Welcome to The Jungle

esrw02's picture

   Wow I want to see some old metallica .




fredburks's picture

Thanks so much, John. I listened to a bunch of their YouTube videos and loved them all!

Trish's picture

That was great, John, thanks. They sure have amazing talent!

onesong's picture

I don't know why I can't post video here anymore but this is a great piece by some talented ladies -worth the 3 minutes! 


Salut Salon "Wettstreit zu viert" | "Competitive Foursome"                     enjoy.

lightwins's picture


Wendy's picture

More theatre than music in my opinion.

Noa's picture

I think one thing that makes these cellists so appealing is that they shatter traditional ideas of what cello music must be.  Remember, the definition of music is "organized sound," which this most certainly is. 

May I suggest, Wendy, that if you find their theatrics distracting, have another listen without looking at the video.  You might gain a new appreciation for their talent... though clearly their style isn't everyone's cup of tea.

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