WHAT IF you are way more powerful then you are currently believing?

WHAT IF you are way more powerful then you are currently believing? that we all are!!!

that we have a power so powerful it could be easy to change your world profoundly?

then why does it seem we don't use it, let say we forgot how, forgot that we were profoundly participating with the very nature of everything around us at every moment, well are results might then seem chaotic and seem to tell us otherwise that there is not correlations..., also its possible we are even in fear of such a situation, lets say many of the laws of physics as they are currently defined were not limits that you could bend or even brake them? what would such a possibility look like ??? what might happen, it could radically change so much, couldn't it!...

lets also say this power is something that can never be taken away or turn off, that it is an absolute intricate part of your being and the entire experience, the "all that is" cosmos... yet being a part of your being its subject to being used in a seemingly ineffective manner, that to use it after forgetting it might be like learning to walk the first time all over again that it needs a certain networking and pattern to get a desired result, like learning to walk sometimes you fall down lol...

also just like you need to work your being in tandem at the correct synergy to walk that certain forces of yourself need a synergy and this synergy guaranties that mastery of this ability is safeguarded from lower levels of ego and judgments and hidden intentions...

would you be interested in learning to coordinate this ability ????

i very much believe this event horizon is a pone us...

here is a perspective take on this






Thanks so much for sharing this! It was quite long but well worth the time it took to watch. He gave a very insightful and informative talk that affirms and reinforces a lot of my beliefs about the nature of the universe. I really appreciate you sharing this. Though he never uses the term "Law of attraction" it's very much the same principle, just in more scientific terms. I feel like my frequency level raised to a higher vibration just by watching!

Brian's picture

Noa-I do the same thing when I open the mailbox. I'm intending more checks.

Actually I wish I had your clarity about intuiting. After practicing remote viewing for a while I began to see how I used intuition in pretty much everything-and I guess I always had. The challenge now is deciding when I am "intending" making something happen and when it's just that I see it coming.  Example: I once thought I controlled a big event, but I may have simply had a premonition and saw how it would unfold and then mistakenly thought I was willing it that way. And then....is THAT just an example of my will anyway? I seem to like being confused.

Brian...I feel you...that's the tricky thing with intuition and those gut feelings. I often struggle when I have a fear about something or 'gut feeling' that something is going to turn out very badly...not wanting the bad event I'll sometimes go forward with the plan or idea with positive thoughts and hopefullness that the desired outcome will be realized, but then when my fears are realized I'm often left wondering if I am the cause for the bad situation and my negative vibes created it or if my intuition was just preparing me for the inevitable. I think sometimes the outcome of certain events are beyond our control and no amount of positive thinking or feeling is going to change them...and that sometimes you have to be willing to trust that intuition and those 'negative' feelings and premonitions to help you set an alternate course that is in your best interest.

Noa's picture

The answers to these questions may lie within modern society.  Toxins in our food, water, and air contribute to our inability to use all our innate senses.  Additionally, we are taught to discount our imagination and intuition and rely upon the "scientific method" to prove things as "fact".  Now quantum physics, string theory, and other scientific breakthroughs are proving that our thoughts form reality.  The placebo effect is an established fact.  Indeed, we are more powerful than we realize.

From time to time, some G-spotters have mentioned that they have some difficulty using their intuition.  Let me share a technique with you that I've stumbled upon.  

When I play games like Solitare or electronic UNO, I often say to myself, "I need a red nine" or "I want the suit to be blue."  I haven't kept track of the data, but it seems as though just sending the request into the universe increases the likelihood of receiving what I want.  In Solitare, I often intuit which column of cards to move.  I've noticed that I win more games when I practice intuiting rather than leaving the game completely to chance.

But the real benefit, for me anyway, is that I am learning to read my body's reaction when I ask my intuitive self to choose the better of two unknowns.  Now I can recognize a clear distinction between a an affirmative and a negative answer.

Try it yourself.  It's an interesting experiment.

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