Is it right to have borders, Earth is all of ours I don't believe in borders and surely don't believe in leaders. I follow my own intuition I think being led is silly you lead yourself . That is part of the problem here on Earth is the killing off of the Neanderthal who used telekinesis and other special powers . Then the genetic manipulators came up with Cro-magnon man and it was a war like killer that destroyed the peace loving vegetarian neanderthals off and thats where our violent nature comes from .
This is interesting to say the least it makes you wonder what is this the learning curve. When I posted this thread it really had me thinking about things in a wondering way. Is this school for us? Are there ladies in the red dress all around us ??? Is this a university in a highly technological society that we send ourselves to ?? I tell you what, I have learned so much it is unbelievable !! Please comment share your thoughts .
I love you all < Eric
so, have you read sitchin?
i believe we have been monkeyed with several times. planets with complex life systems usually develop one "superior" being. on this planet, it was us. sadly (or not, depending on how you look at it), we got pulled into other dramas of our galaxy before we were competent enough to say "no". there are many stories regarding this dilemma.
first and foremost, we were genetically altered to be better slaves and not revolt. "adam and eve" bucked that system. also, other brethren wanted to give us a leg up, so we were altered again and given other attributes to help us against those exploiters. and i'm sure there are individual cases all the time, whether interfacing with "angels" or "aliens".
and if you look at the history of just the last couple thousand years... A LOT has happened. and there are some missing pieces. like what caused the corruption and downfall of those great civilizations from our past and where did the original cultures get off to? it took some curious european treasure seekers to traipse all over the globe digging things up to even find that stuff. the people living RIGHT NEXT TO it were too superstitious of things they only dimly perceived in their recent racial memories. and the languages had been lost! whence the separation?
but, all that aside. i know you've got some hancock (not will smith) under your belt, so you are probably familiar with many of these scenarios. i do believe we are in a big school. and it is a school of learning to control our emotional energies. and become wholly functioning individuals. sorry, it can't happen on a mass scale. when it finally does, there will be many just leaving their bodies in various ways.
but i KNOW it's a school because of how everyone behaves like children! throwing tantrums, arguing over petty issues, wanting to be heard and acknowledged, being opinionated just to be opinionated... the list goes on. i'm amazed at how no one really grows up. their development is arrested in adolescence because of the fears of some old farts and the chaos that rampant sexual energy would bring. it's too bad we all need HEALTHY development of that energy to be whole and get things done in this world. not some one else telling us what to do or not to do. just puts your attention on it anyway! and then says "no!". what a funny (not) game. got us all giving furtive and shady glances instead of openly admiring one another in non-possessive ways. angels supposedly hang out just BEING and existing in a state of mutual admiration. would that we also could achieve that state.
anyway, i think the chakras are all DIFFERENT energy centers capable of quite a combination of energetic exchange. they are set up in an order for our growth and survival, but they are each keys to different doors. we, as humanity are capable of untold greatness. here and there modeled by self-sacrificing individuals... and we have a huge mess to clean up because of our "lack of consciousness". and i'm not just talking about the earth. it will recover just fine if we stop behaving like children. except in the play, laugh and have fun department. duh.
i also jive with/grok/ken what you posted above. i have that rampant red gene in my pants. MUCHO sacral energy. too mucho. makes sense when you consider it could have fueled psychic powers as well. from another world...
so, we were hacked and disempowered... you can take the boy out of the country, but you can't take the country out of the boy. i think our latent powers are coming back anyway. dna and mutation. we do it every day when we wake up. and the environs we live in and those we associate with assist (or not) in this process. that's what the matrix REALLY is. an interrelating web of energy constantly adjusting for balance.
yes, our silly brains were given "the juice" at the expense of our emotional maturation, and we created all kinds of monsters before we even knew what we were doing. "forgive them lord, they know not what they do." it's true, they really don't. so you have to go easy on your fellow brothers and sisters because they aren't all working with the same information that some of us are aware of. but in our very BEING, we share that information. not through words so much. babylon. misinterpretation. creative liberties. judgment. nonsense. that's why "the word" is so different from words, words, words... it is through living and integrity that we shine. and most people still know this, you can see it in their eyes. but we like to play games and try to fool ourselves into believing this disharmonic program we've been fed into. but it's just another chrysalis, i suppose. with some freakish alien butterfly waiting to emerge.
here's another resource to chew on. pleiadean and much other bilzness on there, but i recommend some of the lyssa royal holt excerpts for more galactic drama. stewart swerdlow also has a big lecture on our cosmic "history" on youtube. http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net
and i think the technology is just us going creatively crazy. it's like the tools of a magician (or anyone). when you create or depend upon something, you invest it with some of your energy. we have all of those tools in our selves, but we have given much of our power away to various agencies and institutions, and now most of humanity expects it to be done for them or for the results to come from outside of themselves, somehow. and those things don't really help people to become self-sufficient. quite the opposite, actually. but here's the rub. through the virtuality of all of it, the matrix, as you will, people become aware of more possibilities and greater potential. it is up to each and every one of them as to what they do with those insights or information. so, the internet? is just a MODEL for mass consciousness and our latent psychic gifts. they even work through that medium, as many of us have discovered. thinking about someone right before they call. songs playing that are relevant in the moment. there really are no limits to it, once one accepts the ride and doesn't try to hard to control the outcome. just minor and necessary adjustments without losing sight of the goal. synchronicity is when someone becomes aware of that universal language which is ALWAYS functioning if we are open to it.
but there isn't really "progress" as the masses think of it. especially not when you really look at history. our defintion in regards to our creations is faulty. but maybe not in regards to ourselves. change is inevitable. the universe is not a static system. it's vibrating with life and energy!
one more thing. being a reader of science fiction and fantasy, and going back a few decades in my readings, i see how we create whatever we put our minds to. the ideas for much of our current technology came from artists working their craft. imagination and stories shape the world in which we live. philip k. dick stumbled on to that by accident and thought (as many do) that it all revolved around or hinged upon him and his life experiences. of course, that's what the matrix reflects back to each and every one of us all of the time, if we are paying attention. nearly drove him crazy, though. check out his exegesis. and there are several other instances of this happening through various artists trying to hard to define or pin something down that won't be contained. w.b. yeats and a vision, ra uru hu and the human design system, jose arguelles and the dreamspell, john steinbeck and the acts of king arthur and his noble knights... ad nauseum. some invest themselves SO MUCH that it tortures and finally kills them. the body is the battleground (or the temple, depending).
you can tell when a good artist happens upon something profound, because it haunts them right into the grave. if they know better, they perfect their voice through their craft and become almost archetypal in their expression. and some don't know when to quit once they've had their "magnum opus" because of contractual obligations, followers/fans, etc. the good ones change it up or try something new once they've reached a point of stagnation or blockage. try a different approach or viewpoint. it's also why non-linear stories have become so popular. flashbacks, prequels, putting the end at the beginning all appeal to people because inherently they know this experience is so much more fluid than we give it credit for.
SUCH exciting times we live in! frustrating, for sure, but i wouldn't trade it for any other time!
also, if you click on the "useful information" in the toolbar header of http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net , you can watch the poodwaddle world clock counting off humans coming and going... hard to follow for too long. i like the little "smile" section at the bottom of it! :)
Chris, my brother you are on point , I could not agree more when it comes to tech and Serdlow, yeah!!!( one word Divine DNA) . BRINGERS OF THE DAWN Teachings from the Pleiadians is a great book by Barbara Marciniak. Check it . Studied Stitchen for years still wonder about some of his stuff . Jordan Maxwell , Tesla , and Igan are some other truth tellers , they will not lead to spiritual teaching chakras ect....
Love all < Eric
Swerdlow was taken for the Montauk Project which is connected to the Philly exp . What about Freeman.He is pretty righteous . Lemerians and indigenous people Russel Means Hero . Bigfoot and Sitting Bull heros , Gandhi hero was my favorite he won with no violence . All connect back to this message rh negative gandhi had more than others natives had a little less. Oglala Lakota were all heros who preferred peace but that gene took over when they were pushed to far and cornered and turned into a raccoon/ shapeshifters /
Oglala Lakota could shapeshift !
great references there. and "ironic" that you mention the oglalas, because i am reading up on some crazy horse right now. almost to the big battle... funny also that "horse" and "heros" contain all of the some letters...
another great peace-maker was chief niwot of the arapaho from right here where i live. he knew several languages so he didn't have to rely on or subject his words to interpretation. he was always trying to keep the peace, even when they had left on a hunting expedition and come back to find drunkards and lawless assholes from denver had come and raped their women... and then the sand creek massacre...
amazing the strength and fortitude of some of these powerful leaders. even in the face of such aggression and animosity. and lies and double-dealing... if only i was as far-seeing as they. turning the other cheek has never been one of my strong points. must have been the wolverine influence during my adolescence... ;)
and i love all that craziness about the phil exp and mont proj... have read all of peter moon's books and he takes it even further. time travel, magic, nazis... what more could you want?
anyway, they can't have occupied ALL of the power places and liminal zones on the planet. plus geomagnetics are shifting so some of those aren't even where they used to be. i say we find one and tap that a$$. going looking around the SW here in a couple months. hopefully, i'm prepared to utilize it by that time. going to have to concoct my own rituals, etc.............
Now that sounds apeasing, I have a couple of rituals as well . I have some tingshas and a singing bowl an authentic one . I use them with meditation and before I leave for work everyday I ring them both for good frequency and vibration . I chant the ho'oponopono healing and my days are great . Let me know what you come up with .
Love all <> Eric
Loved that comment Chris what more could you want!!!!!
LOVE all<> Eric
I'm thinkin "critical mass" is my best friend about now, so, however achieved, I'm right there with y'all. I can feel of it.
It has to start somewhere why not here
I think the chain reaction has already begun at the conception of the idea of starting it. like a truth that at this point lies beyond experience and being a truth then the idea of starting it becomes re memb(e)r ance or re mind (h)er (in dic(t)ation) in that direction. hmmm ...
I'm not sure exactly, what I just said all means, however I know somehow it's part of this same chain you mention ... many links have been put to experience and some have not. Again, hmmmm ...
You asked me for my comments, Eric, so here they are.
A few years ago, I bought the book, "Eat 4 Your Type". The premise is that our healthiest diet is one that are ancester's ate. As the origins of man began in Africa, people eventually migrated north, across Europe and Asia, then across and down into the Americas. As we migrated our diets changed and new blood types evolved over a period of hundreds of thousands of years. This made sense to me, so I began eating according to my blood type, For the first 3 - 4 months I felt healthier and lost excess weight. But the health affects seemed to reach a plateau, so I became somewhat skeptical and I lost interest in the diet.
Then a few months ago, I was introduced to Lloyd Pye and his theory of the missing link. http://www.gatheringspot.net/video/general-discussion/everything-you-know-wrong This made even more sense to me. The Rh negative factor is one of the reasons he gives to support the belief that man did not evolve from apes. Instead, our origins come from a hybrid race engineered by extraterrestrials. (Please watch the film. His evidence goes well beyond blood types.) Indeed, it's been shown that most ET abductees have Rh negative blood, which seems to be of great interest to their abductors. Coincidence?
Don't ask for my conclusions. I'm still sitting on the fence on this one.
Thanks for Sharing !
Love all<> Eric
I welcome the idea of communicating with another consciousness, but I think it'll scare the shit out of me. Doesn't mean it will.