Let's join in sending prayers to all those affected by the earthquake and tsunami in Japan. Radiation risks from the damaged Japanese reactors so far are minimal, according to this New York Times article: http://www.nytimes.com/2011/03/14/world/asia/14health.html. For excellent information on donating to those affected by the earthquake and tsunami, see: http://www.charitynavigator.org/index.cfm?bay=content.view&cpid=1221. Let us all focus our love and healing energies in these senstive times.
With abundant love, support, and prayers for healing,
has been offering up-to-date accounts
HAARP was an idea that the great inventor NIKOLA TESLA had for the world to provide free energy (world wide)
Of course, the planned stopped as soon as the providers heard of this and sold all plans.
If Teslas inventions were not stopped we would be 100 years into the future, but time stopped for us.
And yes, HAARP is very, VERY real folks. It is not some kind of BS that people make up. It can change the weather of the world, it can create "natural" disasters...
It's a doomsday device.http://benjaminfulford.net/ -
If you don't know what HAARP is watch this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=62ZtPqfvpu8
http://benjaminfulford.net/ -
If you don't know what HAARP is watch this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=62ZtPqfvpu8
try benjaminfulford.net
sorry these videos wont post will keep trying
Clif High covers the question of whether or not HAARP was used in Wendy' recent post, and does so well. He checked to see when the HAARP facilities were operational and they were down during the Japan earthquake.
I would advise anyone interested to listen to that interview with Clif High because he talks about the expanding earth theory that makes a lot of sense and would definitely account for much goings on during this accelerated earth changes time...
He also covers the geo-engineering chemtrails issue very well...
Thanks Chris. Went into that site and to the right of the screen under the heading Latest Articles and submissions found this (bellow) Sorry could'nt bring the others up, me and technology are not really compatible Lol. Guess we have to do the research and trust the truth of intuition to guide us.
Japan Tsunami Caused by HAARP?
Published on March 15, 2011 by Sheree · No Comments
The Atlantean Conspiracy
Thursday, March 10, 2011
A huge 8.9 Richter scale earthquake rocked Tokyo today resulting in a giant tsunami causing incredible amounts of damage, injuries and deaths. My first reaction was to check the University of Tokyo’s HAARP induction magnetometer to see if HAARP was fired up around the time of the quake. Sure enough, following a week of electromagnetic silence, HAARP was turned on at approximately 0:00 hours 9 March, 2011 UTC and has been going strong since. Here is the data for the last 36 hours:
Peace Love Joy
We should not be surprised that the corporate-owned New York Times is reporting minimal radiation risk. Independent syndicate, Democracy Now, reports a much grimmer scenario:
Chris, do you have a link to that Clif High interview?