Happy Re-Birthday Mother Eath-Gaia
Elizabeth Speaks
In 1964, a Cosmic Pulse of Light was sent out to Mother Earth-Gaia for her growth and Ascension. She recieved these Ascension Light Codes on July 8, 1964. At the time Humanity was just beginning to awaken... just beginning to stir.
The Make Love not War Movement had not yet begun that would come into begin in Early 1965. This was the first sip of the Ascension Codes--Cosmic Light that Mother Earth-Gaia gently fed to Humankind. Those with eyes to see and ears to hear responded with what they knew... through protest and the intent to live more freely and in harmony with others. The Law of Attraction or Law of the Circle had yet to be rediscovered.
In 1964, the Vietnam war (or conflict as it is known today) was in full swing with casualties for the USA and unimaginable casualites for Vietnaam, Cambodia,and Laos.
In July of 1964, President Lyndon Johnson signs the Civil Rights into law, ending racial segregation in the United States. -- One week after the Cosmic Energy was recieved the Race Riots in Harlem, USA are heating up as well as Race Riots throughout the World. Races that are being oppressed are rioting demanding equal rights through violent means. All of this is happening in the Realm of Humanity and yet Mother Earth-Gaia has recieved this gift of Celestial Energy which she stored and awaited for Humankind to calm and be open to little sips of Celestial Light and Love.
Over the next 23 years, she fed just tiny sips of this energy to Humankind. Allowing for our bodies and minds to acclimate to the Higher Light Codes and still stay embodied encousraging us toward Unity with each other as a body of Humankind and to remember we are partners twith Mother Earth-Gaia.
By 1970, many begin to remember that Mother Earth-Gaia is our Mother and Friend and call for greater Love to be shown to Mother Earth-Gaia. This call creates the Earth Day Movement and the Internation Mother's Day movement. Just a short 6 years after this Comic Celestial Pulse was sent to the Mother Earth-Gaia, the First Earth Day was celebrated in San Franscisco, CA USA. The first Proclamation of Earth Day was by San Francisco, named for St. Francis the saint of ecology. Earth Day was first observed in San Francisco and other cities on March 21, 1970, the first day of Spring. This day of Nature and the Upliftment of Nature and The undercurrent of recognizing and nurturing the Divine Feminine was later sanctioned in a Proclamation signed by Secretary General at the UN where it is observed each year. Around the same time a separate Earth Day was founded by United States Senator Gaylord Nelson as an environmental teaching day first celebrated and raising of awareness on April 22, 1970. Now Earth Day is celebrated in more than 175 countries every year In 2009, the UN declared April 22 as Internation Mother Earth Day.
In 1987, significant numbers of Indigo and Rainbow Humans had been born with the capacity to hold more Celestial Love Light and with the Harmonic Convergence, Mother Earth-Gaia was able to release larger sips of Celestial Love-Light for the Ascension of herself and Humankind. These new children assist their parental units in expanding in awareness as well. The Indgo and Rainbows are able to hold and anchor larger sips of Cosmic Light Codes than their parents were. The Ascension of Earth and Humankind begins the process of Expanding Awareness toward Unity Consciousness and The Birth of the New Earth begins.
Now, in 2011, 47 years after this event on July 8, 1964, Humankind is awakening and growing into Ascension-- and expanded awareness and more Love-Light is evident in the body of Humankind. It is seen within over 22% of Humankind and more are softened and awakening to Kindness toward the EARTH and all her Flora and Fauna and their fellow Humans. There are many movements of human beings coming together to intend and send Energy to Mother Earth-Gaia in cooperation for our symbiotic ascension. I bless you with Love. --Elizabeth
Beginning in the week of July 8 1964 these were the number 1 Songs hroughout the World.--Elizabeth
July 8 1964
August 8 1964
Late August 1964
Fairy Farm Girl Message
Good Greetings All!
I, Fairy Farm Girl, and the Fairy Realm Emissaries of Light and Love, wish to remind you to meditate daily using the 7-7-7 Breath Meditation. This is also a good time to engage in a cooperative energy exchange with Mother Earth-Gaia and the Fairy Realm through the use of the Tree Meditation. Meditate, Meditate, Meditate while walking and resting. Let your focus be on being present and blessing all that is with Love.
Entering Beingness with the Tree: Going into the Senses Meditation
The picture above is a large shrub/tree in Early Spring (Northern Hemisphere)
It is suggested to do this for an hour a day for 2 weeks. To reset the Chakras it takes about 14 days. During this time you may begin to feel greater healing or clarity. The Body has intelligence and it knows. Begin by walking to a tree that is in a park or along side a country road or in your backyard or front yard... somewhere fairly safe that has a tree or large shrub for you to connect to. I recommend wearing non-toxic natural insect repellent, sunscreen and to be wearing comfortable clothing and shoes. Bring a blanket along to cover up or to sit upon or both!
Feel your with your body against the tree. Feel the earth and roots of the tree under your feet. Feel the bark of the tree against your face. Fell the Sun above you-- the warmth of the sun or the coolness of the rain or cloudy sky. Feel the wind, the air. Feel it with your body.
Smell the tree with your nose. Smell the scent of the tree, the earth, the air. Smell the bark of the tree. Smell the earth around the tree. Smell the roots of the tree. Smell the Air, the wind. Breathe in all those scents. Just breathe them in-- into your lungs, your body.
Hear and Listen to the Tree with your ears. The Creaking of the branches, the sound of your feet moving around the tree's roots. The Call of the birds. The Wind as it moves between the branches, around you, around the tree, rustling the leaves of the tree. Hear and Listen to the Tree, the Wind, the Earth. Hear with your ears. Your Body.
Taste with your mouth and tongue and nose. Taste the bark of the tree. Taste the skin of your hand. Taste the Air around you. Taste the Earth beneath your feet. Just taste.
Look and See with your eyes. Look and See the Tree. See the Bark of the tree. The Leaves of the Tree. The colors of the tree. Look at the Roots of the Tree... See the roots of the Tree. See the Earth around the tree. See your feet, Your Shoes, Your Hands, Look at your belly and the tree. Look at the Sky around you. See your belly and the Tree. See the Sky around you. Look with your eyes. Only your eyes.
Now close your eyes. Lean against the Tree. Touch your forehead to the tree. Just breathe in and exhale naturally. Just be in your senses-- in your body. Let the body feel and experience the senses. Let your mind rest as your body experiences the tree, the earth, the air, the sun--life around you and within you.
A variation of this exercise is instead of a Tree use a Large Rock or a rocky Beach. The key is the connection to the Earth/Gaia through the natural world. Rocks are a connection as much as Trees are. They both will assist you in accessing your senses and balancing your chakras, energy systems and grounding the energy to every atom in your body.
--We bless you all with Love. --Fairy Farm Girl and the Fairy Realm Emissaries
Gaia the Great!
by Owen Waters
You may wonder why human consciousness suddenly started to rise in frequency in the 1960’s. People started to question the old ways of corruption and conflict and many began searching for spiritual answers in the teachings of the East. The actual start date of this renaissance in human consciousness was July 8th, 1964.
On that day in 1964, the Mother Earth was imbued with an enormous amount of cosmic energy. Now, because she has billions of human beings under her care and protection, she chose to store this cosmic energy within her body and then release it gradually over an extended period of time so that we could adapt to it. For the sake of humanity, she metered out this uplifting cosmic energy in a way that enabled us to adapt to higher frequencies in a balanced fashion. She could see that we needed to be able to upgrade our consciousness in preparation for the new, positive cycles that would begin to unfold after 2012.
Gaia, the Mother Earth, is a highly advanced soul based in seventh density existence. She maintains bodies as spheres of consciousness in fifth and sixth density as well as physical bodies in fourth density and our third density realm. At our physical level, her body seems tiny in the vast blackness of space and yet, at her soul level, the picture is very different. Gone is the blackness of space. There, she is a shining jewel in the solid body of light that fills our solar system.
Long ago, when mankind needed a home in space, Gaia offered to hold back her spiritual light so that our human race could exist comfortably upon her back at our own level of consciousness.
Friday, July the 8th is the ideal day to remember the greatness and compassion of this goddess of light, and to express our deep-felt gratitude for the home that she selflessly provides us.
Make the time to go within, connect with the spiritual soul of Gaia and send her your love, light, and gratitude.
Breathe in universal life energy with each inbreath. On each outbreath, send your love, light, and gratitude as a beam of white light from your heart into the heart of the Mother Earth.
Take the time to make the connection well and you will be surprised at the quality of uplifting energy that comes back to you from the Mother Earth.
*If you enjoyed today's article, forward it to a friend! They will appreciate your thoughtfulness.
Owen Waters is the author of Love, Light Laughter: The New Spirituality, which is available both as a paperback and a downloadable e-book, at:
There is a grand old tree down the lane from where I live. It sits opposite the ruins of an ancient temple. I've sat with that tree, asking it what stories it can tell me of bygone days and recent times. There is a transfer of energy and a knowing between us I can feel.
It has been said that all living things have consciousness, even rocks. Their molecules vibrate more slowly, but not insignicantly. Masaro Emoto has proven that water has consciousness, and since most physical things contain water, it follows that each has awareness on some level.
And so, you've given me new ideas for our next communion, Elizabeth.
(Guys, don't knock it 'til you've tried it.)
Have you heard of this? I have seen many ,usually older Qiqong practitioners doing this. it involves cycling energy with the tree..Until I recently left Taos,I had a daily interaction with a siberian elm tree next to my house. I did my morning routine there just about every day for 12 years, over it s roots...The actual "tree Kung' is just a breathing excercise that naturally joins the tree s cyclic breathing,down through the feet,into the Earth,where it is picked up by the tree,cleansed,and exhaled by the tree,to be received by the person through the crown chakra,or Ba Hui point. It is very simple,with a little practice, and definitely builds a bond..Leaving that place was very hard for i am in New Orleans parks on a daily basis,with the old Spanish Oaks I grew up with...Did you know that one fully grown Oak tree breathes out 7 tons of water a day ? Through it s leaves that is..they are magnificent, and I have been changing which trees to excercise under almost daily,as each one calls to me....I will miss these trees dearly when I have to leave here......