I'm not a fan of putting people into boxes, but this 10 question survey is kind of interesting. ~ Noa
Take our quick and easy Nolan Chart Survey!
Click the response below which comes closest to your own views for each of the 10 issues listed. Then click the large button at the bottom of the page. We will score your choices and show how your views appear on the Nolan Chart.
We've tried to make the views expressed in the answer options as comprehensive as possible. There may be some options listed that you may find hard to choose between, or perhaps you'll find that none of the options represent your viewpoint perfectly. That's not surprising and perfectly understandable.
Unfortunately, it's impossible to draft a 10 question survey that will accurately represent the views of over 300 million Americans (not to mention visitors from other countries!). Pick the best option you can pick, the one that most closely represents your views. While the survey is not perfect, we think you will find the results worthwhile.
Take the survey here: http://www.nolanchart.com/survey.php
What Do The Nolan Chart Categories Mean?
libertarian: supports the smallest possible government, supports individual liberty in all ways, prefers to only defend our borders and not interfere in other countries' affairs.
conservative: tends to give a nod and a wink to liberty while placing emphasis on government control of "family" issues (gay marriage, abortion, borders, etc.) while pushing for major military involvement worldwide by America, in the hopes of creating a faith-based, "conservative" world.
liberal: tends to give a nod and a wink to liberty while placing emphasis on government control of "social issues" (social safety net, minority rights, etc.) while pushing for major diplomatic involvement worldwide by America backed by somewhat lesser military involvement, in the hopes of creating an inclusive, "liberal" world.
statist: the marriage of liberal and conservative aspects of big government. Supports both the conservative "family" agenda and the liberal "social" agenda. Supports both major diplomatic and military involvement abroad.
centrist: somewhere in the middle of all of the above.
They're not an ideal set of definitions, perhaps, but I think they're useful working definitions. I hope you find them helpful.
*Note: If you peek at the responses below before taking the survey, you'll skew your results.
Historic Responses To Survey Questions By Our Readers
The following shows our survey questions and answers, along with the historic percentages of all persons who have taken this survey on this website since the site's founding in August 2007.
Please note: these results are not in any way, shape, or form scientific. We do not and cannot claim that visitors to this website are a representative sampling of the overall U.S. population. The following information is presented for entertainment purposes only. Rounding errors may result in answers with percentages which do not perfectly combine to 100%. Here are the results of the survey:
Total Surveys: 278,336
(updated every three minutes)
1. Speech, Assembly, Press, Internet, and Property Rights libertarian: 68.6% Government should not restrict speech, press, media or Internet. The rights of free citizens who don't violate other people's rights must be respected and protected at all times. Exercise of eminent domain should be extremely limited and its use avoided whenever possible. Private property and privacy rights should be protected at all times.
conservative: 23.4% Speech, assembly, press, and Internet should be free except when it comes to protecting against terrorism and other threats to public safety. Free speech zones can be established to protect the right of free speech while insuring security at public events. Eminent domain should be maintained in practice, but it should not be available merely as a means to enrich private developers via enforced land transfers.
liberal: 6.2% Speech, assembly, press, and Internet should be free; however the government has a role in regulating certain speech, such as criminalizing hate speech and regulating sexual or violent content over public airwaves. Some limits should also be placed on campaign contributions to limit excessive influence by special interests and corporate entities. It is also vital that the State not become a tool to impose religious beliefs in schools or other public settings and that limited use of eminent domain is acceptable for public projects like roads and schools, but inappropriate for private projects like shopping malls or condominiums.
statist: 1.8% Government should regulate speech, press, media, Internet, and property rights at its own discretion within reason as needed to meet all of government's many obligations. 2. Guns statist: 3.9% The Second Amendment only applies to "militias" (such as the National Guard), and thus there is no specific protection afforded by it to individuals. It should be up to the government to decide the degree to which guns should be regulated for the public good.
libertarian: 63.3% The Second Amendment to the Constitution clearly protects the right of all individuals to bear arms. Government regulation of guns is a violation of the Second Amendment. Having the right to self-defense is meaningless without also having the means to defend yourself. An armed society is a peaceful society, is the best defense against criminals, and serves as a deterrent against government tyranny. Gun control has encouraged society to become lax and negligent in teaching and training on the safe handling and maintenance of weapons by individuals.
conservative: 27.2% In general, I support the right to bear arms. However, it is prudent to have government regulate arms via registration requirements and other regulations to ensure that mentally unstable people can't get guns and go on shooting rampages.
liberal: 5.6% Gun control is essential and must continually be made stronger if we're ever going to reduce and hopefully eliminate gun violence in this country. 3. Homosexual Marriage liberal: 14.5% Gay rights should be supported by passing laws which protect gay marriage, including civil statute alternatives to gay marriage. All government benefits that heterosexual couples enjoy should also be granted to gay couples.
statist: 10.0% The government should define civil unions and the legal ramifications and rights attached to such constructs based on scientific study. "Marriage", being a religious concept, has no place in legal structures, and attempting to legislate morality is inefficient.
libertarian: 45.2% There should be no laws regarding either heterosexual or homosexual relationships among consenting adults. Marriage of any kind is a private, contractual matter between free, private individuals that should not be regulated.
conservative: 30.2% Homosexuality is an abomination and is banned by the Bible. Gay marriage should be illegal in all cases. 4. Foreign Policy conservative: 36.6% A strong defense requires playing an active, interventionist role in world affairs. As the last remaining superpower, we have a moral duty to police the world at any cost, or else we will surely pay the ultimate price. If we don't militarily wipe out terrorism, the terrorists will wipe us out. We must resolve to win no matter how long it takes. It's better to strike now than to pay later for our inaction.
liberal: 10.1% America should play an active role in world affairs. We need to move toward more world government, particularly when it comes to issues such as global warming. The war on terror should rely heavily on diplomatic action. Military intervention should be used when there is a threat to our sovereignty.
statist: 5.3% The role of government is to administer, direct and control the nation. Foreign policy, and the use of our military forces, should always be primarily focused (in order of importance) on defending the nation from external threats , ensuring internal threats are neutralized, and promoting a stable world society.
libertarian: 47.9% Peace, commerce and honest friendship with all nations; entangling alliances with none. America's interventionist policies over the past 100+ years have done little or nothing to reduce international instability, have led us into an endless series of wars, and have cost us dearly in American lives and money. The best defense of our borders is to defend our rights and liberty, not to sacrifice them while constantly growing our gigantic military, led by a parade of Presidents who repeatedly stick our nose into other countries' affairs. 5. National ID Card libertarian: 62.4% There should be no national ID card. Period. The issuance of required National IDs controlled via interconnected databases will effectively end all privacy in this country.
conservative: 9.5% We need a national ID card in order to prevent events like the attacks of 9/11 but without intruding too far into the personal privacy of the innocent.
liberal: 13.9% National ID cards should be permitted but greatly restricted in scope because the potential for danger to personal liberty is present.
statist: 14.2% I'm not at all concerned about having a national ID card. Only the guilty need to worry. 6. Corporate Welfare statist: 6.5% The government has a significant role in regulating the market and should regulate corporations and have state-owned corporations, if necessary.
libertarian: 60.1% End "corporate welfare." No government handouts to business.
conservative: 14.1% Government involvement is necessary where private industry can't do the job all by itself. As an example, agricultural subsidies should continue to support small farmers.
liberal: 19.4% Corporate welfare should be eliminated for big business, but the social safety net for individuals should be retained. 7. Trade and Money liberal: 12.8% Trade that isn't fair isn't free. Fair trade practices should be enforced as needed to ensure free trade while maintaining reasonably open borders. The Fed's policies should be revised to help the poor rather than the rich.
statist: 8.7% The government should involve itself in the regulation of trade as needed to ensure a healthy economy at all times. The Federal Reserve system has made our money supply the most stable in all history.
libertarian: 50.9% End government barriers to international free trade. The regulation of trade tends to enrich selected interest groups and industry captains at the expense of everyone else. We must move away from the inflationary approach of the Federal Reserve by re-adopting a hard money approach and dissolving the Federal Reserve system. Ever wonder why prices of everything (including real estate) keep going up over time? The Federal Reserve system is the culprit.
conservative: 27.6% Trade should be free in general, but it should be controlled as needed to ensure that our borders are protected against outside threats. Monetary policy under the Fed has generally been good for our economy. Hard money can't keep up with a modern economy. 8. Social Security conservative: 16.9% Social Security should be maintained by the government as-is for current and near retirees, while offering younger workers the choice to invest some of their retirement money in the private market from Government-maintained and managed plans. The government should create incentives for private retirement planning. The government should discourage taking social security early. Payroll taxes should not be increased to fund social security.
liberal: 9.2% Social Security is a vital part of the social safety net and should be properly funded and protected at all times. If necessary, make big business and the rich pay for any shortfalls.
statist: 6.8% Government has an obligation to provide for it's citizens , both those who are disabled and those who are retired. Social security is the proper expression of government control, but as with any program of such size must be constantly adjusted to ensure a lack of corruption and that it is funded correctly. If need be, the balance should be made to those who cannot provide for themselves rather than those who simply have not chosen to provide for themselves.
libertarian: 67.1% Let people control their own retirement and they'll retire richer and better off. The Social Security system is already bankrupt, despite what the politicians and bureaucrats keep telling us. Allow individuals to choose for themselves whether to opt out of the Social Security system. If we force everyone to remain in its pyramid scheme, the end result will be disastrous. We must act now before Social Security becomes completely insolvent. 9. Health Care libertarian: 44.7% Government regulation of health care is the main cause of the health care industry's upward spiraling costs. The FDA, EPA, Medicare, and a host of other bureaucracies have created mountains of regulations that have led to the deaths of thousands and even millions of people who were denied needed treatments and resources. The cost of creating new treatments is also out of control because of this regulation. The only way to make health care affordable again is to get government out of the health care business.
conservative: 35.3% Health care costs are spiraling primarily due to lawsuits. We need to place caps on these suits while avoiding socialized medicine. Where possible, we should reduce regulation to save money. The rising cost of health care is primarily the fault of big government politicians and lobbying groups.
liberal: 13.7% We need universal health insurance to ensure all Americans are adequately protected. Insurance companies' and drug companies' greed, lack of competition among insurance providers, and patent protections on life-saving drugs must be combated. The government should ensure that no one is denied the right to life-saving medical care because of the inability to pay for it. Use antitrust legislation and enforcement to ensure competition.
statist: 6.3% Private enterprise has failed to deliver satisfactory health care. Government's role is clear: fix the problem. 10. Taxes, Spending, and the National Debt statist: 3.8% There should be no limits placed on the ability of government to raise sufficient revenue to do all the jobs government should be doing better, as expressed via majority rule.
libertarian: 74.5% Cut taxes and government spending by 50% or more. This will have an incredibly positive impact on the economy starting at its very lowest and smallest levels. The national debt must be paid down rather than endlessly increased, or we'll soon face national bankruptcy.
conservative: 10.8% The budget should be balanced and fully funded at all times, rather than actually cutting spending on a permanent basis. As needed, the national debt should be expanded to ensure that there is sufficient funding for government operation and military growth needs. Occasional, temporary tax cuts should be offered in token amounts to keep the taxpayers mollified.
liberal: 10.9% We should be emphasizing the good that government can do to help people without getting all wrapped up in the costs involved. By spreading the load, such good can be spread out fairly and evenly. Progressive taxation helps ensure that the rich don't live at the expense of the poor. However, we want to make sure we don't place too much of a burden on the middle class.