Simple Understanding ... No Magic, No Mystery

I suggest you just scroll down until you get to "The Plan" and just read. Keep reading. Keep reading. I would greatly appreciate your feedback on this.

I have only just begun reading this. I had to share it.

Thank you, Hopi.

Years ago I belonged to a Pagan Group that was in the area I belonged.  Everyone was soooo into doing ritual and who was the High Priestess and High Priest and all that dogma that comes with organizing a spiritual expression.

Everytime I went to these gatherings people would hiss under their breath,  "She is just a Kitchen Witch.  Can you believe that she does not even use a ritual sword.  Such a kitchen witch."  I was always shunned at these group gatherings and finally I moved beyond Paganism and into what I call Being Progressive Earther. 

The point here I am making is it is the Kitchen Witches and Mama's of the world that are changing the world.  It is from the Kitchen that the alarm was raised about GMO's, pesticide usage, clean water.  It is from the Kitchen that kindness was taught along with reading and writing.  It all happens in the kitchen.

A kitchen witch uses what works and that sometimes seems unconventional--- and yet it is completely convential pre-Patriarchy.  The Inquisition was not the first Inquisisiton.  The first real Inquisition occured before the birth of Christ.  If one reads the Bible carefully--- the first inquisition began with the Marriage Contract.  This was the First wave of genocide. 

It has been said that the intent of Genocide is that those who are oppressed will continue the system of oppression without outer influence.  This is what has happened all over the world.  Women have encouraged Patriarchy to continue by oppressing their daughters and sons and pressing them into a system where females are dehumanized and seen as commodities to be used for the sole use of the male in any way they see fit.  Their gifts and talents are not recognized as human but as property of the male.  This is where the healing must begin--- by educating women as girls and and by educating women as mothers.  Change is happening right now everywhere all over the world.  We can do more by looking within our own woundedness to create change within our ownselves by healing our wounds.  It is through integrating the dark into the Light-- the masculine into the Feminine that wholeness is achieved.  We are entering into the Age of Integration.  Integration is a tenet of Alchemy.  Alchemy is a Kitchen Witches' Art form.  Nurturing is our creed.  Kindess our Religion.  We are far and few between at this time---  I bless us all with Love.

The Kitchen is where it is all at-- cooking up great stuff for the fabric of human society where all are cared for as the Sacred Beings each and every human is upon this Earth.  I leave this rare comment here with this quote from Shake the Anthill,

WE managed to create a massive poison on Earth. The plus of this “accomplishment” is that out of it WE can create a most Powerful Medicine! In other words, by making Creator’s Law, The Law, we can CHANGE that what needs to be changed. What we need now is the RETURN of the Alchemist, foremost WOMAN and her KITCHEN!

garydgreer's picture

Great comment. Thank you.

This is the Marriage Contract that exists in every society of the World-- no matter if it is Jew, Christian, Muslim, Sikh, Jain, Hindu, Animist, Budhist, or other.  World Wide this is the marriage contract.   This is the First Inquisition.  Stoning, drawing and quartering, death by thrist, death by exposure, death by rape and torture, death by dragging, death by fire, death by impaling.  Traumatic Death is the outcome for many of our Sisters and Brothers (those few males that said or say, stop doing this to our Sisters).

I bless all with Love.  Through healing  one's own woundness let all be healed around each one.



Noa's picture

Gary -- I've copied the text from into a file to read.  I'll post more later.


Re:  Fairy's Comments

I took a 'Marriage and Family' class in college.  It was quite an eye-opener. 

The marriage contract is probably the only legally-binding contract we sign without reading.  One chapter of my M & F textbook contained the New York marriage contract.  Sheesh!

It contained 'rules' for a married man and a woman.  None of the rules are equal between the sexes.  The woman is required to have sex with her husband whenever he wants.  (No such requirement for him.)  If she doesn't submit sexually, he can legally seek sex outside the marriage.  If she wants sex and he doesn't, she's got to learn to live with it or be branded an adultress for straying, which is just cause for divorce.  If a man abandons his wife, well that's okay.  If the woman does it, he can divorce her.

Only a father can legally testify for his minor children, not the mother.  The list goes on and on, but I forgot most of it. 

Now, similar 'laws' are still on the books in every state in America today, though they're rarely enforced.

Yeah, Fairy, I think you bring up a very good point.


This is from the Angelic Diaries, byArcheia AuroRa  where Alchemical Abilities are mentioned. --Fairy

Beloved Ones, we wish to make you aware-if you are not already-that you have shifted into an era of instantaneous manifestation and answered prayer.  The linear time frame between the setting of intent and materialization is scant now.  This window of time  becomes smaller and smaller with every passing day, and with the raising of your frequency and the honing of your skills you are now able to bring forth into your physical reality the essential tools you require for survival in these tumultuous times.  Your prayers and requests for assistance never fall upon deaf ears, but we choose to remind you it is through your own power and trust in God,  that you bring your deepest desires to fruition.  With the 8-8 came a freeing up of much of that which lay fallow behind the veil.  Memories, stunning realizations and yes, your long-buried manifestational skills are now yours for the taking.  You need only to believe and trust in what your heart and inner voice are telling you.

While these abilities are inborn and, by rights, yours to do with as you will, we caution you that they have long lay dormant.  In many of you, for thousands of lifetimes they went unnoticed and untapped.  As you rediscover your infinite power, do begin slowly to integrate them into your life.  You shall require practice, and you must become aquainted once again with the correct ways to use them.  With this new unearthing comes a glorious freedom, allowing you to put your house into some semblance of order and bring into your lives all you need to  thrive and to live peacefully in these last days of the old paradigm.  Make the choice to exist in a state of  total detachment.  Please seek to remain untethered to the drama which surrounds you, harbor and express few  opinions and avoid engaging in conflict of any sort.  Stay as an observer, as though you are watching a play unfold upon a stage.  You may find it entertaining and somewhat shocking, but be of the knowledge that it has nothing to do with you, this other story.  None of it is happening on your chosen timeline, and thereby none of it is actually occurring in your own life.  The casual observer has the ability to remain neutral and centered, his energy free-flowing, clear and unblocked.  There are no obstructions to the alchemical abilities of the neutral ones.  Abundance flows freely.  -- Angelic Diaries, Earth Angels Enter Paradise, August 12, 2012, Archeia AuroRa

To continue reading click link --

Noa's picture

Okay, Gary.  I read the entire text.  Interesting concept, but it left me confused. 

Can changing our diets alone really bring about a revolution in consciousness and an end to the NWO?  I know plenty of people with healthy diets and an awareness of themselves as extentions of God Source, but that in and of itself doesn't seem to be impacting the global parasites much.  I visited the sister site to find more direction and answers, but to no avail.

Nonetheless, I'm going to try the diet to see if my health improves.

ChrisBowers's picture

When I quit eating animal flesh 23 years ago I distinctly remember an undeniable spiritual emotional element to the change in diet.  Hard to explain except to say the personal experience was undeniable.  And some of the esoteric sources I have read, if what they allege is true, diet for ascending evolving life forms keeps getting more and more "less is more" simple, right up to the point where Light Beings are simply consuming pure light instead of any crude matter whatsoever - ends up being the most efficient way.  What is really interesting about the consumption of light is that that is exactly what our DNA is consuming after the food we eat is processed, ultra-violet light.

If we tax the body with too much sugar or refined stuff or animal flesh, why wouldn't we feel the difference when moving to a more healthy natural diet?  Makes much sense to me from personal experience. Michel Desmarquet's book, Thiaoouba  Prophecy (pronounced Heyaooova) talks about the very interesting diet of the very advanced level 10 Beings from that planet - also, they were a very beautiful blend of male and female.  The consumed a very simple vital source that bypassed endulging the body and just gave the nutrients necessary in very simple and very available form...  And they did not have to eat much to be sustained for a very long time compared to our typical 4 hours between meals habit.

The other source I found interesting stuff about change in diet during ascension evolution in densities is in the Law of One sessions...

tscout's picture

   I remember reading that some Buddhists would eat it if it had died an accidental death,,,,after a prayer service of course.....Then, others have said that animals come into this life  knowing they are a food source......i don't know............What I do know is,,,,we don't need it.....Native americans have told me they need it for the energy in the high altitude,,,,but I did better there when I gave it up altogether.

I believe in the "less is more" idea now. Fasting is so powerful,,once you go through enough to shrink your stomach down enough,,,so you just aren't as hungry,,,it's relieves a lot of stress on your digestive system and organs,,,you start to fall "out of love" with food,(the hardest part} ,,,,you think much clearer,,,and you just feel ,,,,,,,,,,Lighter !!!! I have been struggling to put into words something I feel like I "know"....when you watch the miracle of your child growing,,,where do you suppose the  "matter" comes from that makes up the "expanded" version of them...Most people seem to think that it comes from their food....i don't think so.....I think the actual matter comes from the vacuum...i believe the food is a fuel source,,,but like you said Chris,,,we are digesting all that food to get at the light that it consumed in it's lifetime.....It is  a fact that photons affect DNA change,,,so consuming food versus consuming light  is like the example of how a nuclear explosion is a million times more powerful than a chemical explosion,,,as it is closer to the planck scale....Obviously,,the light is a more direct,and powerful food source, from closer to the source. The old Taoist books describe matter, and the creation of the universe very simply,,,they knew.

    I thought it was cool how the beings in that book could "pull water out of the air",,,,just manifest it...Man, if we could do that !!!!!





ChrisBowers's picture

I am not saying that eating meat is a "bad" thing per se - I simply experience a more pleasant more bearable "lightness of being" less is more personal experience when I avoid it.  And think of this for a moment - does anyone really think for one minute that more advanced beings are still eating flesh???

anyone really believe that angelic light beings are gorging on pig and cow flesh, LOL

it's not a religious thing - it's more like it is a practical natural spontaneous result of evolution towards Light, because it is still all about light, even in this dense overly convoluted form we consciously and experientially reside in now...  at some point we begin to dismiss the dense clutter that keeps us from "it" (Source)...

on another note, people would do well to raise and slaughter their own animals to avoid eating all the drugs and fear associated with eating factory farm animals.  One can imagine, if there truly is some nefarious group of individuals intent on keeping the masses in fear, they must really love factory farming and the constant ingesting of all that residual fear and misery....

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