Just for Fun!!!

Thanks Berry....

Let's see who truly reads my status. You and I wake up in a psychiatric ward together. Using FOUR words only, what would you say to me? think!)..Four words are more difficult than you think....
Playing Chip!

ksaulino's picture

That fun or what?



kevnkar's picture

What did you do?

What the?...Oh yeah.

Noa's picture

"How'd we get here?"

"Why are we here?"

"Who made this up?"

"Where is this headed?"

"What now, my love?"


Billy, are you going to tell us the method in your madness?  What's the point?



Bob07's picture

Let's plan an escape.

Bob07's picture

Sorry.... deleted duplicate content. (These are not the four words.)

ChrisBowers's picture

"WTF Dude!"


"What is (expletive, expletive) going on?"


"So what's for lunch?"


"So where's Jack Nicholson?"

lightwins's picture

Here, Now.



I Am One, Too.

UKFan1968's picture

Why does he Easter Bunny hide his eggs??

UKFan1968's picture


UKFan1968's picture


UKFan1968's picture

No method to madness....Berry sent it to me and I just wanted to see what the best minds on the internet would do with the question.....

lightwins's picture

doesn't have any eggs of his to hide...

lightwins's picture

hides his eggs in the Easter Tree:


Easter Tree

Around 1945, as a young boy, Volker Kraft saw his very first Easter Tree (Eierbaum, Osterbaum or Ostereirbaum, in German), and decided he would have one of his very own when he grew up. Time passed and young Volker became a married man with a family. But his childhood dream stuck with him and he decorated his first Easter Tree in 1965 using 18 colored plastic eggs.  In a few years, he and his wife stopped using plastic eggs and instead used real eggs which they decorated after using the insides.  When their children grew up, they started helping with the decorating,and the Easter Tree became a family tradition, known not only in their home town of Saalfeld, but all of Germany.


After their kids moved out of the house, it seemed the Easter Tree would finally catch a break, but grandsons arrived and the Krafts went back to decorating their giant tree. The number of Easter eggs hung by the tree’s branches grew every year,and in 2010 it reached an incredible 9,500 eggs.  It takes 2 to 5 people two weeks to

decorate the tree.  It stays fully decorated for 2 weeks before Easter and one week afterwards.



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