The Emerging Sunspot Cycle 24 and a Weakening Magnetic Field

I ran across this article by Alex Ansary yesterday, and though it is somewhat negative in tone, it is an excellent summary of the changes occuring in our Sun, the Solar System and the Earth itself.  David Wilcock ( ) has written extensively regarding the following information and this article confirms what he has been saying.


With light and love shining into shadow and fear,


ChrisBowers's picture

Allow me to wax innocently naive just in case my hunch is correct.  Many of the things about to happen with our wonderful sun and earth could be construed as somewhat unsettling, but unsettling to what???  Here is the flowery "its all good" spin I wish to put on all of this.  If what many writings have told us is true, than our sun is the controlling nurturing very Conscious sub-logos developmentally preimminent to our development, as is the earth itself, than we have very valid reason to express appreciation and excitement for the evolutionary changes that are happening right now.

I don't know how all of this plays out in detail, just that I am very comfortable with the benevolent intent of the ongoing process.  I am willing to bet that that notion will be tested sometime soon, but that's also a good thing....  it tis what it tis, that sometimes mankind needs a good stiff kick in the pants to get its attention in a way that will garner a good result towards the Unified goal of transcending old paradigms and exercising out inherent ability to expand, understand, develop and grow.....

Love/Light, Chris

rovin's picture

Yes, I'm excited too. There is nothing to be done about events of this magnetude other then grab your surfboard and ride with this energy. We've seen this storm comming for some time now, and finally the swell is making landfall. Cowabunga! Surf's up! As one, Rob.

ChrisBowers's picture

--- Post removed at author's request ---

ChrisBowers's picture

Reminded me of something that the Mayans told Drunvalo M., to tell people to just be calm and trust Mother Gaia Earth when things starts seeming to be getting a little strange and apparently unsettling.  We may come to a time when we go through a pole shift that sets the whole world in darkness.  This is the time the Indigenous cultures and Mayans were specifically relating to when they relayed that simple message of trust Mother Earth to Drunvalo, a long time student of these Indigenous cultures who know so much more than so called modern man.

They said that many will die from being so scared that their hearts stop, that the majority of those who die will literally die from fright and lack of trust in a very natural process they were unaware of.  Reminded me of that bible passage somewhere (I think in Revelation), "and men's hearts shall fail them for fear and for looking upon those things which are coming on the earth; for the powers of heaven shall be shaken"  It would appear that every religious document has some measure of truth in it, LOL.

Here is some more from Drunvalo that is wonderfully appropriate for these times...

YouTube - Drunvalo Melchizedek - Something beautiful (1/4)

YouTube - Drunvalo Melchizedek - Something beautiful (2/4)

YouTube - Drunvalo Melchizedek - Something beautiful (3/4)

YouTube - Drunvalo Melchizedek - Something beautiful (4/4)

YouTube - Drunvalo Melchizedek - The Higher Self p1

YouTube - Drunvalo Melchizedek - The Higher Self p2

YouTube - Drunvalo Melchizedek - The Higher Self p3

YouTube - Drunvalo Melchizedek - The Higher Self p4

YouTube - Drunvalo Melchizedek - The Higher Self p5

and did you know that Drunvalo is the reason we have this website?

The Spirit of Ma'at

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"Dedicated to the greatest good of all who share our beautiful world"