Lots of supposition around topics such as this one. Especially if they involve time/space travel! I got in a little late on the discussion...
I suppose Fred has the most information or has looked at this more than almost anyone, so maybe he can throw some light on it for me.
I'm really attracted to sacred sites and places of power, so I have this strong inclination to want to explore and utilize them for higher/greater purpose. Trouble is, governments and military have made many of them inaccessible to the people world-wide. So my question as it relates to the Ancient Arrow site (a burning itch cause I'm not far away here in CO) is did the Wingmakers pretty much realize we "the People" would not have access to the site and rely on the virtual reality of the internet to get the material out there just enough that it would assist individual transformation? Is it, like the hologram, complete in it's matrix with even a portion accurately translated? A friend of mine thinks the music is inherent in the poetry and paintings somehow, but I have no idea on how to elicit it from there and I feel as though it would be "instrumental" in the process of fully experiencing their/our message.
Does anyone anywhere know how to find at least some of that music? I'm not sure if it's just off on the original site, or this mac has difficulty with that program.
Great questions, Christopher. I'm afraid I don't have solid answers to any of them. I know there was music on the original website when I found it in the year 2000, but I didn't have the knowledge at the time to even know how to download a music file. I'm sure someone somewere did - likely a number of people. I've even had one person claiming this send me files, but I have no way of knowing if they are the real ones or not.
My own suspicion is that James, who appeared on the website in March of 2001 and claimed authorship of all of the WM materials, could be the "Dr. Anderson" of the original website. Anderson knew that if the ACIO captured him, his memories would all be erased. This could be what happened and then he was reprogrammed to subtly change the website. Of course this is pure speculation, but it is what makes most sense to me.
And yes, in some way, this whole drama of life is a virtual reality game we've all signed up for. So as to what is real and what is not about the WM Ancient Arrow site and more, maybe it's not even that important. What matters is that we take the profound wisdom shared and incorporate it into our lives. I welcome your thoughts, and welcome again to the Gathering Spot.
With abundant love and warm wishes,
Thanks for the reply, Fred. And interesting contemplations around all of it. I followed your thread about James and all of that, and it seems a likely scenario that former participants might still be involved in subtly altered ways. Speaking of speculation... You mentioned the Incunabula site and Ong's Hat. Have you read much of Peter Moon's books? Definitely gets one thinking about the whole scenario and just how far down the rabbit hole we've gone. Lots of different perspectives and viewpoints out there! Are you familiar with Dr. David Anderson of http://www.andersoninstitute.com? Might be where some of those Labyrinth and ACIO people relocated to...
Love and lightheartedness,
These sites claim to have Wingmaker's music:
Yes, I love Peter Moon's highly provocative books, though I've only had time to read two or three. I found "Synchronicity and the Seventh Seal" to be incredibly eye opening, though I suspect there are few who could appreciate all that he is presenting in the book.
I've heard of the Anderson Institute and briefly looked at their website, but not dived in there. Can you recommend any particular webpage? Thanks for all your great input here.
With much love and gratitude,
Me too, me too. I used the wonderful system of interlibrary loan to read all of his materials (except the newest). I also enjoyed "Synchronicity and the Seventh Seal", and felt it was one of the better written and easier to follow volumes. There is quite a lot of information strewn through all of his books. Something about the Philadelphia Experiment and the Montauk Project always haunted me. And that weird future horse statue is so similar to the scary bronco we have here @ D.I.A. I'm keepin my eyes and ears, etc. open! I haven't explored the Anderson Institute site enough, so I will get back to you on that one. He has a couple presentations recorded on youtube, though. We have the technology!
Mutual admiration and gratitude to you, as well
Thank you, Noa (we have NOAA here in Boulder, keepin an eye on the weather but not HAARP for us). I'll have to check those out. See how they resonate with the rest of it. Thank you for being my friend, too! Can never have enough friends and family. :)