Shariff Abdullah and the Commonway Institute are at the end of their 64 day Campaign for Awakening Humanity and a "one world for all" movement.
There's a Zoom chat scheduled for Saturday morning at 10am Pacific time, if anyone wants to join. I'll be there.
Check out the website if you do.
The veils and scales, they are a'fallin!
Hi Chris
Great to see you back on board! I haven't been visiting quite so often recently so sorry I missed this last week. Don't know what this is all about, but always open to new stuff - I'll check it out
I think they're done with the campaign. Haven't gotten emails for a week. He was going to join up with HeartMath, I believe.
Just having a look at the Commonway website and have bookmarked the first session of the 'A World for All' Revolution for later viewing.
I've just started reading Charles Eisenstein's Sacred Economics and although this was published in 2011 it seems to be very pertinent to the current global crisis and how the next stage in the shift is going to be a focus towards a more connected way of being. Some time ago now when I was first dipping into A Course of Miracles, I came across the concept presented there to the effect that no-one will find peace until we all find peace, and I thought yeah, right, good luck with that one! and yet now everything seems to be coalescing around that very concept and it actually seems like the ONLY way to go.
And as if that wasn't enough, I caught Keith watching 'I, Pencil' this afternoon. 'Nuff said!
I love it when the Universe really gets behind something :]
Charles Eisenstein is awesome! I've had the pleasure of hanging with him personally a couple times. He's a great workshop facilitator, a very deep thinker, and a very spiritual dude. And he has written the best piece I've seen yet on the coronavirus. Check it out at https://www.wanttoknow.info/h/coronation. Much love and warm wishes in these troubled times.
Hi Fred, I followed the 'Coronation' link from your FB post at the beginning of the month, and that's what turned me on again to Charles Eisenstein. The name caught my attention as it was his 'Yoga of Eating' which helped me find peace with eating meat again some years ago when I was exploring different nutritional routes to help with my health challenges.
He makes sense of a very challenging and controversial topic and provides a lot of food for thought. "I wish a lot more people would embrace not knowing..... Let's be humble in our beliefs."
Still reading Sacred Economics, but like I've found with Jordan Peterson, he has the ability to articulate concepts which seem like the most blatant common sense once they're put out there for consideration. We need to be interested enough to pay attention. CHANGE is coming whether we like it or not!
Yes, Julie. Change is coming. It's an exciting time to be alive, if we choose to see it that way. Much love!!!
Looks like the Germans are coming. Or aliens. HA!
Great video, Chris! I love Bruce Lipton! Much love to you guys in these times of great change!!!
Having been in government, what would the next ploy be? Seemed to hint at staged or false flag event coming.
Aliens? Nukes? Forced economic collapse? (Which would be ludicrous and obvious at this point)
Doesn't really matter. Keeping vibration high as much as possible DOES.
It's very hard to predict what's coming, Chris. Various factions are battling against each other behind the scenes. I believe to best thing we can do is to stay fully present in each moment while opening to ur higher guidance and giving gratitude for this gift of life, even in these intense times. Much love!