter of getting used to things being a certain way.  I'm not even grossed out by the public peeing anymore.  How's that for progress?

ChrisBowers's picture

This one's for you Wendy.  I am reading George Green's Handbook for a New Paradigm, and this passage from page 6 of the introduction made me think of what you have been trying to convey when you speak of "capitalism".

"Do you know that the word civilization is synonymous with slavery? In order to accomplish this experience, it required giving up the freedom of personal choice in order that group organization might have precedence. Beyond the family, no organization is necessary. Personal responsibility is the keynote of freedom."

"Cooperation is a natural phenomenon as long as the need to control is absent. The need to control is a learned activity that becomes habitual through the experience of it. How does one transcend this habitual activity when it is deeply engrained at a planetary level?"

"It has now reached a point that in and of himself, man cannot break this addiction. The adversaries know this well. They are sure that humanity cannot change it. How then will it occur as the primary starting point of the shift to a new paradigm of experience? It can be done by understanding that thought focused and released can indeed act within itself and upon itself. Though it sounds simplistic, and indeed in reality it is simple, it is a powerful tool."

"In order for this process to work, there are some criteria that must be present. Since it is a process of Divine Order, it must have at its intentional level the desire to coordinate within this perpetual process. The purpose of it must be conceived with the focus of the continued evolvement of those who will benefit from its inception through the outward movement of its spheres of influence."

"The intent of its purpose is the key to its success of coordination with and within the flow of Divine Order. If this is reduced to a mathematical formula, then its inclusion cannot cause a change in any of the Divine formulas that allow the balance of the whole to exist in harmony."

"Thought thinking within itself would know if it was acceptable or not. That is the reason the opposition cannot take advantage of this process. Purity of intent to harmonize as the motive is a primary prerequisite."

I truly believe that we will ultimately find a perfect marriage of personal responsibility in a construct of a very balanced and benign form of socialism.  I really loathe using these social terminologies, but will choke on them until we find better ones...

For sure we need to be aware of the fact that the ruling class has never cared which model was being used, capitalism, communism, fascism, socialism, as long as they are in a position to dictate the terms of money supply.

and then from pg.13

"You accept this responsibility by making a personal commitment between you and the creative energy that focused you through thought into this existence. You will know how to participate in creating what will replace this living nightmare with a new experience! How? You search for it through your desire to know and to participate in its creation. Then through seemingly miraculous coincidence, how to participate shall become known to you."

"The critical point of the process is in making the commitment within your own awareness that the most important thing is participating in the creation of an experience that is 180 degrees opposite what is now planned to be your final earthly sojourn."

"It shall be individual inner change that shall conquer the outer forces that plan to control your very essence of self-awareness. Upon the acceptance of this clarion call lies the future of your survival and the experiences that wait for you within eternity."

Knightspirit's picture

It's interesting to me that I first heard of the Handbook some years ago - but it only now seems to really be hitting the mark as we are in the midst of this transition. Thanks for the reminder that it applies here. I am in the process of re-reading it - and plan to go into the other two books as well...

Wendy's picture

Hi Chris-

1. I like this and appreciate the reminder, thanks:

I think we can learn a lot from these examples of spiritual/physical evolution.  I also believe that we need to worry less about protecting so called freedoms of the individual and be more concerned with liberated exercise of personal sovereignty, a sovereignty that is absolutely Sacred, but lies dormant until it is exercised freely by the Divine individual.

It is so important to this awakening that we realize, because of our Sacred, Sovereign and Divine nature, none can be victim to anything but one's own imagination.  This is the test.  There are no powers that be, other than the power that already governs the whole of all that All of this is, and that is Sacred, inviolate, as are each of us.

2. From George Green:

It can be done by understanding that thought focused and released can indeed act within itself and upon itself. Though it sounds simplistic, and indeed in reality it is simple, it is a powerful tool." What does this mean? Could someone attempt to explain? Are they talking about the power of positive intention? Since I don't really understand what they are getting at here, I'm pretty lost on the next 3 paragraphs as well.

3. I agree - these words capitalism and socialism are loaded and have different meanings to different people. I feel sure that the bankers don't want the kind of capitalism I like as Rockefeller put it "Competition is a sin" but here again that word is loaded and may not convey my meaning well.

4. Then through seemingly miraculous coincidence, how to participate shall become known to you." I hope this happens soon.

Thanks for your thoughts - this has been an enlightening discussion.


Noa's picture

Wendy, in #2 above, George is talking about the universal Law of Intention.  Focused thought changes our physical reality.  Many teachers talk about this.  Quantum Physics has proven that the observer can change sub-atomic particles into a wave pattern.  Scientists use double-blind studies because they know that the outcome of the test is affected by the thoughts of the testers.  Masaru Emoto's work with water shows that one's thoughts influence the very structure of water. 

You can prove this to yourself by doing Emoto's rice experiment:  (Sending negative thoughts to one batch and positive thoughts to the other.)

ChrisBowers's picture

The answer to your question is in the way all of this was initially "kicked off" with that first primordial initiating thought that continues unabated to this moment.  we have the Sovereign Divine right to kick other concepts around for as long as we wish, but will finally return intuitively, with balanced left and right brain approach to the way this was initiated with that first moment of focused intention.

Thought aligned with the Sacred and working upon itself, instantly becoming in the higher non physical realms and then manifesting in the physical playground of our choosing. What George Green's book is getting at, along with other similar sources, is so apparently at work right now throughout the visible physical world.

We say it is not what we want.  We say it is someone else's fault.  We exercise all these futile rational perspectives and notions to spin our left brain interpreter wheels until we finally come back with broken hearts to ask so sincerely, "where did I go wrong?".  The sincerity of that thoughtful request aligns perfectly with the initial primordial intention and is honored and addressed in the balance of the rational left and intuitive right...

We are used to applying force.  This is not necessary and really gets in the way of a better understanding of the way things really are.  It is for each of us to find their own personal unique aha understanding of this truth....

kevnkar's picture

Anarchism, in it's purest sense is a very good model to pursue but it can not succeed with out a fundamental change of heart in the whole species. The longest lived anarchist society. The Icelandic Commonwealth was quite successful for over 300 years but fell prey to the christian church who bought up all of the private security firms establishing a monopoly. The Gaelic tribes were also highly successful but fell prey to outsiders as well. Until we can eliminate the drive to possess what another has and the quest for power, Anarchism simply isn't practicle. I do believe that the coming shift will bring about this change of heart and create a world where everyone's need are met which will eliminate those problems and that we will eventually have a form of Anarchism or community self governance. That is my hope for the future.

Much Love and Light to all

Noa's picture

Wow, that's astounding, I always thought anarchism was synonymous with rebellion.  Indeed, Microsoft Word's thesaurus uses these synonyms:  disorder, chaos, lawlessness, revolution, mayhem, rebellion. 

It's an interesting concept, but apparently, there is a wide train of thought about it, even amongst those who subscribe to Anarchism:

Anarchism is a political philosophy which considers the state undesirable, unnecessary, and harmful, and instead promotes a stateless society, or anarchy.[1][2] Anarchists seek to diminish or even abolish authority in the conduct of human relations,[3] but widely disagree on what additional criteria are essential to anarchism. According to The Oxford Companion to Philosophy, "there is no single defining position that all anarchists hold, and those considered anarchists at best share a certain family resemblance."[4]

There are many types and traditions of anarchism, not all of which are mutually exclusive.[5] Anarchist schools of thought can differ fundamentally, supporting anything from extreme individualism to complete collectivism.[2] Strains of anarchism have been divided into the categories of social and individualist anarchism or similar dual classifications.[6][7] Anarchism is often considered to be a radical left-wing ideology,[8][9] and much of anarchist economics and anarchist legal philosophy reflect anti-statist interpretations of communism, collectivism, syndicalism or participatory economics. However, anarchism has always included an individualist strain supporting a market economy and private property, or morally unrestrained egoism.[10][11][12] Some individualist anarchists are also socialists[13][14] while some anarcho-communists are also individualists.[15][16] The position known as anarchism without adjectives insists on "recognising the right of other tendencies to the name 'anarchist' while, obviously, having their own preferences for specific types of anarchist theory and their own arguments why other types are flawed."[17]

The rest of the Wikipedia page is very interesting:


A resource based society manages, creates access and shares all resources in a manner that is harmonious to the Planet, Cosmos and all life on the Planet:  From Sentient Fauna to unsentient Flora and Fauna.  In a resource based economy all are fed, clothed, housed, watered, nutured, educated, encouraged, and assisted in becoming the very best good by nurturing the inherent gifts within each sovereign individual to grow into fruition.  Sharing freely is the basis of a resource based ecomony.

Sharing Freely means to share  resources in a sustainable manner that is harmonious with all life including the life of the Planet, All Flora and Fauna and the Cosmos.  Sharing Freely is acting in a responsible and mature manner for the optimal growth of the Heart and Human Soul Capacity.  Resource Based Economy is based upon compassion for all things.

Compassion is present within all sectors of human society.  Engineers are highly compassionate individual.  Thier Souls express the Source of Love through the genius of the mind creating with the cohesion of the HEART. 

Science is seeking the same end as Spirituality.  Some of the Most Spiritual people are Scientist.  The use of Logic to create sustainable and resource based ways to meet the challenges of our world  is expressing the HEART through Logic.  Both are required for stable and balanced creation. 

Resource based economy is at its core equalitarian.  Equalitarianism requires the understanding of the Law of One, The Law of Atttraction and the Law of Right Action.  Equalitarism requires the understanding that we are all relations:  We are all Brothers and Sisters---Everyone is worthy of care.

In a resource based economy the phrase "I would if only I could afford it"  This phrase is nullified in a resource based economy as  it is based upon the abundance of and the access of resources available to all and not just some.

Ego has to take a back seat  in a resource based economy.  The ideas of Lack and free market and planned obselence are nullified for it is counter productive to create goods that are designed to fail.  It is counter productive to create goods that are only used once.  It is counter productive to have some people living in substanderd housing while others live in palaces.  It is simply unsustainable to live in this way... for both those in povery consciousness and those of elitist consciousness.  Both ways are unsustainable.  Both ways stunt the growth of the Human Heart and the Growth of the Gifts within the HEART. 

Resource Based Economies grow human potential for Soulful expression of beingness.  The Soul is concerned with Love and all its attributes.  What are the attributes of Love?  To this I answer the attributes of Love expand  awareness and allow for soulful expression of beingness this includes artistry, beauty, dance, kindness, sharing, wisdom, all the arts, all the sciences, it includes awe and wonder.  It includes beauty and culture.  It includes all forms of human expression and capacity for Love. It includes this and more. 

On other planets the sentient species does not have this vast capacity for Love that Humankind has.  They do however have a great capacity for Logic and compassion.  This Logic is like Spok in Star Trek or the Iagarians...

In a resource based economy the RRRC closed loop system would be applied. The RRRC is also the way in which the EARTH-GAIA operates.  Nothing is wasted, all is important, vital and essential, and everything is recycled, reduced, reused and composted.  Everything... including your physical vehicle: yoru body.  Everything returns to the EARTH to be reconfigured and used to create from yet again.  This system is elegant, simple and compassionate in its design.  It is resource based in its economy.

So How does this shift from a free market lack based economy to a Resource Based Economy occur?

Consider this:  are any of you prepared to love your neighbors?  Open your home and personal space to those without shelter?  Are any of you prepared to respond to others with kindness?  Compassionate Wisdom?  Are any of you interested in truly sharing your resources? 


Do you see your resources through the lens of ownership?  This is my food and you can not have it.  This is my house and you can go without shelter.  This is my water and you can go thirsty.

Resource Based Economy is based on Sharing all resources in a harmonious way with all life.  All are cared for in a loving, kind, caring and sustainable manner.  All human gifts are seen a resources to be shared freely from the HEART.

Are any of you ready to share your gifts?  Your resources?  Your Kindness, Compassion,  Love? 

Are any of you living by way and through the heart?

Resource based is a HEART based Economy with the Wisdom of the Heart.

Here is an example of a resource based economy.  Iagara

I bless you all with Love--


kevnkar's picture

I am ready to share my resources and have, in fact, opened my home to prople who needed a place to stay. True to the ills of the current world, in each of those cases, instead of gratitude I was taken advantage of and stolen from. This presents a challenge to heart centered living, and I have forgiven them, but it does make it a little harder to let someone else in. This is my challenge. Coincidentally, the way of the Native Americans is exactly what you are speaking of. A man with abundance would be shunned if he did not share his good fortune with the rest. One only has to study their ways to see the way forward.

Love and Light to All.

Noa's picture

French people are a quirky lot - a mixture of good sense and nonsense. I'm still trying to understand them.

They are guarded and reserved towards strangers, but once you've broken that barrier, they are some of the warmest, generous people on Earth.  They have a strong sense of family, which extends also to their friends. 

They readily offer their homes to people down on their luck without hesitation -- even to minor acquaintances.  They barter freely with their neighbors (on a small scale), and they have a strong sense of fairness.

Bucking the establishment is the national pasttime.  It's hard for me to imagine the French voluntarily embracing a one world government.  They really think the French way is the best way.

Many years ago, I wanted to travel the world, collecting information about what systems were working in different cultures and societies.  I would learn about the education, the healthcare, the government, etc. and put the best-working examples in a book called Utopia.  This could then be used as a blueprint  for countries to adopt intelligent systems instead of reinventing the wheel at people's expense.  I thought the problems in the world were based only on ignorance.

What I didn't know then is that governments aren't necessarily interested in the smartest, most efficient, beneficial way of doing things.  My dream of utopia has been trumped by greed.

tscout's picture

  hi to all, I am in China and haven t been able to get much online..Today I got a link to a proxy that gave me an american ip address(was supposed to get youtube),,it didn t ,but I got the gspot, which was blocked here also...I just read most of the entries here,,and see the whole thing very simply...The votes against the resource based economy come from a fear of letting go of the system we have been in for a very long time, one of slavery,covered up with a monetary system to appear like some kind of a reward for your hard work..Then there s those of favor of trying the rbe, as they know deep inside that we need to let go of that whole mess,,it,s the "remembering" we always talk about,,but do subconsciously,,and now it s bubbling to the surface in great ways like this...Once we stop trying to label it as this or that, or identify it with some other form of society we have tried,maybe we can get on with it, and see where it takes us,,no doubt it will be a positive step...By the way,,if you want to see the American industrial revolution taking place in a fraction of the time,,come to China,,I am in Beijing,and it is truly an anthill..The growth has already peaked, I heard there was a great post on The ghost towns of Beijing..Yes, the cycle already seems to be turning here.I have seen two special programs here in the last 2 weeks , discussions about how many people are already gravitating back to the villages and townships they migrated from..The difference here seems to be that, the migrant workers here all have land back where they came from, and there is always family on it,subsistence farming..So, when the economy collapses here, the 130 million migrant workers have a home to go to,,in America we have tent cities.......I just came from a county of 35,000 people to this,,15-20 million,and I have to say ,riding a bike here has been a spiritual experience...There are no stop signs, very few traffic lights,,bike lanes for scooters and bikes, and millions of people going somewhere...You would think there would be piles of dead bodies on the street corners, but I have only seen two slight accidents in one month..It is amazing how everyone finds this  "zone" where we all know what the other 5 or 6 people per second are going to do..No eye contact, that disrupts the flow, and makes someone think you are going to make a special move to let them in..It is all done without looking,,it blows me away....If this is doing what ants do, it is a great excercise,as we all have to find this common place to be in the flow of things without disrupting it...Maybe just a hint of what our "one mind" is truly capable of...

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"Dedicated to the greatest good of all who share our beautiful world"