Please help Me!!

Please help me to understand how we can all sit here and talk about the things we do and, out of approximately 6 billion people on this planet, 5.5 bilion have no concept of what we talk about and , in fact only care about where their next meal comes from, how can we really change this world?

I relaize that sentence/ question probably makes no grammatical sense, but I am overwhelmed. Until I actually can create an ear of corm by my thoughts alone. I don't really see how we can help this 95% of the world. Call it a lack of faith, but try as hard as I may, I can not give up my job and create all my needs out of thin air and definitely can't contribute to the 95% who can't and don't have a computer. I understand that the earth produces plenty to go around, but very few get to enjoy those fruits and mostly, it depends on where you were lucky enough to be born. We may be a self imposed experiment that we all agreed pon from 11th demenision or whatever and that those in power now are merely the descendants of the last few to survive the last humanity destroying cataclism on earth, but how do 2 or 3% of us change it for all?. I refuse to believe that only 1 third of us will move forward and the rest are left to start over on a new planet with no clue hoe they got there or where they came from. The rules of the game from several years of constant research on the internet are simply not acceptable to me. We succeed as a whole or we fail as a whole Nothing else is accepatable to me as a reality. I will not leave ayone behind to stuggle through the hell of physical existence. If not everyone can advance, I choose to stay behind with the vast number of my brothers and sisters. Life here has not thown anything at me that I can't handle and then some that I help others handle. The fictitious ascende masters and meddling Ets can kiss my ass. Only we can save ourselves and I can just barely manage to save my own children and grandchildren as it now stands because currently, money and only money will get yiu there. I'm pretty sure that I alone or even along with 5% of the population can get rid of the need for money to survive here.

In crisis and truly yours...


kevnkar's picture

... in this format, but please excuse all of the spelling mistakes my damn computer made!Laughing

Noa's picture

If it's any consolation, and it probably isn't, I'm feeling much the same way as you these days.  I'm suddenly feeling more hopeless than hopeful that there is time to turn the tide.  Can 2% of the population save what's left of earth's natural resources before she succumbs and dies?  Can this minority stop the controlling treadmill that enslaves humanity?

Some groups advocate fighting back physically with force.  Others tout global prayer and visualization as the answer.  Then there are those that call for non-compliance or civil disobedience.  Which tact is best?  Will any of them work or are we just hoping against hope that something can be done?

Margaret Mead said,"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."  Her work has proven this to be true.

Therein, lies the hope.  The few that speak out and fight now will surely be crushed, inprisoned, and made examples of.  Those that continue the fight will start to make headway until slowly, the movement mushrooms into meaningful change.  It's a long difficult process, but it has been done countless times before.  Where there is a will, there is a way, but is there enough time?

onesong's picture

While the Divine fire that burns within each of us exists, there is hope. Where there is Love, we will find a way or we will go to our Maker in the process. Darkness falls heavily upon us if we accept it as our existence, but since when have we accepted it? I was a fighter before I became a peacemaker and I lived in many forms of darkness on my way to getting here. I have forgotten none of them, I have made peace with my 'ghosts'.  I have faith that is unshaken by Earthly events and unafraid of them because when the 'end time' comes for me, I have already been there. 'Death' was not 'dying' it was an expansion of Spirit that I cannot give words to here. I don't have them, but I KNOW.

I also refuse to believe only some of us will save ourselves, that is an impossibility. We are all One. One body of connection to each other, to Creation, to the Earth. We are atoms of the Creator spread across the planet-Creation living in and around each of us AND the spaces in between. The Earth can take care of herself with or without any of us upon her.  We are her Love Child, and you're right we've disappointed her. Yet like a good Mother, she hasn't cast us into the abyss-we do that ourselves.

What you are asked to do is live in Joy, find Peace within yourself, give where you can and when you can to those you know and those you do not know for truly they are a mirror image of YOU. When you're only seeing darkness it's difficult to see your Light but it's in there. Please don't despair.

You are precious, you are a part of me, you are a part of US, you are a part of ALL, you are loved and you are Love.  

Part of that 5.5 billion you speak of, Kev, the Indigenous few that have managed to remain untainted by our patriarchal feudal materialistic bent, are closer to God/Creation because they have remained in touch with and honor the Earth and hear the voices of their ancestors as they walk through their daily lives. 

"We succeed as a whole or we fail as a whole"- but we aren't here to fail. We are here to transcend this muck and little by little we are coming to the place we need to be Kev. Slow going as it may seem sometimes.    

And again-You are precious, you are part of me, you are part of US, you are a part of ALL, you are loved and you are Love.    

I know I haven't answered your questions, but money isn't all that will get your children or grandchildren there, and money isn't the most important lesson they will learn from you.

You give them so much more in simply being true to who you are Kev.   Namaste.  Kristyne                

Knightspirit's picture

It sounds to me Kevin, like you need to embrace an underlying belief or philosophy that works for you to make all of this make sense. You have already mentioned several things that don't ring true for you - so you already have the basis for such a philosophy. 

For me - I don't believe ANYONE has a closer connection to God here than anyone else, dark or light (just two sides of the same energy), indigineous or not. We are all here doing what we are doing because we chose to be here - and the Earth Mother has NOT been disppointed. She volunteered the same as we did - and knew exactly what she was in for.

The reason we did this was to accelerate our ascention to higher levels, and this was necessary to achieve that, not only for us - but for Earth as well. We have all been the darkest of the dark, and the lightest of the light. That was the whole point! Earth herself is not immune from the polarity of our space here - she kills just as easily as she nurtures. Just take a look at nature.

As for the number of people who will not be ascending this round, that is for their own good and development - it isn't some hell that they should be removed from. They - like us - have volunteered to get the "training" necessary to make the shift - and if they are not ready and need more training, then who are we to take that away from them?? There will be another volunteer planet and sun to help them.

Part of my philosophy embraces the idea of simultaneous incarnations existing at once on a fixed timeline. Once you break the pattern of linear thinking - it becomes much easier to accept some of what we are seeing here. Your most advanced incarnation spiritually could be deep in your linear past for example, and your current incarnation has nothing to do with your ability to ascend. Think about that. Perhaps many of the 95% that you speak of actually will ascend with everyone else - they just aren't awake in this particular incarnation - while being enlightened in a past life.

The game here is bigger than we make it - and biggerr than we are able to comprehend. We have to trust in the process, and trust in our higher selves in their participation in it.

Oddly, I am feeling the most joy of my life right now. And it isn't about money, or circumstances. It's about perspective, and overcoming the identification of the body to the external world. Conquer that, and the rest will fall into place! 

Also - see my latest post from Lisa Renee - great stuff:

LinneyKPinny's picture

And here I was, thinking that I too, feel somewhat hopeless and powerless on how to help and be the change we want to see. I sit here in my own mind confusion, day after day, alone most of the time, feeling so trapped in my existence. I don't like saying this either, because material things are only that-materials...but when you have so much lack of certain materials--for me, it is a lack of transportation, to get me where i need to go, like grocery shopping, a lack of money, because I don't have transportation, I have no way to get to a job where I can work to receive money, and on and on it goes. It's such a vicious cycle for me and I know things could be alot worse, and I am always grateful for what I do have, but in times like these, when my precious almost-7yr-old little girl will come to me and ask if we can go to the beach or to the movies or here or there and then, those are the moments and times I start feeling hopeless because I can't say yes to her. It kills me inside. Where is all the help? I'm grateful to have a few people in my life that will help me out, but there's just so many people out there that see me and my lil girl and just couldn't be bothered. I see someone in need, I will be there for that person because I know how it feels. Where is all the compassion? I don't really know how this is relevant to Kevin's original post but I just wanted to say how I feel. I guess it's because I feel powerless in my own situation, then how can I help the whole world? I hope I don't sound selfish or ungrateful, because I'm not. I'm just confused. As bad as it may sound/be, I know that money would help me move forward in my life-which in turn would put me in a better position to help others in their lives, and not so much as by monetary gain, but by being able to actually get out there and be seen and heard and letting others know they're not alone, and if I can do it, then so can you and once we're past all the focus of daily survival-then we're way more able to see things much more clearly....sorry for all my ranting here, I hope I made a little bit of sense. I am willing to help myself and others, because we are all One, i just want the same for myself and my daughter without feeling guilty, selfish or ungrateful for asking for it (help). Thank you for taking your time to read my thoughts,  Much Love, Peace & Happiness for All, Linney

I was recently sent a invitation to a class.  For $1000.00 you can change your life said the course header.

I sat for a moment and thought:  "If only I had $1000.00, I could Change My Life...."  Woe is me.  Truly it was a moment of Ego.

Then, my spiritual guidance twinkled beside me... and I looked around me at the walls of my home, the roof, the beautiful rose bush in my front yard, the working car in my driveway, the mail box that recieves mail from the postal worker with great regularity and no inteference--- and the garden in my back yard, the play-ground that my children play upon, the birds singing, the crickets trilling, the groundhog carpeting itself across the lawn, the sounds of laughter, the scent of the sea...

I found myself taking myself on a guided tour of my home:  the cupboards with dried foods and rice and pasta and ahhh yes, my vice and joy, coffee... and the pans in which to cook with.  I found myself turning on the faucet to the sink and marveling at the clean water that flowed through... and the bathroom--- it was so clean and modern and no smell of humanure...

I went into each room marveling at the treasures I had recieved from all that I have given and welcomed to return to me as the prosperiety and wealth of life.

I sat in a favorite chair remembering the day a dear friend, whose children had grown, gifted me the rocking chair for me and my children--- she had met me a coffee shop lugging the chair in her arms...

It all was so beautiful, I thought to myself.  All of this beauty around me.  All this beauty within me.  All this beauty.  All of this abundance just shows up in my life--- food always appears (it may not be what I envisioned... but it is still nutritious food). 

Then, I remembered where I was 10 years ago.

I remembered the despair and the lack.  I remembered the confusion and degregation.  I remembered the humilation.  I remembered I was humbled before my own nakedness of heart, mind and spirit. The Homelessness living alongside the road, no running water, no food, no drinking water, the cold in the winter... I remembered what it is to lose it all and to let it all go... the out breath of life.

And then, the breathing in of life. Steady little breathes that grew to big breathes of love and life and light.  With each inbreath, I invited the beauty of others to be reflected by my own beauty from within.  I gave freely and willingly accepted gifts in return. And many assist me as I assist many.

So far I have come.  So far I have changed my life.  Giving another 1000.00 to affirm that which I have accomplished through my own trials of fire--- my own transmutation--- my own ascension through living life from my heart... is just not necessary at this moment in time for me.

I have changed my life. 

Where were you 10 years ago?  What was the nature and state of your HEART?  What is the state of your HEART right now?  Not the Ego manifestation of your HEART--- but the true authentic HEART within you--- the seat of your soul?

The unfolding of the HEART is a process of growth.  The timing for the Rose is vastly different from the timing of the onion--- and yet the onion supports the rose and the rose supports the onion--- both have roots, both have leaves, both have flowers--- both are of the Flora Realm--- and yet their timing is different... the tempo of their unfolding is complementary and yet different and yet still part of the same fabric of Flora.

All Hearts will flower as their time to do so becomes so.  With support and nuturance all will flower...

I bless you all with Love.


I agree with your plans to stay in the fight without fear. We need more of this. I have openly refused to engage in any form of ascension process, as if there were another place to go that might save me. We are all Humanity, and we will go through this together. I have no desire to blast off out of here. Actually, I have to admit that there have been times when I fell into the illusion of escape, but gave that up. I went into meditation and said to the Planetary Council: that I did not want to ascend any place and asked for permission to stay and do whatever I could to help. I was awakened during the night by a voice that clearly spoke from the Planetary Council: "your request has been granted." That was my last spoken communication with them, several years past. Since then I have been led here and there towards those who want to face up to the "elite" types and come out in one piece. I have know for some time of the outcome, that they will go down, have gone down. Stiil, those in power will cling to it and their old ways as long as we allow it. At some point, this is going to get very interesting. Stay tuned! 

Brian's picture

...kevin, I love your compassion for others and honest heart. I have been trying to let go of my old ideas-most are hung upon fear, of fear I may not have enough. That things will go terribly wrong out there etc etc.  +BUT...I'm starting to believe that life creates for you what you lovingly ask it to.  +It's about that law of attraction stuff like in the movie The Secret. Maybe its a bunch of hooey but it keeps appearing to be true to me. I keep trying it out and it repeatedly works. But it takes being willing to accept things as they are!(weirrrrrd!)

+When I'm truly grateful for what I have magic seems to happen.

+there appear to be no limits AT ALL to what can be accomplished.

I am becoming more certain each day that if we want a world where everyone has enough to eat and drink, then it will happen. I guess I want you to try to believe in what I believe in. I hope you will explore this attraction thing and see if there's anything to it.  Try it out and if I'm wrong-what have you lost?

kevnkar's picture

Thanks all for your words. I got some realy good new perspectives on things. I believe, deep down, that we can change the world. Maybe what I was feeling was just a clearing of some negative stuff in the sub conscious. I have started messing around with EFT in the last couple of days so who knows? Thanks again and I hope I can return the deed for each of you sometime.

Light and Love,


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"Dedicated to the greatest good of all who share our beautiful world"