The compassion shown by these young soccer players from Barcelona to their opponents after Barcelona won the championship is deeply moving! These are the kids that are helping to shape a whole new paradigm on our beautiful planet. The fact that this video had 76 million views show how things are changing. Thank you, thank you, thank you, beautiful children!!!
I couldn't get the video to play in it's entirety, I don't belong to facebook, so it kept throwing sign up windows in front of thee vid,ha. Sometimes I can go there and don't have a problem, but not on this one. I saw some pieces though.Wouldn't it be great to see this after the war styled American football games? It might be a start to the end of "rivalry"!
Try this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GveSeZovCCE&index=13&list=PLVix8d69sPe4Z...
Change is coming !!!!!!!!!!!!!!