Dear Friends,
I've found this to have a very interesting series of links:
Manufacturing The Apocalypse
Andrew Johnson ([email protected])
June 2008
at least two millennia a number of religions have, in various ways, and
to somewhat varying degrees, been predicting that there will a great
cataclysm or great cataclysms which will befall mankind, planet Earth
or both. This idea seems now to be being framed in more secular ways,
through the mantras of "Global Warming", "Climate Change", resource
depletion and the threat of "Nuclear International Terrorism" or a
renewed threat of global nuclear warfare, bio-terrorism or widespread
disease such as "avian flu" (which has seemingly existed for hundreds
of years, but has never been a significant threat to humans). In some
quarters, even the threat of an alien intervention or alien contact
(which the evidence suggests has been ongoing for some time) is being
mooted as yet another reason for global upheaval or catastrophe.
order to find the truth of something, or if we wish to try and predict
the future (which I don't intend to do in this article), we should
spend as much time as we can gathering information and examining
pertinent evidence, before deciding on some conclusions. I have been
attempting to collect information and evidence for over 5 years, ever
since I "opened the door" to the seemingly limitless information
resources available to all those with an "always-on" internet
connection. I have tried to venture into many areas and have posted
some of my thoughts and conclusions at http://www.checktheevidence.com/ - along with the thoughts of a few other people.
I have begun to see that a number of fields of research are now
"crossing over". I would contend that there is mounting evidence that a
large-scale, secret, global operation has been underway for some time
which, in summary gives the "control group" the ability to "manufacture
the apocalypse". I would cogently argue that the supposed threats our
species faces, listed above, are either manufactured by this control
group, or are exacerbated by them from their "naturally occurring
form". I say this partly because I conclude that the research of Dr.
Judy Wood into the destruction of the WTC Complex <http://www.drjudywood.com/articles/DEW/StarWarsBeam1.html>
proves that advanced, undisclosed weaponry exists. some of the effects
of this weaponry are similar to those seen in experiments performed by
John Hutchison <http://www.drjudywood.com/articles/JJ/>
, but the full capabilities of this technology are, to a lay person
like me, unknown. However, I now have to ask myself some difficult
questions, related to the limits of this technology.
Dr. Wood's latest study, regarding Hurricane Erin and 9/11 has uncovered some important data <http://www.drjudywood.com/articles/erin/erin5.html>
– which seems to add even more weight to the conclusion that some type
of directed energy technology with an accompanying "field effect" was
used to destroy the WTC complex. What else is this technology capable
than one or two people have posited that May 2008 earthquake in
Sichuan, China was somehow engineered. Does technology exist that
could induce earthquakes? Some people wouldn't even bother to ask this
question. However, let's consider what Defence Secretary Cohen said in
[terrorists] are engaging even in an eco-type of terrorism whereby they
can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through
the use of electromagnetic waves... So there are plenty of ingenious
minds out there that are at work finding ways in which they can wreak
terror upon other nations...It's real, and that's the reason why we
have to intensify our [counterterrorism] efforts."
speech was made before the Al Qaida myth had been fully cemented into
the wider public's consciousness – before the illusion of large-scale
international terrorism had been created. What terrorists was Cohen
referring to? The Russians? Why didn't he name this apparently very
powerful group? My own personal view is that he was referring to the
terrorists who are already running the world. The terrorists
who have access to advanced technologies and who have the ability and
resources to keep knowledge of these technologies mostly hidden. These
are very probably the same terrorists who turned most of the WTC towers
to dust on 9/11/01.
seems that we can occasionally get disclosure of various information
about these secret technologies, for example in the statements of
people like Col Tom Bearden (see http://www.cheniere.org/correspondence/020804.htm).
We can examine the data provided by Stan Deyo which appears to show an "earthquake grid" in Nevada http://standeyo.com/NEWS/08_Earth_Changes/080502.NV.EQ.grid.html . According to Deyo he was, many years ago, invited to work on a secret anti-gravity project for the US Government <http://www.exopolitics.org.uk/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=130&Itemid=1> .
Deyo highlights an unusual pattern of earthquakes that was seen in Reno:
(http://standeyo.com/NEWS/08_Earth_Changes/08_Earth_Changes_pics/080502_Reno_Quakes/snap00.jpg <http://standeyo.com/NEWS/08_Earth_Changes/08_Earth_Changes_pics/080502_Reno_Quakes/snap00.jpg> )
Some time ago, I was taken aback to learn that the earthquakes in Bam (Iran) and the Sumatra quake happened a year to the hour apart. It was on 26 December 2003, at 01:57 hrs UT, when an earthquake struck the city of Bam (http://www.volcanolive.com/news59.html), On 26 December 2004, 00:58 UT, the Sumatra Earthquake struck (http://www.indiana.edu/~pepp/earthquakes/sumatra12_26_04.htm).
Clearly, these facts on their own prove nothing – but if it were easy
to prove what is being suggested here, then the powerful forces who are
controlling things would not be able to hide their activities.
the case of the Sumatra quake and resulting Tsunami, there are also a
number of questions as to why warnings were not promulgated widely
regards the China Quake, we have video and photos of unusual cloud
patterns which were filmed immediately prior to the quake, as pointed
out by Benjamin Fulford (http://tokyofreepress.com/) see http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0VX0JvpW5q0
also have a satellite photo showing what I consider to be a very
unusual cloud pattern spreading across the region near the time of the
quake: http://rapidfire.sci.gsfc.nasa.gov/realtime/single.php?A081350535 <http://rapidfire.sci.gsfc.nasa.gov/realtime/single.php?A081350535>
Some people have suggested that the US's HAARP facility <http://www.haarp.alaska.edu/>
could be involved in the inducement either of certain weather patterns
or even earthquakes. I am unsure, as I don't currently know if it is
possible to obtain HAARP activity data that could be correlated with
the time of the Sichuan earthquake (or any other event). It would seem
rather too obvious, however, that HAARP was involved in creating such
large scale events. So, it is either not involved (too many people
likely know about it) or the data regarding its daily operation will be
classified or not available for public inspection.
considering if it is possible to use directed energy technology in
weather modification (which would involve manipulating quite large
amounts of energy), as mentioned above, attention should be drawn to Dr
Judy Wood's latest study - of Hurricane Erin on 9/11. Erin was closest
to NYC on 9/11 but was barely reported - even by the Space Station crew
who reported seeing the "smoke" from the WTC towers. I feel that
Hurricane Erin may have been used in some way in manipulating the
energy involved. Additionally, I suggest that whoever perpetrated 9/11
needed clear blue skies to see what was going on, on that day.
Manipulation of Erin could have provided them. Examine the study
yourself here: http://www.drjudywood.com/articles/erin/ (please pay special attention to the magnetometer data from 9/11)
For additional evidence of weather modification, see this presentation I compiled sometime ago: http://video.google.co.uk/videoplay?docid=3258559205473754938
you have reviewed the evidence, you may agree that advanced weather
modification technology is real. Some people, such as Col Tom Bearden
and Scott Stevens, believe that this technology is being used in a
secret "weather war" between Russia and the USA. Even though it is
true that operations like "Operation Popeye <http://www.willthomas.net/chemtrails/Articles/Weather_Warfare.htm>
" were used to induce heavy rainfall in the Vietnam War, I do not
believe that the current evidence supports the "USA vs. Russia" Weather
War conclusion. I say this because severe weather events and
earthquakes seem to have been triggered more frequently in recent years
in the USA, the UK, Europe, China and Japan. This pattern therefore
suggests that a trans-national secret group is at work. This general
conclusion is also supported by the existence of the global
chemtrailing programme. Chemtrails have now been documented in many
countries around the world (see http://www.checktheevidence.com/Chemtrails for some examples).
further feeling I have is that this trans-national group knows human
psychology very well and they know how to get people to acquiesce by
adequately disguising their advanced capabilities – this again is
proven by the fact that it has taken 5 or arguably 7 years for someone
to begin to "get a handle" on what their technology can do even when it
has been used in plain site. The other main ways in which this advanced
technology is hidden is using fear – which inhibits people's
intellectual capacity. Additionally, in many quarters, a "culture of
ignorance" has been created. For example, in western popular culture,
it is sometimes frowned upon when someone demonstrates a detailed
technical understanding of a subject – in such instances, terms such as
"nerd" and "geek" are not always used in a complimentary way.
would also contend that a further way to induce acquiescence among the
general population, far-fetched though it may sound, it to "write in"
to ancient scripture, the idea of an apocalypse and then continually
suggest that a cataclysm or several cataclysms will come about – for
example, because it is "God's way of punishing man for his sins". From
a more New Age perspective, this can be attributed to Gaia or "Mother
Earth" - acting to self-correct the "imbalance" caused by human greed
and folly. In saying this, I do not discount that consciousness could
be an attribute which the earth itself possesses in some form – and
that some people are able to interact with this consciousness in
certain ways.
The preponderance of the evidence, once it is gathered, shows that free energy technology (e.g. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=efCelx7qe_M ) is real and, rather than being used to give us clean air and a clean
way of fuelling our activities, it has been stolen, weaponised and used
to both to destroy the environment and kill large numbers of people.
Such environmental modification technology could perhaps be considered,
therefore, to be a "silent weapon of a quiet war <http://www.theforbiddenknowledge.com/hardtruth/silentweaponsforquietwars.htm> ".
On the flip side of this issue, free energy technology has been perniciously suppressed <http://www.checktheevidence.co.uk/cms/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=182&Itemid=60>
and we have therefore, I conclude, been conned into destroying our own
environment far more than we would otherwise had we been allowed to
know the reality of this technology sooner. I very much wonder if this
overall situation has been brought about by the persuasion and
influence of a controlling group, the nature of which may not be all
that dissimilar to what Marshal Vian Summers <http://www.checktheevidence.com/audio2/ET%20and%20UFO/Marshall%20Vian%20Summers%20-%20ET%20Influences%20-%20Coast%20To%20Coast%20AM%20-%20Jun%2009%202008.mp3> describes (though I don't think of these things in terms of "God" – so my vocabulary is different to his in this respect).
the present time, I think only a few would people would agree with the
thrust of what I am saying. Perhaps some would agree, however, as Dr.
Leonard Horowitz <http://www.bbsradio.com/bbc/fred_bell/dr_fred_bell_news_flashes2.shtml>
has suggested, that we are on the " receiving end" of the tactics of
bio-spiritual warfare. I think that one of the main aims of this is to
compress human consciousness into a tighter and tighter enclosure and
discourage us from being open to a wider, or even universal perspective
about who we really are, where we came from and where we are capable of
people, who have not seen the evidence like that linked above have no
chance of realising that we may be victims of an extremely
sophisticated and far-reaching psychological operation – the
manufacturing of an apocalypse.
Are you interested in what's really going on in the world, behind the facade? Then...
<http://www.checktheevidence.com/> What happened on 9/11?
So glad to see Dr. Judy Wood's name and research mentioned here. My introduction to her research fell within the context of the breakup of the Scholars for 9-11 Truth into two factions, the Steven Jones "thermate" and controlled demolition only crowd and the Jim Fetzer/Dr. Judy Wood "directed energy weapons" and possible "no planes" crowd. The result of the breakup can be seen at this link that gives people a choice between both factions http://www.scholarsfor911truth.org/. She had much to say, along with others, at the Madison, WI conference that Jim Fetzer organized after the breakup.
In any case, I am one of those who love to try to keep up with knowing what is really going on, but I feel lately like a hamster on a wheel. Pursuing these despotic agents of misinformation in the power elite is beginning to look like a losing battle. Even if we discover what they are up to, not many are willing to hear it.
I remember, even while moving through a period of intense discovery about 9-11, having a conspiracy theory knee jerk reaction every time I saw a book or DVD with the acronym "HAARP" on it. This is with my head fully down the rabbit hole and willing to look around. I am still amazed at how little the cointelpro psyops has to do to keep us in the dark. We do most of their work for them collectively by proving to them virtually every time that we don't care what they are up to as long as we have food, shelter and a modicum of entertainment to keep us distracted. I now have a very good understanding of how HAARP (microwave ionospheric heaters) works due to the good work of people like Dr. Nick Begich, Leuren Moret and Dr. Rosalie Bertell and her book, "Planet Earth - Latest Weapon of War", so much so that it has gone from feeling like some kind of bizarre and kooky conspiracy theory to feeling like a very understandable and down to earth (irony noted) technology that becomes a relatively easy artform, once understood. It simply harnesses and manipulates the very powerful forces that already exist in, on and above this biosphere called planet earth. It is only our collective ignorance on any given subject that has us saying, "no way!" "your out of your mind!".
I can only try to imagine how utterly self-assured they are as a virtually powerful hidden collective operating so comfortably, with such relative ease, from the trustworthy realm of plausible deniability and almost guaranteed proactive and proud ignorance of the masses. In the final analysis it is hilarious when you think about all of this in the context of how utterly safe we (Life) really are/is!
I will continue to follow the work of people like Dr. Judy Wood, a scientist who made it so reasonably clear that something very much overlooked happened to those twin towers the morning of Sept. 11, something with enough energy to vaporize or "dustify" (as she puts it on her website) much of the steel structure. The physical evidence (or lack thereof in this case) is undeniable in all of the widely available video record of the events of that morning and days following and the instant rusting of so many of the cars in the vicinity of the towers is also something that needs more research. One other thing to consider - the "field effect" (mentioned in the article above) may have been accomplished by dispersing DU powder ( a very hot burning pyrophoric that burns at between 3000C and 6000C) throughout the towers with the HVAC systems prior to lighting those towers up with some new kind of directed energy weapon (again, if anyone is getting that typical knee jerk reaction to directed energy weapons, just go to the DEPS website and just look at the usual suspect players from the military industrial corporate complex and just see what they are willing to share with you http://www.deps.org/), and then just try to imagine what they are probably not sharing with you!
Also glad to see the mention of "free energy" and sad to see it is being militarized.....
Unassailable Love, Chris