Here's an important message concerning the Bundy ranch face-off:
Here's an important message concerning the Bundy ranch face-off:
The Gathering Spot is a PEERS empowerment website
"Dedicated to the greatest good of all who share our beautiful world"
Thank you Francis. I love the common folk of this country. Imagine if only men in their 40's and older were sent to war, how much less of it there would be.
It seems like the Federal Government is alway up to no good in late April. Perhaps they should rename Patriots Day to False Flag day. We've had Waco and Oklahima City bombing on that day, then last year with the Boston Marathon bombings. I know this ended much earlier but it could have been drawn out much longer and culminated on April 19th like Waco. Thank God for the common sense of all involved.
WOW, The media: What would America be like without it ???????????????????????????????????????
Love all<> Eric
Hello all.
I have not followed the Bundy situation intensely, and on first blush, I thought it was the government fucking with a rancher, and regular people standing up for the little guy. I was sure it was a Waco wanna-be, and that somehow the government chose the right path.
Then I read some facts about the rancher. The BLM has been warning him since 1998 that he needed to stop grazing his animals on publicly owned land. They have fined him, taken him to court. He has never won a court case regarding his rights to use public lands for his own private gains. He was warned 3 months ago that the BLM was going to come and sieze his cattle that were on the public lands. He ignored all warnings - I assume because they had been in this long battle and that he assumed he would just be allowed to continue. The man is at least a multimillionaire - not a struggling rancher as I had assumed originally.
So, what do we believe? Do a whole bunch of folks with guns mean that the government must back down every time? When does the government have a right to protect OUR land? Would it be equally ok if David Koch decided to start taking down trees in Yosemite, or the Redwood Forest, simply because he wants to and maybe he owns land near there? I guess I'm sceptical of everyone in this story. Maybe the whole incident itself gave cover for something else that was going on elsewhere.
Lots of love,
could very well be that the rich farmer had a hand in all this, it sounds very backhanded and planned for some dirty end . . . who knows for sure? I still have to say kudos to all those men for not starting a bloodbath because it sounds to me like they were not in on it, whatever IT was.
Thanks for your thoughtful response,
was common in the southwest. when I lived in Taos, most of the local spanish had a distaste for the BLM, and many would swear that their familys land was stolen by them. But the fact is, it is an awful place to raise cattle in numbers. They destroy the arid desert terrain. Over the hills from me,,,you needed 44 acre per head of cattle, most of the ranches there were 100,000 acres and up. I find it hard to support the cattle industry on any level, it is a monster that has destroyed a lot of good land and upset the balance of the indigenous wildlife there..
At the same time, I wouldn't trust the BLM as far as I could throw them, they have been used to make land grabs to secure water rights since they have existed, and I would assume they were also involved in securing all the land for the underground bases out there as well..
Listening to the tape of the conversation between the reporter and the police,,,it reminds one of how programmed the police are these days...The bottom line is,,,,following their orders
Maybe it was just an opportunity for many with real gripes against the BLM to stand up to them....
I wasn't familiar with this case either, but I think this article lays it out pretty succinctly. http://ecowatch.com/2014/04/15/blm-battle-at-bundy-ranch/ As I see it, for Bundy it's a matter of principle. He's taking issue with why he should have to pay federal taxes on land that is owned by Clark County, Nevada. In this regard, we should all be questioning the arbitrary taxes we're bound to pay... like the unlawful, unconstitutional enforcement of federal income tax payments (which are paid directly to the privately-owned, Federal Reserve Bank).
But like Todd mentioned, we're talking about hundreds of heads of cattle grazing on fragile land. This particular piece of land is supposedly protected on behalf of an endangered tortoise. However, the government doesn't care that much about protecting tortoises from munching cows as long as you pay the money for the grazing permit.
Here's a video summary:
And a forum post:
Darryl Caylor · Regional Manager at US LawnsThe Bureau of Land Management is assumed falsely to be an actual de jure lawful agency of a lawful constitutional governing body.
The BLM is in fact, a de facto fraudulent usurper and not in any way a lawful Constitutionally recognized agency of the Constitutional Republic.
BLM is actually a sub-corporation of UNITED STATES INCORPORATED, a private foreign owned off-shore corporation since its last incorporation in 1925, copyrighted, trademarked and registered in Puerto Rico.
Under the Reorganization Act of Washington District of Columbia, by it’s own private business charter, neither the BLM, nor any other federal/corporate agency has lawful/legal authority, jurisdiction or interstate nexus within the 50 state geographical landmass.
BLM, is actually classified as an: “Agent of Foreign Principle”, under the intergovernmental Personnel Act.
In other words, they don’t represent the Constitutional Republic or the interests of the American People but rather, a foreign owned principle i.e., the international banking/military corporate cartel of London City, England known as Crown Corporation as their supreme authority.
This has been openly admitted and exposed through Supreme Court cases since and even before 1938.
NOTE: It is now illegal to mention any of these pre-1938 Supreme Court citations in a current court of law in Amerika.
That should prove everything to you right there.
This private criminal foreign owned off-shore corporation (USA Inc.) has in fact, invaded and usurped our Constitutional Republic like a cancer invading a host body since 1871 to present.
The core issue here is that the BLM must be exposed for the invading criminal usurpers that they are. They have no legal/lawful standing and must be deemed as an invading hostile corporate/military enemy of We The People.
This is no different than having a snake-pit of London Banksters coming to Nevada to lord over the Bundy family, which is exactly who the real bosses of the BLM actually are by-the-way.
The only issue that should be addressed is, does the BLM have legal standing?
The answer is: No, they do not have legal standing and they know it. They just hope the American People never come to that realization.
It’s time for the American People to learn the actual truth about our real history as a nation and not all the myths and lies spewed out by our fascist/marxist collectivist controlled school systems.
Hi, Noa and all.
I am not sure I understand that forum post you mention above. I get what they are saying in general, but when I go to search for Intergovernmental Personel Act and Agency of Foreign People, I only get links to the quote mentioned above. Alternately, if I look at the history of the BLM, there are several different websites that seem reasonably believable and fact based, that don't mention either of these two terms. That's not to say the post is not valid, but it makes it harder to accept as truth.
If the assumption is that the US is no longer a republic, but a corporation, and that all taxes are illegal, and all actions by the governmental corporation are also illegal, then of course it would indicate that the BLM, as an agency of the government is, itself null as it has no jurisdiction over the people. That's cool and I get that, but I have to come back to the point of who protects the land from ranchers who want to send their animals to graze on fragile lands? If the BLM has corruption then let's get rid of the corruption. I still think, as long as we have large entities that want to use public land for private gain (including ranchers, miners, frackers, etc...), we need some objective party to police them (for lack of a better term). I am not thrilled that the BLM allows any of this to happen (who gets to vote on if fracking should be allowed in any of these ecosystems we've carved out as public lands?), and I'm not thrilled that they appear to pick and choose what infringements are ok, and which are not, but the idea of tossing out the whole system and letting people grab that land for their own use is not the right way to go. If anything, it should be returned to the Indigenous people who lived there before there was a United States.
Lots of love,
Don't be afraid to read or listen to the news. Sure, you can't believe everything you hear or see. Follow your intuition to what your heart knows is true.
All people focus on is the bad media and this is why we are in the boat that we are in, we will all see the light one day I am sure of it . We hear a story and start repeating it as if it were fact and the source is the banksters media or alternative sources . Hopefully we will all wake up soon . Start with where you are at if anyone lives where there is a problem do your best to help with it . Everyone is playing there game if you don't play you can't lose .
Love all <> Eric