Here is a link to a website that talks about and shows a video of Dr. Emoto's Rice Experiment
I wanted to share this here because I heard about it awhile ago, and was kind of surprised it was not in the transformation course. I have admitted never tried this experiment, but I am going to very soon, and I plan on doing it once a year with my children as they grow to understand.
Basically, you boil rice, put it in two seperate jars. You label one jar love, and one hate and everyday you tell the love jar you love it and the hate jar you hate it. Soon the hate jar begins to look VERY gross, while the love jar remains the same.
It really goes to show the power of words and intensions!!!
I've been meaning to try the rice experiment myself.
If you type 'Emoto' into the search box above, you'll find that the number of times he's been mentioned on this forum spills over into multiple pages. Here's just one of them:
Thanks for refreshing this topic.
Don't forget the third jar,,,,,Indifference",,,,especially important for children. Indifference to children can do as much damage or more as abuse....The jar labeled indifference rotted in the experiment i saw..This was my most strict rule in my son's first 8 years,,,no matter what he was talking about! I discussed it with him....:,,,,T
this guy is the major component in what we all need to be doing to fix this mess. nothing is going to heal us and the planet at this point, except this business that emoto has been up to. focus and intention. integrity, and everyone TRULY wanting it. not wanting to perpetuate the drama. i'm not the first one to say that you can't accomplish anything without focus/concentration/willpower. funnily enough? the chakras for love and will are located right next to each other. the heart and the solar plexus working in harmony takes things to the NEXT LEVEL. and, if you don't first love yourself, you can't truly love others, because something is missing/lacking and it will be an imperfect/needy/dependent love of which the world is already full to bursting. conditional love. don't want that anymore. could always see RIGHT THROUGH that shit anyway. bring your WHOLE self to the table, and we can talk.
Very true Todd! That is so right! I try to listen to my son whenever he talks no matter what. I often notice his dad, his brothers dad, even his grandmother, and pretty much most adults around will interupt him or talk over him like he is not even talking. Or I am even guilty of tuning him out in the car. Just because he is a child, and just because he is only talking about pink elephants and race cars, does not mean we do not have to value what they are saying!
Christopher, " if you don't first love yourself, you can't truly love others, because something is missing/lacking and it will be an imperfect/needy/dependent love of which the world is already full to bursting. conditional love. don't want that anymore. could always see RIGHT THROUGH that shit anyway. bring your WHOLE self to the table, and we can talk. " was amazing!!! can I borrow this lol....I think I will just print it off and put it on my boyfriends pillow!! lmao!!