Proof of Concept: Keshe Plasma Generator (link is external)

Published on Dec 21, 2012

This video uses a plastic bottle to break the laws of physics - It's future time.
~Inside this bottle there are four pieces of copper wire (electrodes), and they are not touching each other - they are independent. This means that within this bottle there is an open circuit (link is external). (Like an on/off switch, a circuit is OFF when it is open, and it is ON when the circuit is closed. On=electricity flow, Off=no flow)

WIthin our current understanding of physics and electrodynamics, it is impossible to close a circuit (turn it on) AND generate electricity from the air within an Empty Open Plastic Bottle.

However, with our new understanding of the creation of gravity, "we have New Physics in the world of science".

This experiment breaks the old laws of physics and brings to the light of day a new discovery, proving the concept of the Keshe Plasma Generator, and it's pretty exciting.

*The energy that spins (link is external) our Milky Way Galaxy, our Solar System and Home Earth is the same energy that spins the electrons within this bottle. This is the universal energy being taped into via this experiment, because there is literally a microscopic galaxy of atoms in this bottle spinning around copper wire (closing the circuit and generating electricity). 

***Build it yourself- Replicating the Keshe Plasma Electric Generator: Link to Google Doc: (link is external)

Have you heard of M.T. Keshe yet? He is the present day Isaac Newton! Enlightening the world with a new understanding of "Gravity!". :-)
Video: We Understand Gravity ~ The Holy Grail of Science! (link is external)

***Take Away Point: "Science now understands the fundamental principle behind the creation of gravitational fields."
This is a game-changer that will change all of science and thus all of society. The possibilities are literally endless!

For a full elaboration:
Keshe University (link is external) - Education for the Future (Introduction) (link is external)...

Keshe University on facebook: (link is external)

Aslo, check out (link is external) !!!!! It's Epic! :-)

Keshe Foundation Updates:
*****We are proud to announce that today 15.11.2012 the Nation of United States of America has received the USB stick containing all patents and blueprints of nuclear reactor plasma spaceship technology of the Keshe Foundation. (link is external)

Over 20 nations have received this knowledge and technology.
Now that we have reached the governments that represent over 60 % of the world's population, the Keshe Foundation is not going to wait for the rest of the nations to join (link is external), even though they are welcome to receive the technology whenever they ask for it.

And, The December 14th presentation of Begum is canceled due to political issues. Instead the Keshe Foundation is giving a teaching series in Italy:
Our public lectures now moves to different countries and will not be restricted to Belgium and Holland. There are series of lectures planned for 15, 16, 17 and18 December in 4 different cities in Italy. (link is external)

Symphony of Science - the Quantum World! (link is external)


In my opinion this is a world moving event; I'd like to ask all of you to help take this viral.

Bless you more,


Noa's picture

Wow!  The fact that these types of vids haven't been pulled from Youtube suggests that humanity is breaking free from the chains that once bound us.  There are so many websites and Youtube videos devoted to free energy now, I think we're witnessing the birth of a new age of awareness and freedom. 

I think this guy is false, yet another fake..he had me for a while..

lightwins's picture

That made you respond this way?

i found a forum that pointed out many things that dont make sense with this guy, you know he sells flights to the moon for $50,000.  the more research i did the more full of it he appeared.......not to mention his never ending stalling......for years he has promised a real demo....


lightwins's picture

or the guy in the video? Is there anything in the video itself that makes you believe it is faked?


Noa's picture

Jez, don't you realize how many inventors of free energy devices or alternative energy sources have been bumped off or silenced?  Look at Nicola Tesla's work for example.

Yes, there's a reason this technology isn't making it to the mainstream marketplace.  Follow the money.


i spent months going over teslas patents in great energy is something i have put much time into....not sure what your point about bumping scientists off was about? you really believe i havent come across suppressed tech....i doubt it.....dont know why you always talk in riddles....i think this keshe is full of shit, that has nothing to do with if i believe in such technologies, i do......just not in keshe....

my example of how the government has sold the rights to supply power is an example of following the money...legally we cant have free power, it would break the power companies contract......what point were you making?

hey john,

i think the whole thing offers nothing substantial.....if it is ours just put it all out there.....i dont think it will go anywhere in reality.....if they could build the machine and put it on the market, they would.....if it is a government issue, what does it matter, the technology has been available for over a hundred years. i also dont like a sales pitch, as if a real working device wouldnt sell itself.....i know here my government has sold the rights to supply electricity to us for decades to come to private the desalinated water we now buy even though we dont use it at all!..but back to these guys, produce is alll i say, they have been talking for long enough.


on the bottle in the vid.....put a load on the circuit, i bet it cant sustain the vooltage....i can get a volt meter to show a result with just a tesla coil, but i cant do anything with it....

anyone please correct me but to be a generator all they would need to show is that the bottle can charge a capacitor, we drain the capacitor, the bottle then recharges it...discharge tesla did many times....and you have a concept generator, no matter how little energy is collected....a volt meter does not draw current, proves nothing....take out the meter, put in a capacitor, not hard......why wouldnt they do it?, 

ok, im really getting into this now, hehe

we all come in contact with free energy every day, the little blue was when tesla's patents stopped and he went out of favour.....what is the little blue spark, is what you see sometimes when you turn on a power point......what tesla understood was that the spark doesnt come out of the circuit, it comes from the atmosphere, static electricity, same as stuff!

Eyejay's picture

That little blue spark, the energy all around us................. I Like candles anyway Wink

Noa's picture

Jez, my post was in response to your statement, "if they could build the machine and put it on the market, they would."  Logically, since free energy technology is being violently suppressed, it can't be marketed without serious consequences to life and limb, and therefore such technologies are not reaching the mainstream marketplace. I thought that I was stating an obvious conclusion and I certainly didn't intend to talk in riddles.


Effective communication requires a level of aptitude of both sender and receiver.  At the minimum a command of the language is a necessary component.  Furthermore, blanket generalities are falacies which hinder understanding.  Likewise, defamation is an unnecessary obstacle if one's goal is indeed to comprehend. To obtain further cooperation of this sender, your decorum is appreciated.




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