Hhmmmn. I wonder why they're called 'generation z;' it sounds fatal.
I teach English, mostly to teenagers and young adults. We just studied a unit on future technology. The subject of microchipping came up and I was very surprised at how many of my students thought that getting a microchip implanted in their hands was a good idea. The most popular reason for it, is "it would make life easier." I'm incredulous that someone would risk having an invasive electronic device (which can't be turned off) placed inside their body just because they're too lazy to open their wallet at the store.
I did my best to gently suggest some drawbacks to the idea. Among them, tracking by GPS and turning your chip off if you speak out against the government. Nothing concerned them until I mentioned that someone intent on using your banking information might go as far as cutting your hand off. That they could understand.
Most of my students have embraced technology without question. I think we all need to question more.
Whoo, kind of scary!