Has NASA's Curiosity rover made a big discovery?

I bet it's not what you think.......




Has NASA's Curiosity rover made a big discovery?

NASA scientists are to checking and double-checking the results before announcing the Mars Science Laboratory's potential findings.

By SPACE.comTue, Nov 20 2012 at 2:36 PM EST

The scoop on NASA's Curiosity rover shows the larger soil particles that were too big to filter through a sample-processing sieve
The scoop on NASA's Curiosity rover shows the larger soil particles that were too big to filter through a sample-processing sieve on Oct. 10. (Photo: NASA)
NASA's Mars rover Curiosity has apparently made a discovery "for the history books," but we'll have to wait a few weeks to find out what the new Red Planet find may be, media reports suggest.
The discovery was made by Curiosity's Sample Analysis at Mars instrument (link is external), NPR reported on Nov. 20. SAM is the rover's onboard chemistry lab, and it's capable of identifying organic compounds — the carbon-containing building blocks of life as we know it.
SAM apparently spotted something interesting in a soil sample Curiosity's huge robotic arm delivered to the instrument recently.
"This data is gonna be one for the history books," Curiosity chief scientist John Grotzinger, of Caltech in Pasadena, told NPR (link is external). "It's looking really good."
Grotzinger said the rover team won't be ready to announce just what SAM found for several weeks yet, NPR reported. The scientists want to check and double-check the results, to make sure they're for real.
The $2.5 billion Curiosity rover landed inside Mars' huge Gale Crater on Aug. 5, kicking off a two-year mission to determine if Mars has ever been capable of supporting microbial life.
The car-size robot carries 10 different instruments to aid in its quest, but SAM is the rover's heart, taking up more than half of its science payload by weight.
In addition to analyzing soil samples, SAM also takes the measure of Red Planet air. Many scientists are keen to see if Curiosity detects any methane (link is external), which is produced by many lifeforms here on Earth. A SAM analysis of Curiosity's first few sniffs found no definitive trace of the gas (link is external) in the Martian atmosphere, but the rover will keep looking.
Curiosity began driving again Friday (Nov. 16) after spending six weeks testing its soil-scooping gear at a site called "Rocknest." The rover will soon try out its rock-boring drill for the first time on the Red Planet, scientists have said.
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This story (link is external) was originally written for SPACE.com and was republished with permission here. Copyright 2012 SPACE.com (link is external), a TechMediaNetwork com
Wendy's picture

Interesting Brian,

What do you suppose they found?

The pictures show a bright spot and other debris in the soil. Some of it they claim came from the rover but I'm not sure I beleive that. Photo 7 looks to me like they dug up a tooth, the other debris photo looks like a bit of plastic bag. Keep us posted on this story!


Brian's picture

I think they found a rusting bottle cap from a Heineken.

Brian's picture

 Well after thanksgiving dinner my friend summoned UFO's over her back porch and it was just crazy. Saw a bunch of things, a couple of which I have to call craft. The rover found life evidence on Mars-I'm sure of it-Woooohoooo! Guess who's comin' to dinner!

Noa's picture

Wouldn't it be great if this "discovery" was actually a disclosure about the decades-long secret projects being conducted on Mars?  These include secret underground communities (ours) and advanced transportation technology such as "jump rooms" being used to transport people across space in a matter of minutes. 

Is there life on Mars?  Yes, but it's primarily human.

See http://www.gatheringspot.net/topic/political-activismcover-ups/obamas-secret-trip-mars for expert testimony by government insider whistleblowers.

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