Had a nervous breakdown at the age of three when she discovered what timeline she was on - the one where war still existed. Bill does a nice job with this one. Overall, a very hopeful and empowering message.
Had a nervous breakdown at the age of three when she discovered what timeline she was on - the one where war still existed. Bill does a nice job with this one. Overall, a very hopeful and empowering message.
The Gathering Spot is a PEERS empowerment website
"Dedicated to the greatest good of all who share our beautiful world"
After listening I found Inelia's website. It seems to be very interesting so far.
Thanks Francis,
Thanks Francis for posting this - great stuff. I like the timeline explanation of reality - and how we each have our own timeline - intertwined with those of like consciousness. We really DO have control over where we end up! That's the same message that Noa posted recently re Bashar.
It is comforting to know that there are specific "workers" assigned to planet Earth to help cleanse the negative pollution here - and that it is working. As more and more of the negative drops away - there will undoubtedly be a last big push from the Elite to keep what little control they have left - and so that will be interesting - but the momentum is already pushing them aside.
Time to change our timeline!
Thanks for posting Francis!!!
For those who feel that don't have time, I recommend going to minute 53 and starting there. The early stuff is not so important. What exciteing times we live in!
With sacred love and excitement,
This is some of the best material I've ever seen. Go Bill Ryan! As far as I can tell, she's speaking volumes of pure Truth. Here's one little piece of it, on her website, http://www.ascension101.com/ (thanks Wendy for the link):
"Sometimes, the person who finds ascension the hardest will be the Lightworker, as opposed to someone on their soul journey who hasn't taken sides. This is because the lightworker, by definition, has taken sides. The person who does everything for the greater good, who goes out of their way to help others, no matter what this might cause to their own welfare, and who judges those who choose a path of destruction and fear as "evil", will find it extremely difficult to integrate their own darkness, acknowledge it, accept it, and let it expand with the rest of their Self. And darkness they do have." Read the entire article here.
I expect Chris will chime in on this one.
Here's more: "Anyone who is familiar with HAARP and Conspiracy theories will be nodding in agreement to how they are all related and how it is a certain group on Earth trying to eliminate millions of people from the face of the planet. Two things are not theoretical. One is that HAARP exists, and the other is that it's technology can cause earthquakes. What is questionable is, are they using the technology to cause all these disasters, so many weather anomalies around the world, and cataclysmic type "natural" events? And, are they trying to wipe out a lot of the population or are they simply trying to cause fear? Would you be very surprised if I told you that none of these questions, or the existence of HAARP are relevant?...
"Do I personally think there is a group trying to eliminate a great portion of the population on Earth? No.
"Do I personally think there is a group trying to stop personal spiritual ascension on a great portion of the population on Earth through chronic fear and post traumatic stress? Yes. But this is not going to stop us or our Spiritual Ascension." The entire article is here.
The first part was a little slow, but the rest more than makes up for it. Going along with your train of thought Bob, I found this:
So why all the wars, fighting, and seeming chaos if the frequency of the planet is going up?
Change is often met with resistance, especially among those who effort greatly to deny their unbreakable connection to Creator God. These ones know that the Planetary Cleansing is underway and, as they do time and time again, they effort to find a way to keep their desired lower-frequency “reality” intact.
These “Dark” ones will do everything they can imagine to generate enough anger, fear, doubt, and uncertainty—all manner of low-frequency aetheric energy vibrations—so as to use the masses of the people to generate an energy distortion in the aethers that will temporarily buy them “time” to figure out a way to avoid the inevitable.
(“The inevitable”, by the way, includes an increased perceptual awareness by the masses, who grow to see beyond the illusion of the material world, and therefore the ability to be controlled or manipulated disappears.)
If you look at the Planetary Cleansing process much like dealing with an infection, where often the body has to raise its temperature in order to kill off the invader, then you will see that the wars, violence, anger, and such are actually signs that the healing process has begun and is well on its way.
Bob, I have to believe you must be thinking of Jez and Fred who have spoken volumes exquisitely on the subject of "darkness", that part of us that so much of humanity attempts to avoid when it comes to "themselves". Much of the "us v. them" polarized dualism comes from the attempt to avoid and project one's own "dark side".
We must ultimately see our dark side smile back at us instead of scare the shit out of us. This is an excellent indication of integration (or something similar)... A realization that the Cosmos is not a dangerous place to be is also an excellent indicator that one has begun to stop projecting and start a very fulfilling and Loving integration process of alleged "darkness"...
I still remember the Star Trek episode where Captain Kirk's Light and Dark side split into two when the device beaming him up malfunctioned. The core of the message from Roddenberry was that one cannot live without both, and both were integrated back together at the end of the episode...
it all gets mushed together after a while.
If anyone hasn't explored Inelia Benz's website yet, it's well worth doing. In the left column is a long list of mostly excellent articles she's written on related subjects. She seems to clear up a lot of sticky ponts and confusing things in the realm of global and personal transformation and what's actually going on. Of course, how can we know if what she says is true and accurate? Maybe we can't, but she sure rigns true for me.
So check out her website: http://www.ascension101.com/
(I notice she's wearing a wedding ring. Benz is a lucky guy, getting a lovely, squeaky-clean gal directly from the Oneness Realm.)