
onesong's picture

no time for all of the links right now, but wow do I ever agree with every word attributed to Putin in that last one! i have to argue every year that noooo i don't need a flu shot...nooo i don't need a pneumonia vax...arghh... 

struggling to find (and afford) the healthiest, cleanest possible diet-when did vegetables become so  blasted expensive- as we enter this next phase of our lives and as we feed our grandchild as well...and it sure is difficult to keep sugar and the 'bad shit' out of his reason I'm so tired and busy today. 

5am...3 dozen non gmo non wheat whole grain fresh mixed berry muffins for kindergarten...7am to school with him...9am off for fruit and veggies for weekend...11 am pasture raised chicken cacciatore in the cooking pot so grandson and the 4 other lil ones at my daughters this weekend will have at least one healthy supper...(she's in a cast from toes to knee)...10 minutes to check in here...then off and runnin' again...ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh good thing tomorrow's saturday...workin' way harder than when i was on somebodies payroll   :)  wouldn't change it though!  I'll look at the rest in the quiet early morning hours...


Noa's picture
tscout's picture

  hopefully that will get out somewhere,it's just the tipof the iceberg as far as vaccines go. There are somewhere around 65 vaccines in the works that wil be pushed as mandatory to be part of society."

 On  another note, if anyone is interested in "the truth about cancer" series, the second edition,I think it is 9 shows, is being aired this weekend for free. This isn't the series that was posted here last year. The same guy, Ty Bollinger, put together a great 2nd series last fall,tons of info and interviews. It starts tomorrow and runs through the 12th. You have to sign up to watch them. As of yesterday there were over 1 million sign ups, word has really spread.....     I  have never got spam from these guys, but do get a weekly newsletter with great articles on diet,prevention,etc.

onesong's picture

beat me to the punch-signed up for TAC as soon as they posted it this time, and intended to add it here this morning! with the mysterious deaths of so many naturopaths, researchers etc. seem important to hear what the current crusaders in this field are saying to assist all of us in our healing and health.

the last series had loads of information and insights so i wouldn't miss this one-in the midst of my sisters diagnosis/treatment and consequent transition off world a great guy sent it to me (Todd!)

Bless you tenfold.

oh and by the way Wendy and Noa, Thanks.  all the above videos are both scary and insightful and should be a must watch for anyone wanting truth at the forefront of decisions that effect children and future generations of humanity.  Some stuff that leaves me befuddled and angry with the mainstream culture we 'think' (or hope) protects us and our children.

onesong's picture

relating to cancer tx's, see Mercola's page this morning. some decent info there as well.

onesong's picture

yikes, I seem to be site-ing Mercola alot lately, but this is an excellent fact filled page regarding Pertussis (whooping cough) vax, it's efficacy (not), and rates of transmission pre-vax formulation circa 1948 and today.

More and more, I'm turning to my herbal medicine chest and remedies grandmothers have recommended for ages. 

If you know an adult or child that gets frequent bronchitis, coughs, of the most effective remedies I've ever used is Umckaloabo, which can be sourced either as the whole herb and tinctured yourself or purchased as a tincture and cough syrup.   Be well, healthy and happy!  kristyne

tscout's picture

          If you have signed up to watch the TAC series, there is a way to copy them. If you can record from youtube that is. Just follow their link and start the episode. The watch on youtube link will pop up once you start it, that will get you to the youtube version. I use keepvid, just drag icon from their site into your toolbar. Ignore everything else on the page. Then click it when you are watching on youtube,page will open,,,click on the blue link, I think it says 480,,,and it will download . You can close the page and watch the show once it starts downloading. Keepvid has always worked for me. There is so much info, I have to copy them or it will just disappear,ha

freepam's picture

I gave up media 35 years ago because it was all stupid lies and was making people into zombies. So then I got into Facebook very late when I was dancing and my fellow dancers were always posting great movement videos. I stopped it when it went public and sold our information to anyone who would pay.

So I feel a bit like a media semi-virgin here ;-) I started watching some news and some fb when I heard about Bernie. Now every time I go online I feel like the guy in those two videos on journalism above, like I'm caught in a bad dream.

And now my friend had a baby after trying for ages and when she told me how many vaccines they want to put in that poor little baby I was horrified. I said don't do it. When she told me in California you have NO CHOICE I could hardly believe it. What about religious exemption? Nope! 

So far the baby has made it to 6 months. She tells me when the next one is due and I send lots of energy. 

What  will it take for people to wake up???? I didn't vaccinate my own son back in 1970 because I didn't believe in it and he is strong and healthy. And there were fewer vaccinations back then.

What about that one they were giving to young girls to prevent something that they weren't even exposed to. After so many died you don't hear anything about that one anymore. I agree with Putin that the ones at the top of the drug companies are reptilian but there are so many nice guys going around pushing this stuff at doctors offices every day. How can they do that?

Ok, I'm going to quit reading for now and go and meditate and forgive all of them and hope it causes them to wake up. I know I'm not supposed to have a motivation for forgiveness but that's the best I can do right now.

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