So, quite a few Don Quixote's galloping and trotting around the fields. Boy those windmills are scary. Their relative danger and actual importance are dubious though.
It's like, "hey! Look at this!" or "what's this over here!"... It's all getting to be so boring. I watch the edifice crumbling day by day. Some are afraid to let it go. It's all they've known. Something new can be SCARY. Even if it might be better.
Every time an old world ends and the people who survive have to up and leave to go start another one, they must leave EVERYTHING behind. Whatever that is. Stuff, belief systems, security blankets. That sure is scary too. As materialistic as we've all become. But necessary.
Hence the telling and sharing of stories. Comforting and keeps (hopefully) them moving. On. To the next world. Let's one another hear the sound of each other's voices as well.
This transition, should any or all of us here live to see it, should prove amazing and different. Similar, but different. Like all ways. There's an entire planet, solar system and galaxy riding on it. A universe even. Active participation is still preferred. Required if one is wanting to be a part of the next scenario. Extra baggage is just weight. Inhibiting forward momentum. There is no going back. Not even metaphorically. That would be a waste of our Spirit's time. There are always echoes though. Everything changes, nothing is lost.
I go back and forth on whether or not I feel as though I can make the necessary changes and sacrifices to be a part of the next thing or whether I just want to lie down and rest. I'm definitely not attached to the hang-ups and misconceptions of generations past, but it does all get so tiresome.
Generation X. No place for me here. Not ready for the job and work I have to offer. I DO still hope I get that opportunity. Whatever it is.
"This transition, should any or all of us here live to see it, should prove amazing and different. Similar, but different. Like all ways. There's an entire planet, solar system and galaxy riding on it. A universe even. Active participation is still preferred. Required if one is wanting to be a part of the next scenario. Extra baggage is just weight. Inhibiting forward momentum. There is no going back. Not even metaphorically. That would be a waste of our Spirit's time. There are always echoes though. Everything changes, nothing is lost."
For me there is no question that I will be an active participant. I have been waiting so long for this to happen. The discordant notes in my psyche from the pain of the planet crying out are lessening as the days get nearer. It would be nice to be able to store some food and supplies and hole up until the transition is over - emerge into the bright new world - but I am prepared to do whatever I can whatever happens.
Good to know there are others out there. I'm still mixed up in a lot of it... trying to see THROUGH. Not so attached to anything. Blessing AND a curse. Much will be jettisoned. The load WILL be lightened!
Been rereading the Handbook for the New Paradigm to inspire myself to make the necessary changes and focus my energies in the right direction. Will need to go WITHIN to get a better understanding and clearer picture.
Not afraid!
:] (froggy smile)
(P.s. the only way out is THROUGH)