Who is the liberal organization here?

Hi Everyone,

I get upset when my "liberal" friends beleive the garbage that is put out by the Huff. Post and NY Times.

Here's what dictionary.com defines as a liberal:



[lib-er-uh l, lib-ruh l]



favorable to progress or reform, as in political or religious affairs.
(often initial capital letter) noting or pertaining to a political party advocating measures of progressive political reform.
of, pertaining to, based on, or advocating liberalism, especially the freedom of the individual and governmental guarantees of individual rights and liberties.
favorable to or in accord with concepts of maximum individual freedom possible, especially as guaranteed by law and secured by governmental protection of civil liberties.
favoring or permitting freedom of action, especially with respect to matters of personal belief or expression:
a liberal policy toward dissident artists and writers.
of or pertaining to representational forms of government rather than aristocracies and monarchies.
free from prejudice or bigotry; tolerant:
a liberal attitude toward foreigners.
Notice the emphasis on freedom of speech and civil liberties!
Now watch this video from the "right wing extremist group" the Oathkeepers and tell me which group is really the liberal group!

Brian's picture

The political emotions and thoughts we all have divide us and I should know because I'm as full of shit with political leanings as anyone else. (only calling myself full of it-not you Wendy-sorry) I have gone off the deep end plenty accusing people of a different leaning than mine that they had gone off the deep end. My views haunt me and as soon as I think I've gotten past them I get triggered again by something and I go off all partisan on someones ass. I think it's hard but necessary to force ourselves to read the other sides writings, listen to what they say, and try to grasp the fears and aspirations that are sincerely felt. It makes you appreciate how keenly the other side perceives your own hypocrisy! UGH!

My best friend and I DO NOT SEE EYE TO EYE on politics one bit. But we love each other and we have so much in common otherwise. It's been SO HARD but I am gradually learning to appreciate that other side. She's very vocal with her views and sometimes yells her anguish and anger at me (it's not personal-ever).  She deserves credit for being open too though. What it shows me is that we all have so much more in common than we think we do and that's so hard to realise when we get our political backs up.

Wendy's picture

I hope my point came through was that the words liberal and conservative, right and left wing have become so twisted that these "divisions" are obviously fabrications of mainstream media. I'm just tired of the mainstream media as playing up and creating the divisions. Oathkeepers obviously has a huge amount in common with liberal groups like the green party but you ask the typical green party person what they think about Oathkeepers and the think they are evil because they read and believe what Huff post says about them rather than reading their own website and listening to what the Oathkeepers has to say.

Bob07's picture

Both of your points are clear enough.  And valid. 

One of the admitted ways that the PTB have of keeping us occupied is to have us fighting about things that don't matter at all to them while they go on quietly with their agenda; that is, put on a Punch 'n' Judy Show and have us take it seriously.   Historian Carol Quigley (who rubbed elbows with the elite) wrote in his book, Tragedy and Hope, that the method of the elite is to control both parties, left and right, both of which will move us toward a one-world-government but just with superficial differences.  Every four or eight years, when the people are fed up with the party in power, they'll put the other party in power, back and forth, exercising the illusion of choice. Two puppets, one puppeteer out of sight.

Left-Right, Liberal-Conservative.  The old political conditioning is so deeply ingrained that it's hard to think in other ways, but the only "sides" that make any sense to me when I look at what's actually going on are the Globalists and then everyone else (people just trying to live their lives), the most awake of whom might call themselves De-centralizationalists (Their motto might be "Power and all resources to the people locally.").  Our system gives us two parties that are both Globalist, and the De-centralizationalists are found on the fringes of both; among the Independents; and in the Oathkeepers', Tea Party, and even the Militia camps, all of which have become official political and media targets for ridicule. The hope is that people will believe this propaganda and react to memes and continue to think only in terms of labels.

Honestly I don't know much about the Green Party, but I do know that the global-warming, climate-change, environmental movement has been heavily infiltrated, if not entirely hijacked, by globalists.  What better fear to rally people around a central world-authority than the fear of the destruction of the planet as a habitable place?  Or maybe a better one would be the threat of a hostile alien invasion...  (Well, that's another story.)

In any case, I don't think anything I've said here is news to anyone here.  Just needed to say it.

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