faith as a function

I don't spend much time watching mainstream media, particularly the news, but came across this today.  A simple gesture, but when so many folks are so afraid to get involved with anyone, I found not only the gesture uplifting, but also Chris Cuomo's comment at the end of this video.  (can't get it to embed). 

"Your faith is a function of what you do with it, not just how you display it."  Kudos to Mr. Cuomo, and the young Sikh who shows the world his humanity.  Something we don't always witness on tv news.

Noa's picture

I like it for the exact same reasons you stated, Kristyne.  Thanks for sharing.

garydgreer's picture

There's nothing special to speak about here except that if your beliefs would normally prevent you from providing this assistance then you might need to reevaluate your beliefs. There is nothing remarkable in this man's actions.

Noa's picture

I don't think any of us can know what it took for this man to ignore his religious mandates in order to save this child.

In a perfect world, saving another person's life should be a no-brainer.  Unfortunately, it's become a rare and significant event.  I'm sure the child's parents consider it to be no less than remarkable.


fredburks's picture

It's refreshing to see CNN reporting on this good news. Much love to all, Fred

garydgreer's picture

I think that's just it. CNN is taking something unremarkable and portraying a noble concept through a contrary belief. Taking the turban off becomes an act of valor, when the real point is that Jesus said not working on the sabbath doesn't mean you can't help someone out of the ditch. The whole thing is contrived to dissuade and deceive. If one belief means defying, denying or redefining another, then somethings up. At the least, one belief has to outrank the other. That, I think, is counter intuitive and becomes problematic. Take the turban and the religion out of the picture and you have one being helping another. Something that should be unremarkable.

onesong's picture

my perspective on the initial post has less to do with either the newscaster or the Sikh...what I felt (and still do) is that the quote makes an important point. 

"Your faith is a function of what you do with it, not just how you display it."

Lots of people from countless religions wear their faith on their sleeve so to speak...the turban, the cross, the hamsa...various icons, amulets, etc. to 'profess' their faith to the world. But those 'things' are less important (or not important at all) if we do not move, live, breathe and love that faith into existence through our actions. 

Anyone can display their faith, not everyone lives it every day and in every moment.  Were that the case, we would all be Masters and our world would be a very different place. With the current state of the world, even one random act of kindness is not 'unremarkable' and may plant a seed where little or no growth was occurring before. Lennon's song 'Imagine' immediately comes to mind.  

Since I believe every thought (and action) is a prayer, it is a reminder to me to 'pray without ceasing'. That doesn't have to invoke or involve any particular religion and freely manifests what we are each creating in this moment. We're all birthing something.   In Light,  kristyne

garydgreer's picture

I get what you're saying. Point taken.

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