The Gathering Spot is a PEERS empowerment website
"Dedicated to the greatest good of all who share our beautiful world"
Once again one can see that the pertinent info required to know more about what's really going on is readily available, hiding in plain sight.
Great article! Says so well in a few words how things are shaping up. Makes me (again) want to retire. Why work for dollars generated from a ponzi scheme? I am disgusted and excited. I have that base dark desire to want to cut off the head of a Rothchild (is dat wong? teehee)
Excuse me, I have to go throw up now (I mean begin my fast, LOL)
Shhhhhhh, talk quietly amongst yourselves - try not to awaken those fast asleep in the Matrix of Sweet Nothings & Lies..... Shhhhhhh
Rockabye Babies
In the Tree Top
When the winds of change blow
The mirage cradle will rock
When the news breaks
The BS promise of a safety net cradle will fallllll
And down will come all the very pissed off duped Babies
Cause there never really was any Cradle ullllllllll ullllllllll at allllllllllllllll....
Being clutched by a reptilian!
A lot of details here. I saw another report last night that said the one trillion or so that was seized in the PP papers will be brought to the US to prevent a total collapse when this goes down. The one condition was that the US take the deal being offered them behind closed doors. In the meantime, Rothschild is supposedly setting up a huge money exchange operation in Reno,,which, supposedly will be the only safe place for money when the effects hit home. I hope people have got their cash out of the banks,,,it ain't gonna be pretty!
Thats Aewsome !!!!
There is article about the Rothchilds, got caught in France doin some dirt and were investigated and the French government found fraud on huge levels . Now they are the French are investigating their Swiss bank accounts.
That touches upon what you said about Reno !!!!
Is This The End Of The U.S Dollar - YouTube
sorry, duplicate glitch
I've been watching him for several months, he covered Syria and Putin pretty well. This chess game is crazy right now,huh? As long as no fool starts shootin nukes i guess we will get through it....
We are change I like him Too. Im with you , I hope their not desperate enough to do that !!
This why I was against precious metals in the beginning !!
Nobody knows the real worth of gold hahahahaha
Seems to be shaping up for the perfect storm. One of the most bizarre election cycles in US history coinciding with the very real possibility of a "too big to fail" failure and collapse of the USD. With all the goods and services worldwide valued at 78 Trillion, there is a derivatives market of 553 Trillion.
Russia and China moving quickly to buy up as much gold as they can while the dollar is still strong. They will be seen as the smart ones when the shift hits the fan. America, well that's another story isn't it...
Greece's financial woes of late is the writing on the wall IMO...
Move along kids, nothing to see here. Forget everything you've heard and go back to sleep. The following video breaks down the numbers describing the inevitable demise of the USD and resulting world in chaos. I'm not posting this to be negative. I just believe we do well to keep an eye on this as it develops...
Elite NWO Agenda - U.S. DOLLAR COLLAPSE 2016 - China Orders Banks To Drop The USD - Elite NWO Agenda - YouTube
warning: he starts selling his book at approximately the 25 minute mark. I'm more interested in the numbers crunching in the first half.
No the impacts on the world ,will be worse in some places than others . To heal is to hurt , so no I do not see this as negative some might ,we need change and if a collasp is the way to do it then so be it . The way I understand it America will definetly be the hardest hit . A lot of that has to do with are living standard . I think some here are already suffering in that way .
The west is leaving power and the power is shifting to the Mighty East they will develop the world in a more honest and efficent way .
Stay informed now is the time to buy gold or silver , if you have a lot of paper laying around with dead criminals on them .
Thats why it is ending because we are all ready and embracing this change globally .
Also I read that the pope will be retiring and there will be a debt jubilee forgiving all debt , similar to Iceland, but way more debt is to be forgivin. All debt is to be forgivin because the loans were usary , fraudulent ,and illegal .