Tomorrow I will fly out of Bellingham down to Seattle, and then on to Sacramento. I don't really like to travel anymore, especially via air with all the surveilance, long lines, and the crowds. It all seems so dehumanizing, and worse than the invasion of privacy, it feels like invasion of my spirit. However, when my daughter suggested I come this year for Christmas, something inside of me urged me to go. This may be the last opportunity to make the trip. I have a sister down in Missouri, but my two grown children, my daughter-in-law, and the two little precious grandchildren are all the family I have. So, away I go.
I need to know how they see life ahead of them, if they look at all. They think I'm a little kookie for all my fanciful spiritual beliefs, and are quite turned off by any mention of the difficult times that we face. I respect their rights to their own thoughts and ways, but so wish they did not live in such vulerable, urban settings. My son is completely engaged in providing for his children and the home he is creating for them and his wife (for which I am infinitely grateful). My daughter lives in downtown San Francisco and loves it there with her many friends, well-paying and challenging work, and the whole city scene. To my eyes, they are caught up in the American way of life, mostly unaware of what is happening on our earth, and within our country, and how this may possibly force enormous changes in their everyday lives. Each time I visit, I come away amazed at the amount of STUFF in the household and how much goes into the trash. My dear grandson is only four, his sister one and a half, and the play room is FILLED with plastic, primary-colored objects. Sometimes I wonder what is left to give these dear children when they are 10 or 18. Now is the time to remind myself that they may be reacting to the sparseness of their own childhoods with a single mom.
Ah well, they do know about Love even while claiming to be atheists, and I love them dearly. I'll just go and stay aware so maybe some of that Sacred Love may shine through me into their lives. They need to know I still love them and I need to let them love me, too.
So I will be away from the Portal for a week. When I return, I will be able to concentrate on catching up with all of you and the many wonderful things you have shared. Aren't we all blessed to have completed the course to gain entrance to this place. How exciting to watch our numbers grow, begin to be better acquainted with each other, learn each one's story, and begin our work to transform our beloved world as we continue our own transformation.
My prayer for Peace and Love to each of you,
Dear JoyAnna
I love your position regarding your children's choices of life. As I read your post, I thought about one of the principles advocated by Abraham through Ester Hicks in the Law of Attraction. It is the concept that we allow others to be what, who and how they choose to be without judgement of any sort. It is not a toleration, as then we still have our own personal objections, but it is an expression of unconditional love knowing that whatever they do is part of their reality, not ours.
You reflected that beautifully with them. Now be the same way with the security guards at the airport, the other pushy travelers, the rude check in clerks and flight attendants, and intend that your trip will be full of joy and happiness...for the Greatest and Highest Good.
Merry Christmas JoyAnna
Your Sacred love flows into me, My Sacred love flow out to you,
Dear JoyAnna - Barry's comments are so beautiful and all inclusive that I just want to let you know that my prayers will also go with you. As a mother and grandmother, I am having the same feelings. We are so blessed to be a part of this portal!
Hi JoyAnna,
Thank you for sharing your thoughts and feelings with us. May you have an enjoyable journey and a wonderful Festive Season with your loved ones. By holding your focus and giving your light and love you will always make a difference.
With Love