Feeding Resistance: Food Not Bombs Members Arrested in Orlando for Serving Meals Without a Permit
The City of Orlando, the home of Disney World in Florida, is being sued in court today over a city law that has effectively made it illegal for any group to feed more than 25 people at a time in downtown parks without a permit. It also limits groups to no more than two permits per park, per year. The group Food Not Bombs has refused to obey the new law—saying food is a right, not a privilege—and has continued to serve free meals to the poor and homeless. However, over the past month more than 20 members of the organization have been arrested. Keith McHenry, who helped found Food Not Bombs over 30 years ago, was arrested Wednesday and remains in jail. We speak with Benjamin Markeson, an activist involved with Food Not Bombs for several years who was arrested earlier this month, and the group’s attorney, Shayan Elahi.
Watch the video interview: http://www.democracynow.org/2011/6/24/feeding_resistance_food_not_bombs_members
of Food Not Bombs being harrassed and arrested...It appears quite insane to me!