World of Confusion...What Now??

If we can locate the stillness at the center of our hearts, we can find composure in almost any situation.

People who maintain their sense of calm when things around them are in a state of flux and confusion are always wonderful to be around. We feel calmer just being near them, as if they have activated our own sense of inner peace. From them we learn that we can be calm, even when everything around us is in turmoil, because we know that no matter what happens, this inner sense of calm will help us to function well. Often, times of confusion are the times that enable us to find that part of ourselves that knows how to cope, and how to be a light to others in the storm.

If we allow ourselves to be thrown off balance by every piece of disturbing news that comes our way, we may be relying too much on our emotions. On the other hand, our thoughts may also be unreliable at times like these, as they chatter on endlessly about what might happen next. If our feelings and thoughts activate one another in a hectic way, then we become caught up in the confusion that surrounds us. However, if we can locate the stillness at the center of our hearts, we can find composure in almost any situation. In addition, we provide a safe place for our friends and family, who are also prone to taking on the confusion of a world in flux.

It helps to remember that we don’t need to completely understand what’s happening right now, nor do we need to be able to predict the future. Most of us just want to find our way to being at peace with whatever happens, and we can find this peace inside. Cultivating our inner clarity with meditation, journaling, and reading words that inspire us, will lead us to that place inside us that’s already there, just waiting.....Daily Om.

Love and Light...


Noa's picture

Thank you for those encouraging words, Billy.  I am committed to living that way, though it takes practice, and I still lose my footing from time to time, though thankfully, not that often anymore.

Something has occurred recently, with some frequency, that causes me to question the energy I may be  sending to people (or their perception of it).  Since I focus on being loving and patient towards everyone (even to those who are challenging), I was very surprised and dismayed when two acquaintances within a week had strong adverse reactions to me.  I don't understand it.  It has started me wondering if the angst might be caused because I am so centered these days.  Maybe my peacefulness is annoying to people who are experiencing turbulence in their lives?

What do you think?


Misery sure loves company.  --fairy

UKFan1968's picture

It is kind of scary....Before I scrolled down to respond to Noa's "What do you think?'...The thought..Misery loves company...crossed my mind..When I scrolled down to respond I could hardly believe her post.....It WOWed. me.

Recently I have become distanced from a couple of life long friends that I have tried to share things with on the topics we discuss on this and other spots on the internet. They think I have lost my mind and as they tell me "You are way out there". I have decided to try to stay on my path and let them do as they will.. I may be rambling a little trying to find the words. Noa I understand perfectly your situation with the reactions of your acquaintances...Our culture has trained us to dismiss any experience that falls outside our rational, conceptual framework...I guess these people are sitting under the tree of their thinking minds, wondering why we're not getting any sunshine!!!!  Stay centered my friend and I suggest highly to read carefully every post from Fairy Farm Girl...I do and thank you FFG from the bottom of my heart........Love and Light to you ....Noa ..Kathy and FFG are wonderful people and in my thoughts every day.....

kevnkar's picture

Recently I have found some very interesting material presented by Laura Knight-Jadczyk which explains the backlash received by people that you try to help or send love to. Essentially, giving love to someone who has not asked for it violates their free will and is STS in nature. It is judgemental in nature and implies that you are trying to change them or alter their chosen path. Here is a link to the chapter in the book "The Wave" which discusses this phenomenon. I highly recommend reading this series of books. It explains a lot and also the source concurs with other material I have read from ascended masters, Edgar Cyce and others.

Hey Kev,

Thanks for the link, this dude is cool!....I particularly like....

Then, of course, there is the question of making “leaps” — wanting to skip over the third density part and go right back to where all is wonderful and happy and peaceful. One has to realize that this sort of thinking is more deeply STS than it might at first appear because, in the end, what is wanted is to escape the hard work of learning the lessons of this density. What is wanted is ease and comfort and no work. Such individuals want to sit in circles, contemplate their navels and chant “Oooommmm”, while bombarding the planet with their “unconditional love and light” so that everybody else will get with their program, and we can all go home now! (Note that “their program” contradicts the unconditional nature of the love and light they send!)


I have tried to convey to many people the amazing changes in my own life as a result of the change in my awareness — the burning away of what I had believed, or wanted to believe about our world for so many years.

What I have had difficulty describing is the completely new feeling that the universe has for me. It is truly like I went from a completely different universe to the one I presently occupy, and all the rules are different — commensurate with my awareness. As I gained more and more knowledge about the way things worked, I began to apply it to all that I experienced in my daily life. This brought about many changes because I made different choices about things than the choices I would have formerly made. Yes, many of these choices were based on things unseen, things that went against the standard, indoctrinated cultural view of our world with which we are brainwashed by our society, and many of these choices were simply incomprehensible in ordinary terms. But, the fact is, I made them, acted on them, and the results were nothing short of amazing! I was learning to read the subtle clues about the world and the interactions of people that are veiled from us. And these clues were well beyond the usual psychic impressions of your standard “psychic sensitive”, I can assure you! Quite often, it required very hard work to “see” beyond what I wished to see based on emotional inclinations, or what “felt good”. Sometimes, seeing the truth feels very “bad”, but only because we are conditioned that way.




UKFan1968's picture

I may have misunderstood but it sounds like   LOO....(LAW OF ONE)...

kevnkar's picture

Is one of the very few channeled sources that Laura feels to be authentic or mostly accurate. Her information comes from another 6th density source known as the Cassiopaeans who claim to be future us. Her information is different than any other channeled stuff I've read in that it is very straightforward and accessible and they,(the Cs), don't spoon feed but give clues to get you to learn on your own. It resonates with me very well and explains alot about the prison we are in here in 3rd density.

Jez, you are very welcome!

Francis's picture

I have read that when one is on the path and begins to make real headway that their own misqualified energies (which are thoughts, feelings, words and deeds put out into the world which are not of a constructive nature.  These can be very subtle and most times we don't even know we're doing it, like irritations and annoyances, quick and rash judgments, viewing something in a negative way, gossip and other demeaning words, all things that take place, most often when we're in groups, that we often don't realize we're participating in) begin to return to them at a more rapid pace because all needs to be brought back into a state of balance in order to move on (ascend?), though it is very true what kevnkar says about forcing your ideas on another and we should strive to help "to those who have ears to hear."  But these misqualified energies (our own that need to be brought back into a state of balance because we're responsible for everything we put out into the world - energy bears a stamp with our own personal imprint that is unmistakeable to the universe) make the rounds in the realms unseen and gather more of the same and then come back to us.  Makes a good case for always putting out the best you can and not rushing to judgment or criticism when something doesn't agree with your beliefs.  But I guess the point I'm trying to make is that these energies come back because we are responsible for putting them out there and the law of the circle or cause and effect (karma?) are unavoidable.  What I've read (in various ascended master instructions and channelings) is that we need to love them back into harmony - can you imagine of a more difficult lesson in unconditional love, someone yelling at you and you standing calm and centered and sending them back love?!?  I've also heard it said that as we evolve on the path that others will be attracted to your light and come to you to either attempt to diminish it or benefit from it, though they may come to you with an ignorant and often abusive stance.  Alright Jez, I'm going to send this out there, don't attack it too hard for being new agey - ha!  I don't align with any set beliefs but am trying to get beyond all religious and scientific dogma we've been trained to believe.  I do believe there are truths out there that surpass our understanding and hence there is always room for evolution and growth.


Hey Francis,

Attack! you think I attack!, I will poke someone occassionally, a combination of the Aussie shit stirrer and my Coyote.....but there is also just the different culture.....I actually have to cut things right back here....rhis is me being subtle! should see how it works where I couldn't survive without a thick skin....about 30 people in the office and every single one a smart ass in their own right!

I am not into new age, true....I have a "native" perspective I guess and so to me the way ahead is all about knowing natural's that simple....the new paradign is just a return to understranding natural's about respect for ALL things...

To end I will say Francis that you should never take a Coyote on face value..... I have no issue with saying or being an opposite......Lol....... if it has the potential to lead to greater awareness for myself or others I'll give it a go....



ps.......Francis...I am glad you don't align with any this won't phase you and sometimes I get sad cause I feel I am not allowed to express this here....but....there was no Jesus!...they made him up!......Wink

Knightspirit's picture

I want to chime in here - since I doubt anyone on this forum has been down the rabbit hole as far as I have been and survived, LOL! I am very experienced with people not wanting to be around me - since I have a tendency to completely shatter their current perspectives of reality and to say that makes them uncomfortable is an understatement. 

I think we have to take into account that there are two roads we all choose between. The "smooth" road of conformity and comfort, and the "rocky" road of awakening to new concepts and realities that are not supported in the mainstream perspectives. If you choose the rocky road, expect it to be steeper, get you there quicker, be much less crowded and have a spectacular view from the top. Once having seen a little of that view, you will be hard pressed to describe it to someone on the lower path. For them to truly understand what you are describing requires them to hike up the road and see it for themselves. Most are simply going to be too lazy to do that. So we must bid them adu and continue our journey.

I have to be careful to keep my mouth shut at parties etc. and never reveal my true perspectives to casual strangers unless they are obviously seeking knowledge about such things. What you will find though, is that if you live your truth, and things are working for you, people will start asking you about it. This is what is happening to me now - after having "released" my long term partner of 14 years who was not on the rocky road (happily remarried to a military lifer - sigh...)

You will find no respite from the "spiritual" community either by the way. I have found most people in that movement to be so polarized as to be almost blind to the world around them. So while I tend to gravitate to those communities, even there I have to be careful not to alienate myself. Attempting to attract a like minded partner is my personal law of attraction challenge!

This community at the G-spot is unique in the world it seems - and I have no doubt that we have all been guided here for a reason - if nothing else to confirm that we are all nuts in the eyes of everyone else! So be it. As our understandings change - so does our energy, and so do the people we attract. Unfortunately - there are just fewer people out there with the same energy signatures as ours - so we don't seem to be attracting much (while at the same time distancing the others...) 

I'm OK with the rocky road. I don't like crowds.

Bob07's picture

One thing that can turn people off is an air of superiority -- not even blatant, but subtle.  I've found that for those of us on some kind of spiritual path or who have looked behind the curtain (of illusion, of wordly power... whatever) can begin feeling a bit above everyone else in some subtle way and not even be aware of it.  People pick this up.   -- I'm not saying that anyone here is doing that; only we can determine that for ourselves.

Noa's picture

First, I'd like to apologize to Billy, who wrote so beautifully about the importance of maintaining peace and stillness amidst the chaos.  My comment above launched a series which took this thread in an entirely different direction.  In writing this reply, I found it necessary to re-read Billy's words in order to bring myself back to center.  Thank you, Billy.


I think this is the passage which you are referring to, kevnkar

Now, a lot of people manipulate in order to get energy. That is not asking. Begging, pleading, acting pitiful, being helpless or a klutz or a screw-up are all ways of taking energy. And, what is the result if you allow yourself to be manipulated and to give in response to such forms of persuasion?

“If anything, such an energy transference even could enhance the effect… Imbalanced waves could be drawn upon by the receiver.”

This means, in a very real sense, that much of the activity on this Earth that passes for benevolent acts consists in feeding the STS hierarchy. It is rather like the co-dependent relationship. The abuser cannot abuse you without your permission. Not only that, all the activity to “save” this or that group, to “bomb the earth and its inhabitants with love and light,” may only serve to increase the negativity, the darkness, and the control system because, without having been asked, or acting against those whose choice it is to deceive, to control, to misinform, we are violating their free will in acting against them, even if our intentions are good. Thus, they feed on this energy, increasing their energy in Service to Self.

We all want to “save” our loved ones from mistakes of judgment or action. We all die a little inside when we see our children following pathways that could, in some cases, actually end in their deaths. But, in truth, we can only advise, we cannot act against their choices if they are at or beyond the age of consent. Where so many of us fall by the wayside is in not understanding how much of this is masked in the guise of helplessness and appeals to our sense of pity and compassion.

How many of you have ever given time, energy, money, shelter, food, clothing or other help to a “pitiful” person, only to be screwed or stabbed in the back by that person? Over and over again, you say? Yes. Not only that, they seem to go on to bigger and better things, using more and more people, getting stronger and stronger on other people’s money and energy. Curious, isn’t it? And what are we taught in our religion? To “forgive and forget” and “turn the other cheek” and “go the extra mile”, and go back for more! We stay in relationships or situations because we “feel sorry” for someone. When we try to extricate ourselves, we find that the pity level shoots up and the crying and begging are just awful!

Cassiopaea's message contradicts itself and citing it misses my point.  I'm not trying to change or to save people and I don't feel superior.  I'm talking about interaction with my fellow human being on an equal level, beyond the barriers of separateness.  I'm being who I am, and what I am is the "service to others" modus operandi that is so strongly advocated in the messages of Cassiopaea and similar sources.  There are no ulterior motives; I can't help but express that which I am.

Why then, when someone behaves in service to others do you perceive it as service to self?  "Oh, you must be unconsciously manipulating people's free will or have some ulterior motive because no one could possibly be that altruistic!"  Hypocrisy!

Then there are those who scorn people who send "love and light" to the Earth to help heal her.  "Love interferes with the free will of others.  Love causes more darkness."  Poppycock!  It is the denial of the darkness which feeds it.  Are you not aware of the faction who nightly perform rituals of evil and darkness to destroy the Earth and everything on her?  Are we to let that continue unimpeded?

There is so much information out there right now, telling us how we should think and behave.  Maybe the answers we seek come only from within ourselves.

My sincere thanks to all of you for helping me find the answer to my question.

Love and light,


For some reason I have the urge to stage roar:  "Pigs in Space...."  God(dess) Bless Jim Henson

Seriously, I do not find it difficult to live my truth anymore--- I used to.. but not anymore.  I have great providence in finding online groups where I am able to discuss with loving discourse that which I feel a need to discuss. 

In my real time life, I have a joyous partnership with my husband, and several like minded friends--- well more than several.  We may not all live in the same physical neighborhood but we reside in the same spriitual neighborhood. 

When rubbing elbows with the locals it is good to know your audience.  Tell a good story that they can relate to.  Jesus was a master at this type of storytelling-- as you expand you suddenly understand the story more.  Jim Henson was also an equally gifted story teller as is Peace Pilgrim and many others.  The ability to tell a story that appeals to all no matter where they are resting on the spiral of life and expansion is a skill that certainly comes in handy---especially at a party. 

The rocky road is only as rocky as you choose it to be.  Yep, there might be pot holes but what road has not had pot holes.  Look where you step and go around the cow paddies and the pot holes and enjoy  the journey.  I prefer the company of others--- some prefer the company of themselves.  All is choice and all choice is valid in the Free Will sand box road.

I bless you all with Love--- and if that gives you indigestion I suggest you take some anti-acid.  It will help settle your stomach... Lemons work good for this too.


There is another post up here talking about saying sorry and I think this first bit could fit in there as well but I'll type it here...

In Australia we had a long running debate on whether we as a nation should appologize to the Aboriginals, the politicians would not do it and the people were split over it. Many on both sides saw only what it meany legally or what it would say about them...many people took it very personal.

In the end we did appologize, it did not have significant legal ramifications or force anybody to take on any personal guilt.....and it didn't because it had nothing to do with blame or guilt or anything like was about acknowledging what was, is and had more hiding it out of sight or denial of it's being.....we finally acknowledged it was wrong and that there are lessons in it that we should learn and always remember.....

This act of acknoledgement and respect was very healing for all.....

Now the reason I type this here is because I have no idea what Noa just appologized to  Billy for?

Bily does not "own" this's not his ....Lol.....and the only words that reflect on Billy are his own....I like this post, it is a good post....what has gone "wrong" with it?.....I love when a post evolves, especially when  people  are sharing some of their beliefs and some "honest" bits of themselves.....this is the good stuff and everybody is playing nice, we are agreeing and disagreeing and I don't see anything personal in any of it....I am, you are, we are....this is cool and something you don't see many I have stated many times here, I do not see a have to stay on topic rule anywhere and even if there is I will not follow it!....nah na nah na nah nah!...there is jack anyone can do about it and I won't appologize for it!.....Tongue out



Jez-- all I can say is Pigs in Spaaaaaaace!   Laughing

Aaaaawhoooooool!.... Fairy!

and I'll add....there is little in this world greater or more powerful than a good story!....some things cannot be written directly and can only be communicated through stories.....may the true storytellers of this world again find voice....

ChrisBowers's picture

have been (oof toopic, ya)

so luvs ya all for being!!!!!

oh, another thing hit me as a remote possibility Noa, that those giving you a hard time see you as an "American".  I have to think its very possible the alleged "we" of the US (guilt by association regardless - shoot first ask questions later) are on a record number of shit lists worldwide at present...

hang in there, its great stuff for personal growth in spite of being a bit bitter going down...

so what now Billy???

you guessed it, FOOD FIGHT!!!!!! HAAHAHAHAHA

kevnkar's picture

Noa, that is the section I was refering to and I have to say that, when it's read out of context of the rest of the material, I can understand your reaction to it. Maybe I shouldn't have thrown it out thay way but my aim was to introduce those interested to the work as a whole. There is some other stuff there which is trying to get across that the stuff we see as bad or evil is still a part of God and trying to change it is saying that there is something wrong with God. Giving each thing it's due and accepting all on equal terms is one of the big challenges of third density existence. It is our natural tendency to be repulsed by things we see as evil and want to change it, but acceptance of what is and trusting that what God wants to change, he will, is the message I am perceiving from this small area of the work. One of the large points that the Cassiopaeans try to get across is that all is lessons. Developing the awareness to see the lessons in our daily lives is key in advancing spirtually and escaping this prison.

Who will help dig the tunnel under the prison wall?

Noa's picture

It's a good theory, Chris, except that the main dynamic currently in play involves a fellow American.  On the whole, cultural differences figure into the equation to be sure, as well as bias. 

Large numbers of British people have infiltrated France, and the French tend to categorize all English-speakers as the same.  In my experience, there is a huge cultural difference between Americans and Brits.  For the most part, the French are relieved to hear that one is American or Irish rather than "Angleterre."

Noa's picture

Maybe it's just me, Kevin, but it was hard for me to decipher the main thrux in Cassiopaea's message.  I actually read half of that incredibly long string of diverse subjects before I finally gave up.  Every time it brought up a new subject, I was waiting for the author to expand upon it -- to put it in a context where the reader could tell if it rang true or not.  Then off it would go onto another statement of "fact" without any substantiation. 

If you find it helpful, great.  I won't stop you.


Note:  Maybe I should have used the word acknowledge instead of apologize.  It's okay to get "off topic,"  I just hope Billy's beautiful message doesn't get lost in the mix.

UKFan1968's picture

I have answered your personal message...Just thought I would add this to the thread......

As far as an acknowledgement or apology in my post at the G-Spot...No worries...I actually like it when any message triggers conversation..conversation never stays on the original track and it is exciting to me to see what the best minds on the internet will do or go at any time...

It is a little harder for me to keep up with all at the G-Spot since I have rentered the mains stream working people once again, but I kind of like being busy and the human interaction part. Love and Light....Billy

Francis's picture

I couldn't help but think of your problem concerning the strong adverse reactions from acqaintances when I read this this morning:

     So what do you do when they judge and condemn you, ridicule you, betray you and war upon you?  You first love, bless and forgive yourself for creating the experience.  This removes you from any victim role and places you back in the driver's seat.  Then allow that blessing to flow through you, to them and the experience, from your being.  It is their truth, their projection, and they can own it.  Forgive them for their ignorance.

    You must learn self-love, self-authority and to set boundaries.  Stay centered in your truth.  If you judge, argue or war upon others, you have crossed into their territory and have to play by their rules.  In other words, you become just like them, lowering your vibration.

    Judging and condemning others hooks you into their energies.  Loving unconditionally, allowing them and sending a blessing their way, releases you and amplifies the lower vibrational attitude and emotion on their side of the coin.  This quickens the manifestation of the lessons they need to learn.

    Remember:  The only reason anyone has any power over you is because you want something from them.  They hook you because you want their approval, acceptance or love, or you are unsure and have not yet gained a conviction for your own truth, something you must find within yourself.  If you have to war over a truth, then you don't own it.  Gaining a conviction has nothing to do with their approval or acceptance.  Allow them their truth, however limited.  They are correct, because consciousness creates reality, and they have not allowed the reference points to create a grander truth.  Love yourself for having the courage to expand beyond social consciousness. 

Easier said than done.  I've been struggling with this myself, mostly in the workplace.  It most likely stems from the fact that I don't love my work, and long to breakout of this workforce prison system, but the group (mob) mentality can be a bit overwhelming at times nonetheless.  Sending you all courage and love to own your truths,


ChrisBowers's picture

Red Ice Radio - George Kavassilas - Ascension and Beyond

"The Knowing will come from inside of you"

Noa's picture

Thanks, Francis, that helps.  What website is that from?

Francis's picture

Gililland's second book, Becoming Gods II.  Seemed to fit the bill where problem acquaintances were concerned . . .

tscout's picture

with alot of this, Every time I have travelled abroad I have been cornered by someone feeling the need to rag on the stereotype of Americans.of course,those stereotypes rise from some truth. The worst case for me was being on a 150 foot long island off of belize with an angry Canadian,,,After hearing him out,,I did alot of snorkeling....

        FFG, I love the idea of storytelling. We have a storytelling festival in the mountain town of Taos,NM,where I just recently left,and some years we get people from all over the world..Years ago I interviewed Martin Prechtel on the radio to kick off the first festival. He was a guy who Stumbled into the aititlan region of Guatemala back in the 60 s, and became the storyteller,,or "history Keeper" for a mayan sect, and eventually left there with a price on his head, put there by the church, who was converting the natives..Killing off the history keepers was the key to separate the locals from their culture, as their was no written history,it was all oral..That is where my respect for storytelling ...Although the stories can be very magical, they also are timeless, and can be repeated throughout history to remind us of lessons..For anyone interested, try this one,a short read, with 3 different analagies of the story following it..It will shed a new light on  storytelling for you , I am sure.."The disobedience of the daughter of the sun", by Martin Prechtel...Thanks for reminding me,,,T


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