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This revealng document was written by a retired judge. It gets more useful and interesting toward the end.
This revealng document was written by a retired judge. It gets more useful and interesting toward the end.
The Gathering Spot is a PEERS empowerment website
"Dedicated to the greatest good of all who share our beautiful world"
Thanks Noa,,This is great stuff,,I downloaded it, so I can wade through it later
Thanks for posting this Noa! This should be required reading for every concerned citizen. I also downloaded the PDF and will share whenever the opportunity presents itself. It makes everything that is happening seem less like a surprise and more like business as usual - so important for people to understand the difference. Black robes instead of white for the judges, so perfectly appropriate.
Hillary Clinton isn't really crooked and unethical as much as she is simply fitting herself within the current and ancient program. She and Bill simply drank the cool aid long ago and are perfectly content with their place in the order. No crooks here! Nothing to see her folks, just move along and return to your regularly scheduled programming....
p.s. there's one thing that comes to mind. nothing has really changed during the past 6000 years. they are still in power. what can anyone really reasonably do at this point? your thoughts...
Finally got through it all last night,,, some great advice in there for answering the system, I would be willing to try it if the situation arises. It really helped to follow it with the Hidden Hand interview today(fred's post), it helps me not take it so personally. I feel very lucky that I have been able to stay pretty much out of the system for several years now... Knock on wood!
"p.s. there's one thing that comes to mind. nothing has really changed during the past 6000 years. they are still in power. what can anyone really reasonably do at this point? your thoughts..."
I am hopeful that this time things will be different (provided enough people wake up in time and reject our enslavement). I think we're already seeing evidence of this mass awakening. More people from all walks of life (Conservative, Christian, Third World, etc.) are talking about unconventional things like 9/11, wars for oil, NWO, Illuminati, E.T.s, etc. I'm always surprised at the awareness that comes from such unlikely places.
One of the biggest game changers is our access to the internet, which allows us to organize and communicate in real time. Without it, we'd have no alternative to the corporate media lies. The other huge factor is our planet's journey through the galactic plane (at this moment in time). We are awash with cosmic energies that are lifting humanity into higher realms of consciousness and evolution. I also believe that benevolent E.T.s are helping us behind the scenes -- not to rescue us from a fate that we have allowed through our "silent consent" but rather to level the playing field a bit because the cards have been stacked against us for so long.
Amen to that Noa,,, I have seen it popping up among some of the ranchers out here, a demographic that mostly resembles the depiction of farmers in the south back in the 70's. I also know a 23 year old Chinese woman who has gone down the rabbit hole,,haha! I am very careful what and how much I offer her,,,she is so intelligent that she seems to progress on her own anyways..
I made a reference recently in another post about the "photon belt" we are in now, and that the higher photon levels activate more dna,so on and so forth. So I also think that we are in for a couple thousand years of blossoming consciousness. I think the Et's will prevent nukes from flying, there is too much at stake galactically, and inter-dimensionally for them to let us go that route. I'm sure they assist in other ways as well, but don't understand them giving all that tech to governments that don't use it for the good of the world. I guess that falls into the "free will" department, and the results reflect the fear that the people who make those decisions must feel.
For that ,,"how to change the 6000 years of rule" question,,I would look more to the hidden hand post. There are some interesting possibilities in the "post harvest" scenarios mentioned there,, a lot to think about...
The Red Race's treatment of Women
I found this passage interesting/enlightening
Many of the Pilgrim women chose to remain with and marry
Indian Braves because of how favorably women were treated by
the Red Race, which has always been an historic distortion of
fact created by the white men and their government leaders, to
justify their attacks and theft of the North American Continent
and their attempted extinction of the Red Race!
For numerous years to follow, many of the white colonial
women, who were supposedly rescued from their captivity,
escaped from their white liberators, only to return to their Indian
husbands! This happened so frequently and became such an
embarrassment to the white colonial men that they established
and introduced, “standards of conduct and behavior for women”
and violators were frequently ostracized by the white community.
The white men however were never held to the same standards
as the women. Equal rights would take over two hundred more
years to evolve in America.
The "Founding Fathers". (So much for placing them on a historically inaccurate propaganda pedestal)
The Iroquois Federation Government, their Constitution, and
even their Postal System, was eventually copied by the
Founding Fathers, the Continental Congress and every European
Government. The (UPU) Universal Postal Union is a direct
product of the Iroquois Federation Postal System. These
concepts however were slightly modified by the White Race to
define money, generate money, to permit control and ownership
of land and license personal and intellectual property, which has
always been a part of the White Race’s culture, idealism and
their preoccupation to own and control people, places and
things. The Puritans are responsible for having hand delivered
and educated Europe in the Iroquois Federation doctrines after they
migrated back to England, upon the removal of Oliver
Cromwell from the throne of England.
Our history books teach us that the Founding Father’s
claimed these doctrines to be the fruit of their intellect and
invention and those same historians actually had the nerve to
identify the Red Race as the savages! The fact of the matter is
that many of the Founding Fathers were usually stoned on hemp
or drunk on rum and were not capable of concocting anything as
rational and complex as a Constitution or Declaration of
Many of the Founding Fathers were from a privileged class
who frequently partied with prostitutes and cheating wives in
secret sex societies. As far as the Indian being a savage, think
about it: If someone kept breaking his word and stole from you,
you might begin to behave savagely too!
I have a great great grandma who was captured, married, and had 3 kids with a man from an east coast tribe. My grandmother lent me the book to read when I was in high school. In the book,,she was "recaptured" by the whites as the tribes were pushed west, and the focus was on how she and her children were treated after being reintroduced into white society. It wasn't good, and was a hard read for me. I tried to track the book again about 20 years ago, going through my mom,,but she didn't seem interested in helping me. Her copy had disappeared. I assumed it had to do with some issues she had with her mom,,which seem to be coming to the surface as the years go by,,ha. Unresolved stuff! I would love to read it again. Thinking back, I wondered why she would have 3 kids with they guy. Maybe she was happily married!
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