Radiation levels in California have become a hot topic lately. One guy's video of measuring levels of radiation in California on a beach in Half Moon Bay went viral. However, those who have been carefully investigating such matters are finding radiation levels in California to be not far from normal. For a great article on this, see:
Other news has been circulating of an underground explosion at Fukushima - more reason to be afraid of radiation spread not only to California, but to the whole world. Yet careful examination shows that this is likely a hoax being spread by known disinformation agent Sorcha Faal aka David Booth. For lots more on this, see the below two links:
There are many reasons to be concerned and take action, but let's not spread fear where there is no reason for it. And let's be aware that there are those who want us to be afraid, some of whom are even paid to spread fear-inducing disinformation.
Here is the text of the above article discussing radiation levels in California:
A lot of concern has been expressed about recent reports and videos showing high levels of radiation in California on a beach in Half Moon Bay, just South of Pillar Point Harbor. It has been attributed to Fukushima. Local officials have been quoted as saying they donʻt know what it is, but donʻt worry about it. See local story.
Here is what we have learned so far: The radioactive areas of the beach seem to be associated with dark sand below the high tide level. The levels detected are about 5 to 10 times what you would normally expect to find on a beach.
The radionuclides are in the NORM class of radioactive substances, not from Fukushima. NORM stands for Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material. We put a sample in a Multichannel Analyzer and found Radium 226 and Thorium 232. See the measured spectra below.
If this California sand were contaminated by radiation from Fukushima it would show Cesium 137. See spectra below from contaminated area of Fukushima Prefecture. The same instrument is identifying Cesium 137 rather than Radium and Thorium.
The picture below is a geiger counter measuring the activity in a sample bag of the sand. The radiation level is elevated, but roughly equivalent to some granite counter top material from Brazil.
Whether this material is naturally occurring at this California beach or not remains a question. There are also reports that a pipeline was once at this location. We hope the State of California will do further radiation testing to determine the origin and full nature of the hot spots on the beach. But we are confident that it is not related to Fukushima, based on the spectral signature. We expect more news later today.
Take care and enjoy the new year,
Thanks for that Fred, I agree. On new year's eve (at a small dinner party) an oncology Prof who specialises in thyroid cancer told us how he was asked to go there recently and test people in the area for pre-cancerous thyroid problems. (It takes a while to show symptoms or be obvious.) He tested 100s and found no more than expected for that number by chance, ie in any population. He did notice a high level of stress -- fear and worry about the radiation. That in itself can cause health problems. You can make yourself sick that way. He also explained there's very little radiation in the Fukushima area. The problem is the radioactive cooling water, which is going out to sea, not directly but seeping down thro the water table. No fishing is done there now.
Good creds, heads research team in Cambridge, Strangeways lab. And has followed up thryoid cancer round Chernobyl since it happened, in 1987. Just take iodine tablets, most important for children, but a good idea for everyone.
Thanks for the balanced perspective Fred,
We bought a Geiger counter because of these concerns and found like many have been reporting on You Tube that the rain water was radioactive. After much concern about this, thinking it was coming from Fukushima, we later realized that when it rains, the natural radiation from the rocks (radon) tends to come up into the air as the rain sinks down into the soil. So like the beach area, it's probably mostly natural radiation.
Thank you Fred. I needed that because lots of people around me have been reading/hearing those rumors and I need to stay calm around that fear
Thanks also Fred, it's easy to get caught up in 'the sky is falling' mentality. I've been feeling that the fear-mongering has long been part of the plan of the power elite to effectively control the population. In recent years, I've also been realizing that all of this fear energy is being harnessed through the law of attraction to manifest even more disasters, shootings, and social injustice. Everyone now seems to be expecting the apocalypse around the corner; little do they realize, they are taking a hand in creating it.
So whenever I feel tempted to let fear and anger get the best of me in response to these events, I've been trying to do the opposite: breathe deeply, practice the ho'oponopono technique, and finish by envisioning the global transformation that is taking place and sending sacred love to the millions of people who are waking up.
There is really nothing to fear, not even fear itself. May I recognize fear as an invitation to growth.
Much love,
Hey Fred ,
Yet , another reason why I love this website .
I love you all , Eric