Last night John Oliver did an excellent job exposing the real Donald J. Trump, along with revealing his real family name, "Drumpf", that was changed a few generations ago for obvious reasons. The following link has the video of last night's show.
Please share with whoever you might know that is being drawn in by this pathological egomaniac (or maybe we should stay quiet and let dumbed down Unawted States of uh-murica vote for someone who truly represents the utterly ridiculous state of the divided and conquered union?)...
Nah, this is too important to let take its present course of ignorant action. PEOPLE NEED TO SEE THIS!
John Oliver Finally Takes on "Serial Liar" Donald Trump and It Was Brutally Fantastic | Mother Jones
Here's a recent episode of Bill Maher's special convention coverage that is really good.
As I am reminded by Fred to take the high road, I remember some wise people say that we don't know what we want until we experience what we don't want.
Maybe, in some perverse way, all this psychodrama will put us all on a better future track.
After getting over my very real outrage and sadness at some that reside in my country of the USA. Upon reflection, I have decided to vote with my conscience. I have decided to cease to worrry. It does no good but strengthen that which I was opposing.
Instead, I will focus on being in union with my Highest Aspect of myself and hold that vision for myself and all those around me.
I bless us all with Love.
Good plan, Fairy.