Why? Why is it that 99.9% of sources and people that put supposedly enlightening information out there. in the end, are just seeking money?!!!!! The truth is damn diffecult to find if you ask me. I understand that people must survive and exhange some form of energy for the service they provide, but so many of these things turn in to money suction devices at the end of the web content. I'm disgusted with it. Anyone who spends so much time and effort trying to convince people that they are here to help, should not be scamming those people out of their money. Am I wrong on this?
Not asking for money....
Ok, do you have $5 I could borrow?
At my site Art Studio Gaia I charge a nominal fee for information on questions people have, for readings, and spiritual coaching/guidance and I also sell my art on this site. I, however, do not charge for the Digest or Gaia Speaks. The messages that I recieve for Humanity are freely given to humanity. Although I will say this. There is nothing more expensive than Free. It is I that has to pay. I pay for the site. I pay for the webdesigner. I pay for my time. I pay for the poverty that I am in for the very reasons you highlight.
There is nothing more expensive than free.
I bless you with Love. Agreed Information for the betterment of humanity should be available for all to view that so feel inclined to do so.
When I hear of a new protocol I'd like to learn or a workshop I'd like to attend etc, I must be aware of the cost as I'm no longer 'employed' so there is no paper paycheck in my pocket. I have what I need, when I need it. Thank you-I am grateful in all things. I love being 'semi-retired' and having many hours to spend with my new grandson and in pursuing my own soul growth.
I recall dropping $30 for a two hour talk by a gentleman from Mt. Shasta who claims to be a healer, and it was a great talk. Well worth the dollars and time. He had a more extensive all day workshop (and of course much more costly) , one friend said to him, do you cover more than you've covered today? Our $200 was spent listening to the same talk we'd already heard and was his promotion for his week long ($1500) workshop. (No I did not go.) The woman I know that did, did not get from it what she thought she would. (I wasn't particularly surprised.)
And as for 'readers'- I've learned to be open to Source energy and ask the right questions and the answers come through. Now I'm not saying there aren't 'good' ones, I know a few. I'm only saying if someone suggests that you need an entire course of what they're selling (like prayers every day and 6 foot candles) RUN the other way and hold onto your wallet.
I have found most of the time that people who are truly led to heal, teach, medical intuitives etc., if they are worth their salt have at least reasonable fees. (Yes, everyone has to make a living somehow). I have some wonderful altruistic friends who do things for people based on ability to pay rather than fixed dollars. One that had her own business and offered metaphysical teaching, classes and workshops went out of business though, because she did not set a fee. Everything was done on a 'donation' basis-and that didn't work either. Her clients could afford false fingernails and having their hair done every week, but couldn't come up with $10-20 for a 'donation' to attend a workshop. My friend never turned anyone away.
I guess my thought is in a perfect world, we wouldn't be left feeling this way Kev, but in this dimension we still battle for the mighty buck. I'm trying to pull away from that as much as I can. Use what I have, wear things till they actually wear out, grow my own, recycle/freecycle, barter my skillset and expertise.
Are the things you want to learn or discuss within the realm of anyone here? Maybe there are sources that might be of assistance??
Namaste, kristyne
...my outburst of negativity. I just got kind of set off by a you tube video in which the presenter got in a plug for silver he is selling right at the end. FFG, I just visited your site and clearly I do not get a negative vibe so I can tell your intentions are pure. I guess the fact that I do get vibes from sites is a good sign that my intuition is awakening. I just get frustrated at times when I spend some valuable time reading something only to get that vibe in the end. If I could just figure out how to tap all the answers that I am told are within, I wouldn't have to spend so much time reading stuff on the web.
Thanks for the replies.
that all the answers are within, Kevin, but, IMHO, we are incarnate here to work through our emotional baggage and that nearly always requires others who trigger it for us. When we are sufficiently clear to love them all, regardless of how they behave, perhaps we will then find all the answers within...
Bless you more,
I am suprised at how much information is available for free on the internet. I think it is easy to take it for granted that because so much is offered online gratis, that we shouldn't have to pay for what isn't.
I share your sentiment in this way, Kevin... when people charge exorbitant fees for things that benefit humanity - like for health or spiritual growth - I get annoyed and leave their sites. They seem insincere and self-serving to me.
I'm not, however, offended by people who offer useful information on Youtube or their own or affiliate websites in order to bring business to themselves. I agree with Fairy's tact - give something away for free while charging a nominal fee for other things. When money no longer is required for our survival, we can give more generously.
"When we are sufficiently clear to love them all, regardless of how they behave"
Personal Liberty and Freedom could hardly be defined any better....
We have to get over the money issue. It is the main catalyst for polarization in this space - and is obviously quite an effective tool. Oddly - we have been given "options" in this system that can drastically reduce the amount of money necessary to live, and live well. I am hesitant to say anything too much on a public forum regarding this - so if anyone is interested in how to get all of their bills paid without federal reserve notes - send me an email.
I do charge $1000 for the information though, LOL! (Just kidding about the charge - but not about getting the bills paid...) Include an off-site email address so I can respond with the info...