Dear friends,
One of my best friends in the world, Brian Baker, was climbing on some rocks in Kuai last Friday afternoon when a giant set of waves unexpectedly came in and swept Brian away. Brian was one of the most loving, caring people I've ever know. He touched and transformed the lives of countless people in most profound ways -- sometimes with a simple humorous comment which cut to the heart, sometimes with deep, authentic connection that could just blow you away. If you want to learn more about this beautiful man, here's a link to his facebook page:
His friend Adam, who I also knew, jumped in to try to save Brian and was lost, too. Please especially send lots of love and support to Brian's girlfriend Joy and Adam's fiance Jenkat who witnessed the whole thing and are absolutely devastated. Thanks for your support.
With profound love and sadness,
Fred such sad news, may there be comfort come to you also to Joy & Jenkat, how very tragic to actually witness the passing of your loved one in such a sudden and dramatic way, it will be a great struggle for them............
My heart is with you all
sending blessings and comfort to them and their loved ones, and to you as well.
Life is all the more precious for being so fragile and temporary. Especially someone close...
I'm sorry to hear the news about Brian and Adam. I'm not on Facebook, so I can't read about it. One may never know how such events fit into the grand scheme of things. Maybe God needed two more angels.
Blessings of love, courage, faith, and hope.
May the Love that enfolds you comfort and sustain you until the gentle hands of Peace dispel the grief.
Peace and Love
but that's ok,,,i am taken aback by your story, and wish you all the strength you need to make sense of it......I have been thinking about it for hours,,,,as I am now going through the opposite scenario with one of my dearest friends......He was told, about a month ago, that he has lung cancer, and it had spread to the bones and lymphs......He was around when I went through this kind of thing, and knows what's possible, but has decided he doesn't want to try,,,,try to beat it...I even offered to return from china , if he would follow my instructions...So, i don't feel he is being taken,,,,but is taking himself.....His wife and daughter are very angry, but honoring his wishes...His son, isn't taking it so well....He said I was the only one who asked him if he "wanted " to live...There are other factors at play here, a head injury a few years ago, that changed him drastically, and some pent up anger he has been holding onto for a long time.
so, the irony of this hit me today,,,,those who cherish life so much being taken,,versus those who have "given up" in a sense,,,not wanting to try,,,,,i won't try to explain it, it's not my quest,,,,
About the time you posted this, I received an email from him, saying he just came home from the hospital, suffering from dehydration, and pneumonia.....so it seems that he has made up his mind.....I can only hope that he will find that reason before he falls too deep into the hole to come back....Even though we are opposites, he will be very missed.....as will your dear friend,,,,,,I just wish I could "jump in the water and save him",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,L,,,,,,,,,T
I've very sorry to about your friend, Todd, especially how little real support and caring it sound like he has. Thank you for being there for him. May his passage to the other side be smooth and meaningful.
With much love and support,
Thanks for all your warm words of support. Brian was my best male friend and beloved by literally hundreds of people. We've already had three spontaneous gatherings of friends to share beautiful memories and feelings, two of those with 40 or more friends.
If you are interested in a newspaper article about Brian and Adam in which I am quoted, here's the link:
For the most beautiful writing of one dear friend, read below.
With profound love and sadness,
Written by Constance Smith
Brian Baker: You rang?
God: Yes, sorry about the short notice, but I really need your help; and, truth be told, your the only man for the job!
Brian: OK, sounds interesting....
God: Well, I finally have a consensus on the next logical step of Universal Evolution, and it involves dance.
Brian: Now, you've got my attention.
God: Here's the story, you know the maxim: As Above So Below?
Brian: Yes..
God: Well, there's an older version, something the Great, Egyptian, God Osiris penned - "As the Houses of Earth fill with dancing and song, so filled are the Houses of Heaven."
Brian: Oh, I like that one.
God: And well you should. You see there is a common misconception among humans that you guys are behind The Heavens; perpetually locked in a game of catch-up. When, in fact, the opposite is true - you delightful humans are the Energetic Catalysts of what we call the Leading-Most-Edge of Creation in the Universe. And, it is in this capacity that your talents, your gifts, and your creative genius are so perfect for the next job I have in mind for you.
Brian: Is it going to be fun?
God: Yes.
Brian: Will I make a difference in people's lives?
God: Naturally - that's what you do, it's who you are; a teacher, a lover, a friend and mentor.
Brian: Can I make my own rules?
God: There are no rules, you can create in any way that moves you.
Brian: O.K., I'm in. What's the job?
God: We DESPERATELY need an Ecstatic Dance Heaven.
Brian: (Laughing) You're serious?
God: Absolutely. It all sounds so absurd doesn't it? I mean it's supposed to be all about ecstasy up here, but you guys, well......you've figured something out. You have a formula that needs someone of your stature to recreate. There is an Alchemy to the Ecstatic Dance you practice and to all that frolic and play with you. We would like you to bring that practice here; to start building a playground of such fecundity, such immensity and love, that there is no transition between this world and your human world. That we mesh together, we flow, we trip and fly together, between the veils, seamlessly.
Brian: WOW! When can I start?
God: Right now. As a matter of fact, there are a few people who have also offered their assistance, the first being a fellow charmer and lover of dance, Christopher Ball.
Christopher magically appears, smiling.
Brian: (laughing and hugging Christopher) Man!!! Can you believe it? We get to host the heavenly hosts? Talk about the inmates running the asylum? How fun is this going to be? God, get ready.......You're in for one helluva party!
God: That's exactly what we are counting on! Oh, and one more thing, you two are going to have to give us some lessons on the Contact Improv thing. We're a bit rusty on that one up here.
Brian and Christopher: (In unison) - No problem.
Then, looking at each other and laughing, our two delightful friends, dance partners, fellow lovers of life and song, stroll arm in arm; Brian stopping long enough to bend down and grab his didgeridoo, toward their latest co-creation - Ecstatic Dance Heaven.
Where, you and I, upon our Transition, or whenever we hold them in our hearts, will be able to meet up with all of our dearest friends. A space filled with love, laughter, music, and attention to all things good and sweet. In other words, HOME~*
it's so hard to remember all those stories of NDE's when we miss a friend so deeply. We cry for ourselves more than we cry for them... but still we grieve. I pray your grieving process is filled with joy and happy memories of your time with Brian on this earth. I suspect you and he will find a place to meet between the veils even as you remain "here" and he, "there".
Love and hugs of comfort and support,
Several years ago, I thought about how I'd like to leave this lifetime. My perfect death, if you will.
I imagined myself with a large trash bag on the beach, picking up litter. Suddenly, a cry for help rings from the sea. Someone is drowning. I immediately leap to the rescue, but the current is strong and I perish doing a selfless, heroic act.
That's how I'd like to go. I'm with you, Adam.
i have one thing to give and that is love from here to there, may it reach you where it may be of most help
Much Love
Thought you might like this poem. I think it's so beautiful, and go back to it time and again...
And if I go,
while you're still here...
Know that I live on,
vibrating to a different measure
--behind a thin veil you cannot see through.
You will not see me,
so you must have faith.
I wait for the time when we can soar together again,
--both aware of each other.
Until then, live your life to its fullest.
And when you need me,
Just whisper my name in your heart,
...I will be there.
Copyright ©1987, Colleen Corah Hitchcock
That is so beautiful and inspiring, Kathy! Thank you so much.
With lots of love and gratitude,
I can tell you're lucky in friendships Fred. I am too. You're one of the luckiest to have such inspiring and wonderful people include you in their lives. He sounds like one hell of a great person. What an awesome gift he has been for you. I hope I don't sound glib or insensitive to a grieving heart it's just that I somehow get the impact he's had on you and I know there are no words to express the depth a friend can penetrate into your life and your heart are there?
Dear Fred,
Please accept my sympathy for your loss of such a special friend. I share your reaction to the way he died, with both sadness and and a sense of profound beauty. Sad to say goodbye so soon and so unexpectedly, fortunate to die in such a beautiful way and with such joyfullness and friends around. Much better than sick and in pain. The paradox of life is strong in this, but it is still a good death in my eyes, too.
Thanks for your warm words, Brian and Maya. And yes, I feel very blessed to have had and continue to have such a rich connection with this amazing man. It's really awesome to feel him working directly with me now as a spirit guide. I've felt his wonderful guidance inspiring me to open and connect more deeply with others and share my love more deeply. Thank you, Brian!
With much love and warm hugs to all,
I bless you and your dearest Loved Ones with Love and solac. So many are being called home. And the abscence of those who have left is felt deeply. It is sooo hard to be the ones left behind. I bless you and all with Love.
It's so nice to see you turn this into a beautiful thing! I just wanted to mention that , the man I mentioned in my comment earlier in your post passed away on February 10th. He went very quickly and quietly. It is amazing to see the power of intention at work. Some use it to live, and others to die. It hurt me that he didn't want to live, but he was intent on leaving, so I can only hope that he held that belief right up until he actually passed. He was a wonderful man, and I hope he is having a wonderful adventure on the other side....L,,,T
I trust that there is always a greater reason, Todd. I'm sending lots of love to you and to the spirit of your friend.
With love and warm hugs,