I found this interview to be one of those synchronicities that showed up.... just as we have been talking on many threads about oneness.
I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.
With Love,
And I opened mine eyes in my own Darkness and beheld a Light. Is that you My Beloved?
Peace Peace Blessed Peace.
Thanks Mary for posting that. Tim Frekes is so brilliant on Oneness. And I have become an avid fan of Conscious Media Network. Regina has some of the most fascinating interview available and have you noticed...that 99% of them are very positive and uplifting, unlike some other sites like Project Camelot and others.
Hi Berry,
Yes, I agree that their interviews (at conscious media network) are postivie and uplifting. I had strayed away from the site and your post of Nassim's reminded me of that. Of course, with everything being in divine order, I thought that Tim's interview went hand in hand with the discussions for Oneness going on out here. I had never even heard of him before, but I think I will be buying his book on Lucid Living.
I don't know where she finds so many fascinating people, but have not been disappointed with any of the interviews I have seen out there yet.
With Love,
You come up with some of the best material. I hadn't heard of Tim Frekes before, either. How refreshing to hear someone who knows nothing (consciously) for a change!! We can make such a complicated thing of the Big Matter, "discover" all kinds of intricacies in it, dress it up in ideas galore -- but it's so simple. And Tim F. really gets down to it. His rendition of Oneness is superb: our journey from unconscious Oness to conscious duality to conscious Oneness. What more do we need to know about our journey? It's an experiential, existential thing here and now, and now, and now... not a mental one. And when he says that once he thought he knew nothing, but now he knows he knows nothing. Well, that's it. Living that way consciously is simply beautiful. No explanations needed. Free from the prison of ideas and structures of thought. Just natural humility and love. Embracing everything, having literally no idea about what this all is.
... Too many words of mine here...
... But that's okay ...
Oops, sorry Mary... When I commended Berry for posting this forum topic, I'd forgotten that it was you who had posted it. Anyway, it was great, and both you and Berry do post some very good material.
I'm sorry to say that the Conscious Media Network was just changed to a subscription only site - so the link will just take you to a log in page. I just learned that they had changed this. I was sorry to see it go that way, they have some very neat interviews there and I have always viewed them free of charge. I do realize that it takes funds to maintain their website, though.
Bob - that's ok for the error. I didn't have a problem with it. I agree that Berry posts some very good stuff.
Take care,