Russell Brand speaks

I've had mixed feelings about Russell Brand but I thought this was good stuff.

tscout's picture

         I didn't know he was doing an online show,,,but I'm glad he is. I didn't know fox news allowed psychos like her on the air. I haven't watched american tv in many years,,but man, if people are watching that crap and believing it,, we've got trouble. To me,France was ripe for a false flag, as I have heard many stories about how the Muslim population is taking over the majority in France. Two people I know from France even blurted this out to me in conversation,saying that so many muslims have migrated there,and tapped into their once great government healthcare program and benefits,  that it is causing the collapse of the system. I have no way of knowing the truth about that, but,if the natives there believe it, then they would react with outrage I'm sure.

       I wanted to add that I saw a show in China this weekend,,,a show about the Bushes,,and was appalled. They were insinuating that Jeb would be the next president, and how great the Bushes were.It's funny,they were showing George's national guard photo ops and talking about his military service. There were people in the audience who could make comments. When they talked about how the Bush's spend a lot of family time together,,a woman got up and said,,,That's why I love them". (This is a big thing to the Chinese). I told my friend,(who was translating for me) how offensive this show was to me, and told her about a few other things about the Bush's, and she couldn't believe it,,I still don't think she believes it....I didn't try to convince her, but offered to get her more info,,,and used it as an example of how little information the people here have access to. On top of that, with the country here in the middle of it's industrial revolution, the bulk of the population doesn't have the time to seek real information, they are too busy with their lives,,,just like americans were for a long time when things were growing.....

Brian's picture

 Fox is an appalling abuse of a perfectly good TV frequency allotment. I have a dear friend who I love but she is a sponge for their nonsense and becomes furious and irrational if a conversation veers into their net of lies. I have to be careful never to mention Obama for instance because he is-literally-the ANTICHRIST and oh shit now I have to somehow engineer a break in the conversation.
 When watching this video I realize I feel surprised every time when I'm exposed to the kind of fear and hatred this fox person is spewing. Really? Here-in the US I grew up in? Shut the F up! Who could fall for this? Apparently, lotsa folks.

garydgreer's picture


Divide and conquer.

Waylaying fox is no different than waylaying anything else. The people that fall for FOX are people that are sick of Liberals and micro managing, arrogant, know it alls. It works the other way around with whatever your favorite media outlet may be. 

We have fighting and busting someones balls perfected to a T. We can't find one good reason to stop doing it?

Wendy's picture

They had to make a bad guy (Fox) so that when people who are really awake and aware say "you can't trust the media" those who haven't found that layer of the onion yet will think "oh yea, Fox" and miss the point that you really can't trust any of the mainstream media. It's part of their psyop.


ChrisBowers's picture

I am down to Democracy Now and a few shows on RTTV now....

Brian's picture

That's a really great point Wendy! There is this element of polluting the waters to it. It just deepens divides and keeps us distracted from the elites.

ChrisBowers's picture

It's so sad that this ancient tactic still works, but appears to be working as well as it ever did.  Leaning on one's own pet perspective, intent and content to defend a perspective developed by years of conditioning.  Leaving many to believe there are enemies of all types all around them, leaving them feeling powerless and therefore acting powerless.

Divide and Conquer - keep em busy, fed and distracted.  Tell each faction what they want to hear and then tell each of the factions that all the others are wrong, even evil, misled, stupid, ignorant, not smart and informed like me....

Man, we make it easy for the geopolitical players....

Finding ways to unplug from the current matrix is the order of the day IMO

No spectacular revolution, just quietly & peacefully disengaging by so many that the current fixated conditioning loses it's grip on the masses spontaneously and there is a paradigm shift.

We cannot successfully ask the powerful to willingly give up their perceived power, but we can take our own power back - the art of response-ability and nonresponse-ability absent any judgment that tends to entangle us instead of liberating us....

Brian's picture

I watched this moving compilation of Russel talking up a storm. The music makes it so poignant. He speaks to my heart and mind so deeply.
links: Here or here if video doesn't load

Brian's picture

Maybe this will post:

Noa's picture

There was a time, not so long ago, that I thought Russell Brand was full of shit.

Thanks for this post, Brian; I'm seeing him in a whole new light.   As he himself says, he's "awake" now.  I think this is a good example of how people can change for the better.

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