White Hat Financial Report

Worth a listen - this is one of the White Hat insiders talking about the new financial system coming into place - and taking questions. Be sure and listen to the questions - as this is where most of the information is... He makes some great points regarding the Federal Reserve and why it WON'T be going away!


This guy is obviously clueless as to how the income tax works - or how it is structured under the Constitution. That makes me suspect as to some of his information. I also wonder where all of this money is coming from that "they" are using for the "Global Settlements" we keep hearing about.  

This guy is totally in the box - and seems to think the current unsustianable systems can continue on if we just remove the corruption. I disagree with that. Even with all of the money issues resolved - it doesn't address all of the rest of it. So it seems to me that if what this guy is saying is real, that this might be a red herring to keep the current system in place just a little loinger. 

Wendy's picture

Hi Jeff-

I got to the point where he is saying that the Federal Reserve System is responsible for international settlements and that the entire world would go bankrupt if the Fed went down. Isn't the entire world going bankrupt anyway with the Fed in place? He's saying that there's a few bad apples at the Fed that the white hats are getting rid of but please, isn't a system that enslaves us all the real problem? Certainly banks were able to make settlements before the Fed was in place.

Since I couldn't follow his logic at this point I gave up listening. Let me know if I should have continued, I'll give it another try.

Chris B. just posted this great video about money by Max Igan here.

ChrisBowers's picture
Noa's picture

I skipped around on the tape.  I just couldn't bear to listen to this guy drone on for 3 hours. zzzzzzzzzzzzz The last thing I heard him say was that the dollar is very strong. Money mouth  Does someone have to think inside the box to be featured on box.net?

When he was describing how the Federal Reserve works, did he mention that they don't print the money to pay back the interest?  That's one reason why we'll always be in debt as long as the Fed exists.  Then there are fractional reserves, which allow banks to create money out of nothing.  And why does the U.S. government borrow money from the Fed instead of printing its own?  (I know.) Did he talk about any of this?

Knightspirit's picture

Yeah - I reassessed this after hearing more of it. Thanks to Chris for bailing me out with a better link to the Max Igan interviews - I'll listen to those!

Kind of makes you wonder about the "white hats" - Hmmm...

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