thinks these spirals might be earth grazer comets, harp activity and missile test claims are cover-up for a natural phenomenon that they don't want the public to be panicking about.
Here in the Inland NW we have been getting some strange and extended "standing" lightning displays over the past few weeks (much more lateral than usual, including some Monsoon type rain events. July and August are typically the two most dry months of the year...
I guess all the rain is going to you then Chris. In New england it's been dryer than I've seen in years. It's starting to get scarry how little rain we've had - wondering how much longer our private well will hold up. I'm grateful that I bought one of the vertical washing machines that uses so little water now. thinks these spirals might be earth grazer comets, harp activity and missile test claims are cover-up for a natural phenomenon that they don't want the public to be panicking about.
Here in the Inland NW we have been getting some strange and extended "standing" lightning displays over the past few weeks (much more lateral than usual, including some Monsoon type rain events. July and August are typically the two most dry months of the year...
I guess all the rain is going to you then Chris. In New england it's been dryer than I've seen in years. It's starting to get scarry how little rain we've had - wondering how much longer our private well will hold up. I'm grateful that I bought one of the vertical washing machines that uses so little water now.