Remote Viewing

 Since Fred posted an email on Remote Viewing I thought I'd mention about the talk given here this weekend by Joe McMoneagle (Remote Viewer #1 in Stargate) and Ed May, chief scientist and manager of Stargate. I have met Joe before and I have used Ed and Joe's target pool and evaluation software program courtesy of Ed who generously loaned it to me and a friend when we worked to RV stocks and precious metals.

They promised to reveal some new info (on Stargate) to the public and we heard some fascinating stories-some new and some I'd heard before. Even though 10's of thousands of pages are released by the CIA on  the program most is still classified which Joe and Ed agreed was a good idea) One story was about the MX nuclear missile program. It turns out that they got tasked with determining if psychic methods could be used to compromise the missile security. The MX system involved placing mobile launchers on huge circular train tracks that could move the missiles to different locations constantly to introduce doubt to the Soviets in their ability to destroy the missiles in an attack. It was an extremely expensive missile program and someone was worried it was a waste of money. So the Stargate people came up with this odd software program that placed a bunch of circles on a screen. Somehow they correlated these circles to the future positions of the missiles(using statistical methods) and then used dozens of volunteers to try to dowse the positions of the missiles (unknowingly) by trying to declare which circles meant something to them(they were vague on the technique). Well the volunteers -people like college students I believe-managed to dowse the locations extremely accurately. Thought that was kind of interesting that they completely obsoleted many billions of dollars in weaponry with a little psychic work and some 'normal folks' as the psychics.

They said the CIA and military produced reports when they cancelled the program declaring it a failure and said they had based it on dozens of boxes of reports Stargate dutifully turned in. But when they checked, the boxes had none of their seals broken. They said the reasons for cancelling the program involved politics and abject terror of political costs if the program was revealed to the public. They mentioned Senator Proxmire's famous series of exposes of wasteful programs in Congress called "The Fleecing of America"-anyone remember those? I do! Actually the program was extremely successful in bringing useful intelligence to those who tasked them. They worked on thousands of completely blind tasks for the intelligence community most of which they never heard how they did!. Joe had clearances to work with the whole alphabet soup of departments. CIA, military, NRO, NSA, DIA etc etc. He says RV is rarely to be used as a first form of intel but it's very useful as a confirmation of other techniques. One of the best uses is to narrow down locations of things or people which saves money and resources.

One tidbit is that several major departments in the Intel community are run by, and at least somewhat populated by Mormons. They hold sway over a lot of our government.

They made it clear there are no RV programs ongoing in the military or CIA. I find that hard to believe. I do RV myself and know it can be useful so why wouldn't someone like the Army want a couple of viewers on call for sticky situations? Anyway, they presented a picture of a government run by frightened individuals and how Congress tried year after year to defund them but they proved over and over they were getting valuable intel. Joe had to do RV sessions sitting in front of Congressmen. He blew their minds but then once or twice was accused of doing the work of the devil by some more religous ones! Joe said it made the hair on the back of his neck stand up...Ed and Joe revealed that recently they were contacted by the top ranking female officer of an intelligence dept. She was enthused about working with them on military intelligence targets and proposed funding them generously with great resources at their command. They flew to Hawaii to work on the details but got a phone call from her saying "I can never speak to you again-do not contact me" The whole thing was a setup by others who wanted to discredit her by revealing she was working with "psychics"! -some nasty people didn't like having a female head up a department. That I can believe. The whole talk/workshop was really interesting.

fredburks's picture

Thanks so much for sharing that fascinating information, Brian. And I can confirm from my work that the Mormons have a huge presence in our intelligence services. They seem to be the foot soldiers of the elite. Enjoy!

Brian's picture

It WAS fascinating hearing them tell these stories. I wish everyone here could have been sitting in the audience instead of hearing me tell it poorly, and 2nd hand.

Wendy's picture

Great news from the Monroe Institute:

Special message
to the TMI family 


The Board of Directors and the Executive Director at The Monroe Institute would like to let everyone in our TMI family know of some exciting new developments, both at The Monroe Institute home in Virginia, and around the world as well!  


The registrations for TMI programs continue to grow rapidly.  In fact we have seen a 34% growth in 2013 attendance compared to the same 5-month period last year.  For the first time in TMI's history we have had two Gateway Voyage Programs going on at the same time - one at RMR and one at Nancy Penn - and we have had Gateways running concurrently in Virginia twice so far this year.


Due to overwhelming interest, we have just added another Remote Viewing Program for August 17-23.   Remote Viewer #1 Joe McMoneagle is now facilitating this eye-opening course.  (Wow, do I wish I could afford to take that course!)


This year we also introduced a Dowsing Program for the first time. Led by Raymon Grace, a veteran dowser famous world-wide within the dowsing community, feedback has been more than positive.  


In addition, we have been working on enhancing our SAM technology.  After several months of testing and tuning by our new Director of Technology, Bob Holbrook, we are launching a pilot program of the new Explorer Imperative program in June.  We are looking forward to getting the results of this SAM 2.0 technology soon.


Coming in the fall is a pilot program for a Lucid Dreaming course. We know that this is an area of great interest among TMI participants and we anticipate a great outcome from this program. It is being designed and developed by Thomas Hasenberger in Germany and Luigi Sciambarella in England.


We are expanding the availability of our Residential programs with new offerings around the globe:  Beth Vaughan in Texas and California; Thomas Hasenberger in Germany;  Michael Velasquez in Latin America;  Luigi Sciambarella in England and Morocco;  Shri and Nikate Khaitan in India;  and Carl Osterberg in Sweden.  For more details have a look at the Outreach facilitators page


We continue to grow interest in TMI through Open House mini-programs, which have been a resounding success bringing in many new members to the TMI family, and through TV shows such as the Unexplained.  In August, TMI will start appearing in short spots on PBS TV around the US. Created through a Martin Sheen project in the category of Spirituality and Wellness, these short films will also appear on at least one major channel. 


With the substantial growth in programs and participants, and also tight controls on spending, Carol, our Executive Director, and her staff have managed to greatly improve our financial situation, at the same time as updating the facility.  This provides TMI with a solid financial base for the present.  It also provides us with the resources to invest in more programs, events, and facilities to springboard us into the future.


Other initiatives are underway to bring some very different TMI technology to the world (including an upcoming TMI Online Program, the first of which is being created in support of our Global Outreach).


Additional exciting projects and research are currently in design and development for 2014.  These will bring the chance to attract many hundreds of new participants to take part in some very new and very different initiatives!   Announcements and details will follow in coming months!


The TMI Board of Directors congratulates Carol and her excellent staff for all their hard work and dedication.  Carol and the staff are energized and in high spirits with all the new programs and new participants at TMI.  Some of the staff have recently attended some (well-deserved) TMI programs, including the Gateway Voyage, graduate programs and the dowsing program and they have really enjoyed them! 


Carol and the Board would like to join in challenging all of the members of our TMI Family to bring the word of our new energy and new programs to the wider world.  


In the spirit of Bob Monroe and his last words, let's "get it out there", and do it with heart.  Together let's see what love can do!




Board of Directors




Also interesting and good news but not exactly good news to Remote Viewers:

The predictions were wrong! (or at least Clif High's interpretations of them)

I took the time to look at the sketches and raw data that they posted at their website many months ago and really wondered how Clif High could come to the conclusion that they indicated a global coastal event to happen by June 1st, 2013. It could be that future predictions are not as easy or accurate as RV'ing things in the present and past. I still believe in RV'ing - I think there's some fear mongers out there that put a spin on data that really wasn't there to begin with.

Brian's picture

 Glad to hear the Farsight RV predictions were off. My belief is that future stuff is maleable and it was a possible future that came and went. I am a little extra relieved at this "coastal event" not happening as a friend and her whole family and several others had predicted a similar event. I have been hoping they were off!
 The Monroe Institute I hear is wonderful and a friend took the main coursework and said it was worth the money (a lot by my standards but she is a working professional).

I was filmed this past Thursday for a Japanese TV show. I helped demonstrate a psi experiment using the Ganzfeld method ( 2 people, a sender and a receiver{telepathy obviously}-in two shielded rooms) I was the receiver. My friend Denise was the sender. The first time I got the wrong target (although it was one of the 4 possible targets) but the 2nd time I said I thought the target (a film clip out of 4 possible clips) was a battle in space. Afterwards, they revealed the correct clip (that Denise was trying to 'send' to me) was a compilation of space battle scenes from Star Wars movies. Wham! They call this a slam dunk. The interviewer is grinning and asking me questions like how does it feel blah blah blah and I'm giving short answers and can't wait to get out of there. But everyone else is thrilled. The day before John told me the experiment was a simulation and so the pressure was off. But when we did the 2nd target, he had fed me the audio of the correct clip and it was instantly obvious to me in the sealed room it was a Star Wars scene so I faked saying I was getting a space battle scene thinking I was just essentially acting as discussed. Here's the thing-no one else knew this! Apparently John accidentally fed me some of the audio from the first clip which happened to be the right clip (they were all scenes from famous movies) but didn't know he was doing so. He had only gotten the hardware to work the night before (it's not been used in a long time)and was winging it and apparently the film crew sound guy accidentally changed a setting when trying to troubleshoot a mic problem for us..........So I was the only one who heard the audio during the experiment, the only one who was acting, and the only one who had to lie to the film crew! I say lie because I could tell something was wrong as soon as they started interviewing me -they  didn't seem to be acting. I didn't sort this all out until John and I could talk later and he said he was very shocked and disappointed and talked about the glitches they were having. I didn't believe him and made a lot of faces like-yeah right....but he seemed sincere. God, I hope so. Utimatley, this strikes me as a great example of intention or group intention to get reality to conform to a desired result-which is amazing in itself if not appreciated by most people. Cheers.

Wendy's picture

Hi Brian,

That's great news, hope your TV spot gets on YouTube or someplace on-line so you can post it here.

If not, you'll have to teach us all to remote view your remote viewing!


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"Dedicated to the greatest good of all who share our beautiful world"