I'm all excited to be accepted as a volunteer for the Mind Control Conference coming to Boston, Ma. It should be interesting!
I'm all excited to be accepted as a volunteer for the Mind Control Conference coming to Boston, Ma. It should be interesting!
The Gathering Spot is a PEERS empowerment website
"Dedicated to the greatest good of all who share our beautiful world"
Wow, Wendy, that's fantastic. Are you aware of Brice Taylor (Susan Ford)? Her book, "Thanks for the Memories" rips the cover off of the nitty-gritty world of MK Ultra. She details her life, being mind-controlled from a very young age, having Bob Hope as her owner and Henry Kissinger as her main controller. Today she's free and runs a neurofeedback clinic where she helps victims of trauma. If anyone wants a copy of her book, her e-mail address is [email protected] . Today she's a very together, courageous, and good person (that's clear in the YouTube videos of her interviews and talks). She also has other materials that you might find useful, given your interest in mind control. Go to the below URL to see the items and order form:
At any rate, I hope you'll give us some kind of report after the conference.
Good luck.
Wow! The skeletons in the closets of the USA... Bob Hope the beloved and popular entertainer... was a child slave owner? That is just, well, unbelievable...
I can sort of believe that Henry Kissinger is a Handler... but Bob Hope... That is a new one for me... is there any data other than antedotal that this is true...
Susan Ford's (Brice Taylor's) book is the only source I know of for this information. As the credible professional people who write forwards to the book point out, no one can prove things that are done in such extreme secrecy, but, they say further, what she says in her story that is verifiable is faultless. Their conclusion: she's probably telling the truth. That's my assessment as well, having read the book. The particular details she recounts about Hope and Kissinger fit perfectly with my own sense and picture of both of them, built long before I ever read her book. Things that she said they said and did and the way they did them -- it all fit perfectly. I had a short e-mail discussion with her a couple of years ago, and I have to say that I trust her word far more than I would trust either Hope's or Kissinger's. By the way, Hope owned her well into adulthood. His main use for her was apparently sexual, and Kissinger's was political (New World Order agenda). Kissinger used her as a human computer; her photographic memory was perfect. People who have developed alternate personalities under severe mind control training develop photographic memories -- which is great for their controllers while they're "in service," but if they should free themselves of their programming, as she did, then that photographic memory is available to them as whole, free individuals. Hence, the title of her book, "Thanks for the Memories," which was also the title of one of Bob Hope's albums. How's that for heavy-handed irony?