Microwave remnants of the Big Bang?


Not surprising actually, since the big bang never occurred. The misinterpretation of data resulting in something we call "collision of particles" that do not actually exist would produce confusing and false notions such as "spooky action at a distance", "dark matter", "dark energy" and any number of other fabricated, avenues of illusionary existence. To a primitive, superstitious, "false belief" based species, let's say someone observing video being projected to an out of reach display area (a screen or area of observance.), the inaccessible, but observable, screen area might be determined to be a portal or some other dimension or universe. Any further interpreted data, based on that false assumption (or theory, say, of "relativity") resulting from this misinterpreted and wrongly defined projection , can only further complicate and distort the truth. In other words, if you can't define or if you incorrectly define the space where things are taking place, then everything in that space is open to misinterpretation.


kevnkar's picture

Creation is an ongoing process.Therefore the illusion of expansion. All things are living and dying simultaneously. The equal and opposite reaction happns simultaneously thus no beginning and no end. All that exists is consciousness. Everything else is illusion or a thought projection. It is or it isn't and all points between one becoming the other. Looking for the beginng is fruitless.

garydgreer's picture

Hey Kevnkar,

Not sure what your are saying baloney to. In reviewing your coment, I don't see anything I would have issue with.

garydgreer's picture

Hey Kevnkar,

Not sure what your are saying baloney to. In reviewing your coment, I don't see anything I would have issue with.

garydgreer's picture

Hey Kevnkar,

Not sure what your are saying baloney to. In reviewing your coment, I don't see anything I would have issue with.

kevnkar's picture

...baloney to the idea of adding a few hundred thousand years to the date of the big bang and not something you wrote. There was no big bang as you stated. Science clearly shows that when you look for something smaller and smaller, you will find what you expect because you create it yourself. The smallest thing can never be found as long as someone imagines something smaller. The next big thing always leaves the blind scientist with more questions which leads them to begin imagining the next. As they showed in the video, unexpected anomolies lead only to more questions.

Brian's picture

 But wasn't it your last point that led them to imagining something smaller? I haven't heard a physicist say "Hey-you know what this new particle needs?? A smaller particle!" But I agree with everything you're saying Kevnkar. I also feel it's cool to allow science to progress because ultimately, it has no bearing on the true nature of things. It's just striving to understand. Divinity is master and life is divinity and both etc etc. I like watching science slowly converging on ancient teachings of the nature of reality-it's been a spectator sport for me for the last 30 years. I think all the ET's sciences are so advanced we can hardly imagine them yet. I also think they haven't harmed us because they are so advanced that they have integrated faith, science, and everything else much more than us and want to live in harmony with divinity's laws. It's got to be the minimum needed to get to advanced levels of civilization.

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