Just came across this article which speaks of alternative medicine physicians poisoned at a conference and several murdered in the U.S. in recent months, mostly in Florida and the southern states. First I heard of it and thought I'd pass it on. Seems a serious situation that is getting little airtime. Go to wakeup-world.com to read the entire article.
The article goes on to speak about the deaths of 8 other holistic physicians, including Nicholas Gonzalez who was quite well known as a holistic cancer M.D. and should be of great concern to those of us that seek out different treatments than our allopathic physicians offer us.
Excerpt From Wake up World today, http://wakeup-world.com/2015/09/11/29-holistic-doctors-health-practitioners-poisoned-during-conference-critical-condition/
29 Holistic Doctors and Practitioners Poisoned, Some in Critical Condition
“Police suspect foul play after 29 delegates at an alternative medicine seminar in Germany started staggering suffering from violent convulsions, delusions and hallucinations.” ~ The Telegraph
Over the past several months, a rash of deaths and mysterious disappearances of holistic physicians have taken place in the United States. And now, a new report has come forward where 29 alternative and homeopathic practitioners have suffered poisoning from a synthetically-produced psychedelic drug during a conference in Handeloh, a small town near Hamburg, Germany.
I wish they would show these stories on mainstream,,it appears obvious that a couple of them were standing in the way of the now huge movement for vaccinations,,with as many as 240 or so in the works. And Nick Gonzales was a medical genius (if you ever saw him speak,it was obvious), he had been healing stage 4 pancreatic cancer patients for well over 30 years,,,and his patients are still alive!His results wereso amazing, he was practicing in NYC, and wasnever shut down......until now
There has also been a rash of murders and disappearances of astronomers in the last 18 months or so,,I think the number is over 140 now,,,what's up with that? Nibiru? I recently listened to an interview with a former high security clearance naval officer who says that Info on Nibiru is posted all over the walls in the high level naval offices, and that most retired naval officers are retiring into the Ozarks ,,,ha! They attribute the inability to predict it's exact path and "arrival" to it's orbit not being on the elliptical plane,,,but insist that it will pass through in the next two and a half years.... You gotta admit,,,the rash of astronomer deaths does raise suspicion on that front!
That says volumes about how how corrupt the AMA is. "Profits Over People" should be their slogan. When are people going to wise up to the allopathic medicine scam?
As for Nibiru, I wouldn't worry about it. First, if a comet, asteroid, or other huge object is on a collision course with Earth, there's not a damn thing we can do about it. Second, I've heard it from several sources, that the Nibiru story is a red herring. Instead, what has been spotted in our solar system is an enormous spaceship filled with benevolent aliens.
I think we're headed toward a day of reckoning, which is a good thing.
I think we're headed for a grand scale false flag event based upon some of these celestial ideas, alien attack, religious phenomenon, brown star on eliptical path close to earth, u-pick.... one thing's for sure - after the success of their 9-11 false flag event and the geo-political strategerie BS that followed, they must feel pretty confident that they can get away with anything.
and I say that, not because they did such a good job of making it all make sense. but quite the opposite! so much of it did not make logical common sense and they still got enough blue pill drones to buy it. my son used to make fun of me about 9-11. he has just recently changed his mind because he became a pilot and understood that the pentagon story makes absolutely no sense at all, so many things stated in the official story are impossible to a pilot. knowledge is power....
accept nothing at first glance anymore! they're going to pull this shit again...
remember Werner Von Braun's famous quote...
The strategy that Wernher Von Braun taught me was that first the Russians are going to be considered to be the enemy. In fact, in 1974, they were the enemy, the identified enemy. We were told that they had "killer satellites". We were told that they were coming to get us and control us-that they were "Commies."..."Then terrorists would be identified. Then we were going to identify third-world country "crazies." We now call them Nations of Concern. But he said that would be the third enemy against whom we would build space-based weapons.
The next enemy was asteroids. Now, at this point he kind of chuckled the first time he said it.
Asteroids- against asteroids we are going to build space-based weapons.
And the funniest one of all was what he called aliens, extraterrestrials. That would be the final scare. And over and over and over during the four years that I knew him and was giving speeches for him, he would bring up that last card. "And remember Carol, the last card is the alien card. We are going to have to build space-based weapons against aliens and all of it is a lie."
Wernher von Braun on false flag alien invasion to justify NWO, page 1
Could be, Chris. They certainly have the technology to project holographic images and sounds - be it a simulation of an alien invasion, second coming of Christ, or whatever. However, they are going to have to be very careful or the event is going to backfire big time.
I disagree that 9/11 was a success. I think I heard a figure of more than half of Americans question the official 9/11 story, and more people are waking up to the lies every day. http://freedomoutpost.com/2014/09/13-years-later-is-the-9-11-official-story-crumbling-at-free-fall-speed/
It's getting harder and harder for them to pull off false flag events because people are not as gullible as they used to be. (If another "terrorist attack" happens at the same time and place that the police are having "a drill," I think I'm going to scream!)
There is another article at wake up world today, regarding the death of Brian Short, founder of AllNurses.com in Minnesota. Certainly suspicious to local authorities but also being written off by mainstream media as a 'murder suicide' though each of his family members was shot in bed with a longgun/shotgun (which was found in the house) and he was found shot in the garage. hmmm...not a forensic investigater myself but knowing about longguns, it certainly doesn't make a lot of sense. Go there for an interesting read this morning
Anyway, I agree with Noa re: corruption of the AMA, big pharma, governmental controls of healthcare...on and on I could go adding to the list. We must vigilantly keep our eyes open to what is potentially going on around us and ask the right questions. We might not always get answers but we aren't blindly following like sheep either.
I have great respect for the pioneers in alternative medicine, whether they be doctors, nurses, herbalists...you name it...and we should have as many options and choices in our own healthcare as we wish and choose. I do not need the government or anyone else making decisions about what is right in that area for myself or my family. Allopathic medicine isn't making any great strides in cancer eradication, cardiac health or much else deemed of value to me.
Maybe the astonomers dealths has to do with knowledge of the secret space program and their trying to keep things under wraps.
Kristyne, thanks for sharing. This s very important news.
My dilema - Do I pass this article on the the ND's I know and love? I worry that they might see it as a personal threat (coming from me).
I would appreciate people's advice about this. I have a wonderful ND and a holistic dentist. Because I've been an active 9/11 truther, I'm afraid that my e-mail to them might be read by a third party (NSA) that would alert "them" to these practicioner's existance. (I have had a problem with my e-mails not going through to certain journalists so I kind of know there is at least a little reading of my e-mail going on) Alternatively, not warning them might also endanger them. I'm inclined to assume that universe will warn and protect them, therefore I should do nothing.
I tend to send out healing prayers and energetic assistance in a case like that Wendy, instead of real world discussion-mostly because I feel that possibly needlessly worrying someone or putting a 'fear thought' into them isn't any good either. I see them safe and protected and ask that it be so and then give it up to the Universe.
As to surveillance etc. I wouldn't doubt alot of us might fall into that category just because we don't see eye to eye with all that's going on around us. I think if you happened to have appointments or reason to see them, asking if they'd heard about the poisioning in Germany or suspicious deaths might be ok-then you're leaving it open for them to check out if they are inclined. No right or wrong-let your intuition guide your decision. May the Light protect and surround us all here. kristyne
Thanks Kristyne-
Yes I think an in person heads up would be appropriate but not an e-mail.
By the way, I had a extremely discounted ($5) accupuncture session last week. As usual, I had just a bit of background, mild asthma going on and the accupuncture instantly cleared my chest and also sinuses. Unfortuneately the asthma came beack within about an hour. I'm going to give this a try for a few weeks and see if maybe the clearing will last longer.
1. My Qi Gong instructer cured his asthma with it and now he's healthier than a horse.
2. I use gmx.com for my email because it's encrypted and it's free. Most of the other private email providers, like Hushmail, charge for their services. I don't think it's 100% secure, but I feel like I'm making Echelon's job of surveilling me a little tougher.
I have met more than one instructor who used to have asthma. Common sense rules here,,qiqong is breathing,,exercising all the muscles and tendons we use without thinking every day...If our breathing patterns are limited, so are the range of the muscles,etc..... I was burned badly when I was 21,,,the muscles on the left side of my face were damaged badly,,,as I aged, it got worse,,,,,answer? Face yoga,,it kicks butt,,,,and face,,,,common sense! Oh,and the qiqong can do a lot more than cure your asthma, especially if you go a little deeper,it .s great for pre and post meditation,,,and once you are accustomed to the movements,,,it is your meditation. You can release things you are holding in your deep tissue, purging those places is the essence of qiqong....Purge them,,then slowly fill them with energy,no limit to the progress you can make....L,,,,,,T
Thanks guys,I guess I'll have to try that next.
FDA Wants to Jail Sam Girod for 48 Years, for Making Salves People Love
Sam Girod is a Kentucky farmer who runs a small business selling natural skin salves made from herbs such as chickweed, which seem to help relieve a host of skin conditions, including allergic rashes, psoriasis, poison oak and even skin cancers.
If you look up chickweed on Amazon, you will find pages of chickweed products, dozens and dozens of products, in some cases followed by glowing testimonials from users about how this or that chickweed provided relief from terrible itching, and even cured their skin cancers.
So why has the US Food and Drug Administration picked Girod out from all those producers, and had him indicted by a federal grand jury on a dozen criminal charges that could jail Sam Girod for 48 years? Neither Girod, who is 56 years old and the father of twelve, nor his lawyer, Chuck McFarland, can explain it.
According to McFarland, Girod, who is Amish and has no criminal record, has been selling chickweed for the last 15 years, from his farm in Owingsville, Kentucky and from some convenience stores in Missouri.
Girod says the problems originated a dozen years ago, when the FDA went after him for referring to skin cancer as one of the conditions the salve was effective for. He agreed to remove skin cancer from the label and various promotional materials. He called it “Chickweed Healing Salve”.
Everything seemed fine after that, says Girod. “It was a nice family business.” He had been in construction for many years, and the salve business was something he could do from the farm, and involve his children. “A lot of love went in that business.”
The big problems started four years ago, when a local health department official saw Girod’s products on display in a small Missouri town’s convenience store, and reported them to a state health department official. That agency apparently referred the matter to the FDA, which struck again, seizing products from the store, contending that because Girod included user testimonials at the same store where he was selling the salve, he had to register it as a drug.
According to a 2012 FDA announcement, “FDA requested the seizure….because the products claim to treat or cure diseases but have not received FDA approval, and are not exempt from such approval requirements. Moreover…..the seized products contain ingredients that could cause toxic or allergic reactions in consumers sensitive to these ingredients. According to the federal complaint, Chickweed Healing Salve contains comfrey, which may increase the risk of systemic toxicity, and To-More-Gone contains bloodroot, a caustic, corrosive substance that produces a thick scar that can mask tumor recurrence.”
Obtaining FDA approval for a supplement or salve as a drug requires years of testing, costing millions of dollars, something that is out of reach of most producers. They are content to sell their products as supplements, and not include claims of benefits for specific health conditions. For Girod’s company, it made no sense, since the company never exceeded $200,000 annual sales.
The FDA said in its 2012 announcement about seizing Girod’s products that it had responded “to a consumer complaint regarding the product Chickweed Healing Salve and claims in pamphlets that stated the product helps treat skin cancer. A previous complainant used the product on skin cancer on her leg…..and the product reportedly made her condition worse, requiring medical treatment.” It isn’t clear if the “consumer complaint” was from the local or state public health official who alerted the FDA. Girod’s lawyer, McFarland, said he hadn’t been able to obtain information from the FDA about who might have complained, or the specifics of the complaint.
Girod says he’s never received a consumer complaint, aside from someone saying the salve produced a burning sensation. “I have 50 or 60 written testimonials on how chickweed helped their skin cancer,” says Girod.
The FDA, after seizing product in 2012, filed for an injunction, prohibiting the sale of “Chickweed Healing Salve”. Apparently the FDA objected to the word “healing”. So Girod renamed his main product again, calling it “Chickweed Salve”. (It has since been renamed yet again, to “Original Chickweed”.)
That wasn’t sufficient to the FDA, and it sent two agents to search his farm in Kentucky in early 2013. They all sat on his front porch, and worked out an agreement, as Girod recalls it. Girod’s understanding was that the agents would return to his farm a few weeks later, when he was producing product, and search his production area, with the proviso they not take any photos.
According to Girod, the Amish have an aversion to cameras for cultural and religious reasons. He thought the agents could do their inspection and take notes without using cameras.
The two agents returned a few weeks later, as agreed, and according to Girod, “The first thing they did was pull out their cameras” and photograph his supplies, to see where he obtained his oils. “They had sweet talked me” about not taking photos.
The two agents returned some months later, in November 2013, as Girod recalls it. He was being driven by a non-Amish driver, and spotted the agents about three miles from his farm, being escorted by a deputy sheriff. Several of his older children joined him in following the agents to his farm.
The agents were back to do another search of Girod’s facilities. Based on them breaking their word about the photos the previous time, Girod refused. Besides, he says, they didn’t have a search warrant. The sheriff’s deputy respected his wishes, and, gesturing toward the street, told the agents, “There’s the road.”
The agents left, and haven’t been back since, says Girod.
The episode apparently upset the agents enough that they convinced the FDA to throw the book at Girod and seek a federal grand jury indictment; federal grand juries are reserved under the US Constitution’s Fifth Amendment for “capital or otherwise infamous crimes.” McFarland, his lawyer, is now reviewing 29,000 pages of discovery—evidence provided by the US justice Department on behalf of the FDA, to Girod, in preparation for a trial now scheduled to begin in April.
The main clues to the agency’s irritation come in the first two counts of the indictment, worth potentially 11 years in prison and $500,000 in fines— related to the unfortunate agent visits. And apparently the rest of the charges, related to selling unregistered drugs in unregistered facilities, were upgraded to felony counts as well—heavy penalties for refusing a search by government agents.
According to the indictment, Girod “knowingly and willfully conspired with others to prevent, by force, intimidation, and threat, FDA Compliance Safety Officers (“CSOs”) N.L.P. and M.D.S. (two investigators) from discharging the duties of their offices, trust, and places of confidence under the United States; and to induce, by force, intimidation, and threat, FDA CSOs N.L.P. and M.D.S. to leave the place where their duties as officers of the United States were required to be performed.”
It adds that “the manner and means used to accomplish the objectives of the conspiracy included, among others, the following:
“Members of the conspiracy, including Girod, physically surrounded N.L.P. and M.D.S. when they arrived to inspect Girod’s establishment pursuant to the injunction.
“Members of the conspiracy, including Girod, obstructed N.L.P.’s and M.D.S.’s attempts to gather information about Girod’s establishment.”
Just for good measure, the twelfth and last count of the indictment, carrying a possible penalty of 20 years in prison, charges that Girod “threatened” a witness who was testifying in the grand jury investigation. It isn’t clear what the threat was.
Girod says he has no idea, either. He said he didn’t try to discourage any witnesses subpoenaed before the grand jury to testify. “I didn’t want anyone to get in trouble.”
The one in trouble is Girod. Looking at a maximum sentence of 48 years in prison is terrifying to him. At his age, he says, “I’ll never see daylight.”
He sees the world as made up of two spirits. “There is good and there is bad. The FDA is from the bad.”
He says that when the FDA seized his products back in 2012, they violated one of the ten commandments, thou shalt not steal. “They are bad. They have stolen products.”
He adds that he used to think the FDA “was part of something good, to make sure our health laws worked. No more. They are full of lies.”