About a week ago, I was watching one of the Occupy Movement's General Assemblies when I heard an inspiring message delivered over the "People's Mic." Occupiers were taking turns being the main speaker, while the crowd repeated their words back. On this particular night, it went something like this...
I wanna live in a world... (I wanna live in a world...)
where people love each other. (where people love each other.)
I wanna live in a world... (I wanna live in a world...)
where no one goes hungry. (where no one goes hungry.)
So in honor of them, I'd like to pick up the torch. For the sake of humanity, for the sake of justice and liberty, I'd like to continue the inspiration. To help inspire others and bring about meaningful change, I'm restarting the message here and adding a few of my thoughts.
I hope that you will follow with some of your own. What kind of world do you want to live in? How would it look if you could create a world exactly as you desire?
This is an exercise in visualization and co-creation. Please join in.
I wanna live in a world where people live by the Golden Rule.
I wanna live in a world where people see each other as themselves.
I wanna live in a world where people live in harmony with each other and nature.
I wanna live in a world in which those who destroy life are no longer in power.
I wanna live in a world that uses free energy and other clean, renewable energies.
I wanna live in a world where communities help each other to prosper.
I wanna live in a world where the air smells sweet.
I wanna live in a world where the fruits and veggies are free from toxins and taste delicious.
I wanna live in a world where pure, fresh water flows from every stream.
it makes sense to me, for us to take our "I wanna's" and re-formulate them into "I see myself's," I see my world's," "I see us's." "I wanna" puts it in the future. And, the problem with the future is, it is always in the future. "I see us happily sharing and having enough," is more of a present way of creating our world as we prefer to have it be. Does this make sense for you?
I see myself living in a world where people live by the Golden Rule.
I see myself living in a world where people see each other as themselves.
I see myself living in a world where people live in harmony with each other and nature.
I see myself living in a world in which those who destroy life are no longer in power.
I see myself living in a world that uses free energy and other clean, renewable energies.
I see myself living in a world where communities help each other to prosper.
I see myself living in a world where the air smells sweet.
I see myself living in a world where the fruits and veggies are free from toxins and taste delicious.
I see myself living in a world where pure, fresh water flows from every stream.
Feel free to chime in.
I see people happily smiling as children share time with and learn from adults around them and are not segregated into schools but fully integrated into a society where most adults have time to teach, care for and interact with both children and the elderly.
I see a world where simple tasks are honored and valued as much as complex tasks.
In my world, all tasks are performed voluntarily.
Thanks Noa, that was like a mini-vacation.
Thanks Noa
I needed that...
C'mon, Brian, you can do better than that. Come and play. What's your dream?
This is a great idea Noa, because while we spend so much time focusing on the problems and ills of this world and who's to blame, I know I for one have been sorely lacking in focusing on what would really improve the situation. And I think focus is the key word here, for we're all familiar with the infamous genie-in-a-bottle jokes where the last wisher ends up getting screwed for not being specific enough. Just a thought, but if we are creators created in the image and likeness of the Creator, then we need to be much more careful and specific about just how and what we create. Of course it might help if we knew the mechanics of just how this whole creative process works, but this again seems to be something that's been purposefully removed, destroyed and/or kept hidden from us for ulterior motives. And yet, looking back on it now, I can see my creative process throughout my life has been unconscious and without focus of any kind, except maybe focusing on that which I didn't want and that which I loathed. On further reflection, I can see this was just what those in power hoped to accomplish, a complete reversal and retardation of the creative process so that instead of creating the world I would choose to live in I was unconsciously reinforcing theirs with my reactions of anger, fear and depression.
I felt somewhat the same as John upon reading the word want and found this in Conversations with God (and I think something similar was said in The Law of One): "You may have whatever you choose. But you may not have anything you want. In fact, you'll never get anything you want if you want if badly enough . . . This is because your very request is a statement of lack, and your saying you want a thing only works to produce that precise experience - wanting - in your reality . . . The moment you say 'I want' something, the universe says 'Indeed you do' and gives you that precise experience - the experience of wanting it!" I don't mean to split hairs here; and I understand your general intention when you started this post, but this may be yet another example of us needing to be more specific and focusing our intents and visions. But thank you Noa for starting this post, it's a great exercise in stretching our creative muscle and is good practise for learning to visualize the things we actually do desire to see in this world. So here's a few of my own:
I choose to live in a world where free energy is an everyday reality (putting an end to poverty, pollution, hunger and greed) bringing about a revolution of people having the time, resources and motivation to produce a more beautiful and joyous existence, one based on cooperation and the freedom to create and fulfill our reason for being and discover who we truly are.
I choose to live in a world where the Earth's true and complete history is known and studied by all, where we have all learned the lessons we needed to learn, understand exactly why things happened the way they did, and everyone lives in a true state of forgiveness now that these lessons have been learned and the wisdom gained.
I choose to live in a world where all my experiences have been integrated into true wisdom so that I can recall all my memories at will and reunite with all those I have shared meaningful relationships with, wherever that may have been; where I have forgiven those who have harmed me and my loved ones and we all understand that they were lessons we chose to experience to further our own evolution.
I choose to live in a world where God and I are one, working together for the same purpose and to the same end, where I can converse openly with my Creator and am always confident in Her/His love because it is constantly manifesting through me for the highest purpose possible.
I see and choose to live in a world where all conflict resolution takes place peacefully and compassionately, where no man or woman will ever raise his or her hand again in anger.
I choose to live in a world where the word work no longer exists, where everyone is doing that which brings them the most joy and fulfillment and creates the most beauty, where everything produced is created with so much love and attention to detail that it lasts forever and is indestructible from the sheer power of love which was poured into it and actually increases or grows in beauty and strength as time passes instead of the opposite.
I choose to live in a world where there is no such thing as waste. Like above, everything is brought forth and manifested with so much love that nothing is ever wasted, no ounce of God-energy goes unused. And when something has reached the end of its usefulness we simply return it to the universal with a blessing of gratitude for the blessings it has given us because we all understand that everything is alive and from the Source.
I choose to live in a world where our elders are valued for their wisdom because they have actually attained wisdom and learned what they came here to learn. In this way they are valued and revered members of society who we not only seek out to help us with our problems but always take care of because they are so precious and necessary to our lives that we wouldn't dream of living without them. And of course, age is now a state of mind, for death is a distant memory and the appearance of youth is maintained as long as we wish it.
I choose to live in a world where animals are given the utmost respect and love and are viewed as nothing less than extensions of ourselves and treasured companions.
Francis, I especially love this one...
"I choose to live in a world where the word work no longer exists, where everyone is doing that which brings them the most joy and fulfillment and creates the most beauty, where everything produced is created with so much love and attention to detail that it lasts forever and is indestructible from the sheer power of love which was poured into it and actually increases or grows in beauty and strength as time passes"
Abraham (Esther Hicks) says, "The purpose of life is joy."
I wanna live in a world where everyone wants to live in the world
I thank you both for your beautiful expressions describing the world you see yourselves within. I too, see myself in a world where there is abundant free energy and we all live comfortably. We are all well nourished and healthy and kind; we recognize each other as an other one of us and there is only us. We are increasingly detatched from our old, conditioned patterns of separation and duality and, free from embarassment and shame, our willingness to be as we are allows us to open into a very natural telepathic, empathic understanding among our brothers and sisters.
As we continue to recognize our common unity with all of life, our galactic familly re-introduce themselves to us and very efficient tools technologies of consciousness clearing and evolution allow us to gently and to quickly release our obscuring misunderstandings and emotional wounds and to accellerate our awakening and realization. I see our human species of consciousness flowering into a joyful, mutual coexploration of our co-creative potential and I see our planet restored and healthy and vibrant. Gradually, more and more of us become radiant and luminous and we become awareness beings of light as we disappear into presence.
For those interested in creating reality here are some resources:
The Four Agreements, Don Miguel Ruiz
Peace Pilgrim, Peace Pilgrim
I bless all with Love. I choose to live in a world based in Love.