The Cry of Gaia

I just received this from Fred


Bill Ryan: The Cry of Gaia – A Call to Action


Inelia Benz gives Bill Ryan a direct experience of Gaia. Bill comes to understand the extent of Inelia’s experience of the pain of the whole planet.


The Cry of Gaia – A call to action

Most readers will know that Gaia is most often associated with the term coined by the ecologist James Lovelock to describe the coherent, complex, balanced, living entity of Planet Earth in all its natural richness.
I (Bill) had always taken this as a metaphor – until I met Inelia. And so I tell this little story which follows against myself. To Inelia, it was self-evident that Gaia was a magnificent, fully sentient, godlike being. And when talking about this with me, she did what she often does when words are inadequate: she invited me to take her hands while she gave me a download of direct perception.

This she did: and I immediately perceived Gaia, a huge, eon-ancient entity that is our planet and all her multitudinous natural habitats. It was enormous, and strong, and solid, and eternal. I could feel her power. It was something literally awesome. I shall never forget that moment of first encounter. No doubt exists for me now about Gaia’s conscious reality.

Gaia talks to Inelia all the time. And last month, when in Switzerland, I was inspired to ask for a direct communication. Staying for weeks in a small hotel room waiting for my US visa to be issued, I decided to take an afternoon out to climb a mountain.
I used to climb a lot of mountains, but this time I took the mountain railway to the summit. I’d been cooped up for weeks, and I expanded my awareness in gratitude and appreciation at the marvelous natural environment of rocks, trees and alpine meadows which we were passing through on the train. I am a mountain man to my roots, and I deeply love this kind of terrain.
Near the summit, the mist swirled around me as I climbed the rocks to the very top. And suddenly, feeling connected with Gaia, I had a wild thought. I said to myself, as if in prayer: “Gaia, if you can hear me, show me a Brocken Specter.”
Now, a Brocken Specter is a spectacular natural phenomenon which requires a precisely coordinated combination of sun, clouds, atmospherics and moisture. It consists of a huge shadow of oneself projected on the clouds below, surrounded by a rainbow halo. They’re very rare: in all my time in the mountains, years and countless expeditions all over the world, I have seen only a handful of Brocken Specters.
And suddenly, within maybe a minute and a half, one suddenly appeared. There it was. I spent half an hour filming it, in various stages of awe and disbelief. I was staggered. As in the movie Avatar, I found myself thinking: “Eywa has heard me.”

That was over a month ago, in Europe. And now, we cut to today, in Sacramento, California. I had not seen Inelia for a couple of days, and she came round to see me towards the end of a very busy afternoon. It was wonderful to see her, as always. And as I gave her a hug, she collapsed in tears in my arms.

I looked at her, and held her hands, not knowing what was the matter. She looked back at me, eyes brimming. “I can hear the cry”, she said. “It’s getting louder. I can’t bear it. It’s overwhelming.”
I looked at her intently, realizing. “The cry of the collective, and Gaia”, she said. “All the people, animals, all the plants, all the trees. There’s so much pain, so much suffering, so much violence. I feel it all. I hear it all. Every minute of every day. It never stops. I can’t stand it. And it’s getting louder all the time.”
She looked at me, asking me to understand. And I did. Like many humans, I’m a hypocrite: that means that I compartmentalize my experience for convenience. I wear a leather hat, and eat as much meat as I can. But I cannot bring myself to kill even a mosquito. I genuinely regard all living things as sacred. I have a dictum that I must never destroy anything I can’t create – which is why I save mosquitoes. Yet I deny my participation as a cavalier consumer.
Meanwhile, Inelia was directly experiencing the pain of Gaia. Through tears of compassion, she talked of the blind unawareness of the men in the slaughterhouses, the chemical farmers, the factory fishermen, the destroyers of the rainforests, the creators of wars. Those men and women who torture and kill millions of people, animals and trees every day. Those that think animals and trees don’t feel pain, fear, and terror, or relish the thought of inflicting these on the vulnerable. Those who deliver psychic and physical attacks on to others.
Deeply moved, and in response, I read to her the opening paragraph of Thom Hartmann’s masterwork, The Last Hours of Ancient Sunlight:

In the 24 hours since this time yesterday, over 200,000 acres of rainforest have been destroyed in our world. Fully 13 million tons of toxic chemicals have been released into our environment. Over 45,000 people have died of starvation, 38,000 of them children. And more than 130 plant or animal species have been driven to extinction by the actions of humans. (The last time there was such a rapid loss of species was when the dinosaurs vanished.) And all this just since yesterday.

I was brought up in Africa. I’ve spent my life exploring wild places. Inelia has deep connections with sacred land in her native Chile, and a few years ago was brave enough to sail round Cape Horn in a small boat. When she was a little girl, she would pick hummingbirds off the branches of trees, and they would let her hold them in her tiny hands. They knew who she was; and they knew that they would not be harmed.
Still through her tears of Gaia’s suffering, Inelia told me a story about violence and anger. Years ago, she had a German Shepherd, which had caught its paw in a metal gate. The dog was beside itself with anger and pain. Its head whipped backwards and forwards, snapping at anyone who tried to get near as it struggled to free itself.
Inelia walked up to it and held him firmly, but to get to his paw she had to put her arm between his jaws and the gate. In its pain it sank its teeth into her arm – which Inelia permitted it to do. Then after the paw was free, Inelia held the dog’s jaws tight, as he continued trying to bite. She held him against the ground firmly but gently. It calmed down and she was able to release it, knowing it would no longer bite those around him. The wound in her arm healed without scars.

The moral of the story? Humans, too, lash out in anger and violence, because they are in great pain and fear. “I’d like to hold them all in my arms”, said Inelia. “All of them. I’d like to show them that they are loved, and that they are safe. All the murderers, all the rapists, all the butchers of the seals, whales and dolphins, all the bloodthirsty workers in the abattoirs, the creators of wars.”

I listened to Inelia stating clearly through her tears that all violent men needed was love, safety and compassion. I suggested, attempting to reassure, that what she stated so eloquently in her video interview was sufficient:
“I only have one job. And that’s to raise the vibrational level of the planet, including the human collective, which is part of the planet, to a critical point that will allow a transition into the new paradigm, a new level of awareness for everything. For the planet and every being in it. Every rock, every insect, every person. And that’s my only job. And I will do anything to achieve that.”
Meaning: that if we raise the level of awareness of what Inelia calls the ‘collective’ – the group-mind and collective consciousness of the human race – then the murderers, rapists, polluters and destroyers will all be dragged along in the same collective direction – they HAVE to swim in the same rushing, accelerating river as the rest of us. In that way we are all connected… and with some of us leading the way, the rest will follow: even those humans with the morals and awareness of crocodiles.
But to Inelia, this was not enough. How to maximize the effect? How to reach those unreachable people? How to halt the pain and damage as soon as possible? How to educate the uneducable? How to release THEIR paw from the metal gate? Lovingly stop THEM from biting, and removing all gates where their paws might get caught?
Who will read these words we’re writing here? Not the killers and destroyers. We’re surely preaching to the converted: having read thus far, you’re almost certain to be in strong agreement.
My own answer is as follows.
Rupert Sheldrake brought us the concept of Morphic Fields and Morphic Resonance. Lynne McTaggart described ‘The Field’ in her best-selling book of the same name. We have an intuitive understanding of the Hundred Monkey syndrome, and of Tipping Points in general.
My personal strong feeling is we have to assume that, like blowing up an airbed (gradually, with an inefficient handpump), some corners of the mattress will inflate before others. When doing this, it almost always seems that nothing is ever going to happen – until a tipping point is reached and the rapidly inflating mattress all suddenly picks up and takes the desired shape as if by magic.
I think we’re in that kind of position now. The mattress doesn’t yet look like a mattress, and it seems as if it’s never going to inflate. We might think it looks hopeless. But soon – I do believe – things may start to feel different.
I want to say a word about ‘Ascension’ – and how the word is often misunderstood and misapplied. Some people really do think that they will literally ‘ascend’ out of here – as in some kind of ‘beam-me-up’ ‘rapture’ or rescue, possibly at the hands of helpful ETs or angelic beings.
In my strong view, this is escapist wishful thinking. Any kind of get-me-outta-here-Scotty mindset is actually failing to take responsibility – certainly for those of us who have been here many lifetimes and who have in one way or another contributed to the mess we’re in. Many of us reading this have been here on Planet Earth for quite a while – and we have to face what we have done: we have to square up to what we’ve permitted to occur in our name.
If we’re here to fix all this – which it’s very clear to me that we are – then we HAVE TO face what we’ve done. There’s no easy escape, and certainly no rescue. Rather, there’s a massive clean-up job waiting for people, tools, resources and organization to get started on… together.
It may take several generations. Maybe many generations. But it’s do-able. Not just to repair the damage, but to educate the human race in understanding finally that we must live in balance and harmony with Gaia – or else we merely imperil ourselves. (Gaia will always be all right. She’s been around for several billion years, and is probably only half way through her lifespan as the Guardian-Goddess of this exquisitely beautiful planet.)
But there’s the real risk – for us, not for her – that if we do not learn the lessons that are for the taking, right here in front of our noses (and our wallets) – we may flunk the class and be destroyed. It could all happen terribly easily. And the choice is ours: collectively ours.
In my personal view, this is one of the key significances of the 2012 Tipping Point. 21 December 2012 is a distraction. The real significance of the year (certainly not one standalone day in that year) is that if we as the collective human race make the right choices, it will not be too late to re-create the balanced dynamic paradise that Planet Earth could be for all living things – and for mankind itself.
And if we make the wrong choices, our children may have a very rough time of it indeed. They would rightly blame their parents for not doing what they could when they had all the information available to them.
So guess what: it’s all about Free Will. Should we be surprised that the equation distills down to this again?
Here are Inelia’s own words in conclusion:
It is not about who’s to blame. The solution has to be inclusive. Yes, we take responsibility in minimizing the pain and suffering of others through our actions. We eat meat from small farms, organic producers who love their animals. Yes, we buy furniture from renewable sources of wood, clothes from factories which don’t exploit people. But what of the perpetrators of fear and pain? We might hold them in our field of light, and allow Gaia to do her work. As a ‘singularity’ – I am but one person. But WE are many.

If we dedicate 10 minutes a day to holding these people in our collective light, it can make a huge shift for them and us. After the 10 minutes, let us focus on the compassion and love of the millions of lightworkers and lightwarriors around the planet, our brethren, so that our collective power increases — making each one of us more able to accomplish our collective work.
I also feel the love, light and compassion of billions of people around the world. All those parents who hold their new born baby in wonderment and deep love, all those who behold our Mother Earth in awe as they sense Her power and compassion. I also feel millions of lightworkers and lightwarriors diligently doing daily acts of selfless love and compassion to bring light to others and the planet.
For every murderer there are 10 healers, for every abuser of animals, there are a thousand who hold animals in respect and equality. For every creator of war, there are millions of us who do not agree with that particular game.
If I didn’t feel the LIGHT I would not be alive today. Mother Earth made the call for assistance, and we, all of us, are the answer to that call. 
Bill and Inelia
kevnkar's picture

...this Inelia could be a source of truth, but my initial impression is false prophet agenda. Miraculous childhood and rise to prominence and blah blah blah. We are being manipulated by both the white hats and the Dark ones. Think of the Yin/Yang. Light and darkness in perfect balance.

It is very simple.  Love More and Expect Miracles.  There is no more that is required.   There is no club to join.  There are no special clothes to wear.  The agenda is the agenda of your Soul... no more or less... just your Soul. 

Take time to sit quietly.  What does the whisper of gentle Love say to you?  This is all that is required.

We are hardwired genetically to seek God.  To access this Source simply Be Still and Know God.  It is simple and easy and challenging due to the affects of the Ego.  The Ego is a friend-- without the Ego is simply an operating system designed for 3D life.  It is essential if you wish to survive 3D life. 

The Ego will work with you to BE STILL and KNOW GOD... just ask it to BE STILL.  It will comply. 

The age of the Guru has come to a close.  The time to share power with other while we walk side by side is upon us.

To be frank, I turned Inelia off.  As soon as she told the story about melting the remote control for the T.V.  I was done with this.  An immature response that is so far from Unity Consciousness.. 

I bless you all with Love. 


tscout's picture

          I also believe the answers are as simple as that, as it was indeed that simple to change myself..I am now with my brothers for the first time in many years, but their lives are so complicated,that when I work that into a discussion, they say, 'I wish it were that simple".....of course, they just have to lay everything down long enough to see it,,,and they will..i am trying to set this example while I am here...healing myself right before them...I didn t watch Inelia, as I am trying to cut back the number of "opinions' I take in..i have been doing better just going day by day lately,,enjoying everyone I pass as I ride across this city everyday,,,,,even the anonymous somebody who threw a big jar out of a 3rd or 4th story window early this morning and almost killed me in the street,,Ha!  Peace to you,,,T

Bob07's picture

I don't know quite how to respond to some of the above words.  Maybe no response is the best one.   However, I do feel strongly enough to say something. 

My take on Inelia Benz is quite different from the responses above, but I'm not going to defend her here; our responses are what they are.  To me she lives the love that so many others talk about.  Trying to help, not posing as a guru at all.  (And I agree that for us the truth is within each of us, not in gurus.)  .... But there's no "proof" in these things, no correct or incorrect response.  We respond as we do.  However, as I said, I do feel moved to say something.  So here it is:

We who think we know something -- and I painfully include myself -- are constantly walking on the edge of becoming spiritual talking heads, issuing pronouncements and truths, passing judgments, and if we're not careful, showing disdain for things and people we may not really understand.  That's where the immaturity lies (I see it in myself as well; this response may be evidence of that).  Yet this is an open forum, so we can all say what we see and feel.  But sometimes we slip on the wordstream into glibness, and sometimes into gratuitous negativity -- even under the label of Love. 

Words.  We're filled with words.  We think words are real.  They aren't.  And the more we throw them around the less they mean.  Do we really know what the words that we use mean?  ...In the end I think we'll all find out that we know a lot less than we think we do. 

Humility -- truly, a rare virtue.  I wish for more of it myself.  ...We're like children.

Knightspirit's picture

If anyone has tried writing down a significant dream, an astral journey, or an experience from ayahuasca - they will have experienced the true inadequacy of words. There is SO much information that passes on higher realms that words are totally unable to convey anything much (unless one is a particularly gifted writer) - and can only recreate a shadow of what was experienced. So - I agree that words don't really mean that much!


Our Earth speaks through each of us in her own way. When travelling through the Himalayas, I often enjoyed walking in silence and just feeling quietly with a silent mind and with no agenda. When all of my thoughts slowed down to that small voice inside of universal truth, I could feel and sense the history of the ancient past of the magnificent and living mountains surrounding me. My mind might have been silent, but the mountains were not. I could view roaring rivers thousands of feet below, rushing down from the ancient heights far above me in a distant location that I could not see but could clearly feel. I would occasionally pass yogis, swamis or holy men in silence, greeting each other with the customary Namaste and feeling their great love for their land and the mountains through which they walked. I could feel the love in their silence and see it gleaming from their eyes and in the gentle way in which their feet, often bare, touched the earth in reverence. I could see that same love in the eyes of the financially challenged villagers and their children, often sick or without food. They might have been poor by western standards, but they were rich in the spirit that remained in constant contact and in tune with the mountains in which they lived. The earth is sacred to those who must depend upon it for their survival; it is also sacred to those who can listen and realize that she is alive and has a soul and feels all of the pain from the poisons, the polutions, the wars and inhumane killing thrust upon her surface. I bathed in her holy rivers and felt the blessings of her pure waters upon my body and the electricity that crawled over my skin as I emerged. I was so charged with energy that I was disoriented and dizzy to the point that I was stared at by others surrounding me in the holy water of the Ganges. The swami I had been studying with for years had prescribed a specific ritual for me to perform in the Ganges, but did not inform me of the transformation. I knew that the water was indeed a living entity and that I had been blessed by its grace.  I could feel the life in the mountains, in the water, in the trees and flowers and in the people and could only feel blessed to be part of all there is in this universe. When I read of Inelia's words and experience, I knew the truth of what she was saying.    

Viveka's picture

To look at another or myself for that matter as unique beings in the Garden of God has been a wonderful insight for me, understanding that in a garden everything (plant and person) has its own struggle towards the Light, and its right place and time to blosson and bare fruit....Whilst remebering as individual expressions blooming on the surface, our roots are intertwined deep within the seeming darkness of the Blessed Earth.

I am learning to instead of judge another with what I perceive as myself/mystruggle, to "IMAGINE" the sacredness. Here words fail for it brings one to a point of what Starr described above the Presence/Gift of Grace and Unity.

The Dalai Lama has been in Australia and during a press conference the other day, giggled as he anwered a question and said, "I lost my temper yesterday, but being the compasionate person I am Forgave myself."


ChrisBowers's picture

That's how ACIM defined them, symbols of symbols, thus twice removed (at least twice) from reality.  Every time any of us make a polarized determination via these symbols and thoughts based upon these word symbols, we make one more polarized inaccurate illusion that we will ultimately abandon with pleasure and a good laugh.

I often thought that when it said at the end of the last book of the bible, "and he shall wipe away every tear", that the author was (whether he or she was aware of it or not) speaking about tears of joy and laughter that comes spontaneously from the release of so much erroneous nonsense our egos chose to cling to for a "spell" in this 3rd density realm...

The cool thing about words, written or spoken, we can ignore them and abandon the tempting ego notion of making another bogus determination based upon the previous bogus determination we happen upon.  Talk about the domino effect, LOL

I had a great talk with my dad on father's day, and he chose the word "fault" during the conversation concerning something he was relating to about him personally.  I said to him that he might consider the word "response-ability" in place of the word "fault" because the symbol word "fault" has such a negative judgmental connotation to it, whereas the literal meaning of personal response-ability can be seen as so positive and liberating.

We always have a personal choice when it comes to actions, reactions, words and behavior.  Can you imagine how deep all of this illusion begetting illusion goes in the history of mankind?  Blows my mind!  No wonder we are instructed to be still and quiet, to abandon words and thoughts as an exercise...

I love this line from the forum post,

"To Inelia, it was self-evident that Gaia was a magnificent, fully sentient, godlike being. And when talking about this with me, she did what she often does when words are inadequate: she invited me to take her hands while she gave me a download of direct perception"

Noa's picture

Thought is the origin of Source; indeed, the universe was created from pure thought.  Words give power to thought.  "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."  John1:1

Words can create and destroy.  Ask anyone who was physically or emotionally abused and they will most likely tell you that the emotional abuse was worse.

Some words can seem empty, stemming either from the intention of the sender or the interpretation of the receiver, but words in themselves have meaning to those that assign meaning to them.

Written words also have great power.  "The pen is mightier than the sword." - Edward Bulwer-Lytton   Minds have been changed, people have been swayed, peace has been negotiated -- all through the power of words.

If words are meaningless, then this forum is rendered useless.

tscout's picture

   I think the point was that words are "useless" when trying to voice an experience from an energetic level..The same way that a nuclear explosion is thousands of times more powerful than a chemical explosion,,because it comes from a source much closer to the planck scale,is a good energetic experience also comes from a point much closer to that source, so it loses much of it s power being brought to this conscious level with words....And,,,,I meant no disrespect to Inelia by saying I didn t watch her,,sometimes I just get overloaded with input,,then I try to fall back and think about the few things that seem to really matter...The more I can simplify it all,the easier it is to move on....

ChrisBowers's picture

Your excellent (as always) comment makes me think back on that old saying "less is more" Todd.  that's never so true as it is at Planck Scale and beyond in the direction of micro, energetically/vibrationally speaking...

how else could it be that there is enough potential mass energy in one cubic centimeter of empty vacuum space to create another universe the size of the one we see right now with the Hubble Telescope in all directions, and still have a bit of that cubic centimeter remaining when done...

its such an extremely more vast realm out there and in there than words could ever really come to grips with.  only silence can go further at times...

only quieted-mind silence can go further period...

tscout's picture

   when I get lost in it,,, trying to fathom it, I sometimes consider starting an ayuhuasca journey..ha!. i am not sure if it would help at this point..My journeys in younger days,when my mind was less cluttered,seemed to focus on the wonder of it all,,,that was nice...Now I "fear" I would be looking for too many answers.....As usual,I would agree with you that only the quiet mind can take us there,,,or anywhere near "there",ha!  Hope you are well,brother !.....T

Bob07's picture

Noa, I know you're a writer and that you value words  Actually, I do too, and I've done some writing myself.  So  I don't mean to just put words in the waste basket.  They are not unimportant.  It's just: What are they?  So it's more like Todd is saying... Words, although they do certainly have power to destroy or build for us humans (relationships, emotions, how we frame things, etc.), can't possibly faithfully or even sufficiently represent the things or experiences that they're intended to (assuming that they aren't intended to deceive -- which they sometimes are).  When I said they aren't real, that's what I meant.  They're what we have (normally) for symbolic communication.  But it's only symbolic.  They're sounds we make with our mouths that we then represent visually with symbols.  It's my opinion that we put too much faith in words.   There's the old Buddhist admonition to practitioners not to get fixated on the finger pointing at the moon, but to look instead at the moon -- to regard indicators (like words, images, ideas) as just that, and get to the experiential reality lying behind them.  People who really live in the world of ideas (and of course the words used to express them), like some hard-core academics and philosophers, never seem to get out of the realm of words and ideas.  They can order and manipulate words all day every day to arrive at conclusions they'll stand by, believing that process has brought them to an understanding of reality or some aspects of it, while all they've done is to justify their own pre-existing conditioning and beliefs.  This became clear to me when I studied philosophy in college.  My provisional (and maybe sophomoric) conclusion was that philosophy is the lackey of psychology.  While I wouldn't apply that to every thinker's work nowadays, it still seems to have some validity.  Truth is, I like words, but I don't  trust them to the degree I used to.

Todd, thanks for your considered comments.  I have a deep love of silence, too.  Silence may well be the biblical Word that Noa mentions -- the womb of all things, including all words.  I also want you to know that, in my post above where I mentioned Inelia, I was responding to off-the-cuff negative casual criticism of people who are making a serious and positive contribution -- or of anyone, really.  And obviously you were not doing that;  you were just deciding that your cup has enough in it already.  So I absolutely understand your not wanting to add one more thing to all the stuff out there -- positive or not.  In fact, I sincerely respect your intention to make your life simpler.  And you're probably miles ahead of me on that score.

Finally, I appreciate all of the good thinking above regarding words, symbols, and silence.  A good thread.  Thanks.

ChrisBowers's picture

Bingo!  Younger days were so much more amenable for me too Todd.  I often think that a good guided trip would help to dispel so much of the residual clutter collected over so many years of left brain nonsense...

And Noa, I too do not mean to discount the power of words altogether, just making a point about their severe limitations concerning the journey we all look to.  Words help to inspire ourselves and others on the journey or just approaching the road, but too much dependence on words indicates that the left brain interpreter ego is too much in charge and that most likely the left and right hemispheres are a bit out of balance.

Words can lead to rationalization, and rationalization is the left brain interpreter playground of self delusion and the endless clutter of illusion upon illusion until we get so lost in "there" that we get to the place where we don't even know we are lost in there anymore, which brings me back to the natural clarity boosting properties of a good guided trip/inner tour, LOL....

Noa's picture

It has been said here before... finding the balance between polar opposites is a worthy ideal.  Sacred knowledge comes to those who walk the middle path.

Noa's picture

It has been said here before... finding the balance between polar opposites is a worthy ideal.  Sacred knowledge comes to those who walk the middle path.

valstanton's picture

words without actions are just words....Inelia's words don't always match her actions and are, in my opinion, full of contraditions.  If you do the research you may come up with similar impressions.....or not :) 

I am with Fairy on this, as soon as I read the bit about the remote TV control, something felt wrong.  Since then I have read everything I can find regarding her ascension and Bill's new found 'love'.  Too many inconsistancies for me I'm afraid :(

Anyone can write a good story, living it is quite a different matter... only time will tell if what she claims about being a 10th dimentional being is true....I rather doubt it myself!

None of us need a guru to help us to ascend, we need to look within and find the answers.

much love x 



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