You may have heard that authorities allegedly thwarted a terrorist attack last night in NYC. I was chatting online with some OWS supporters when Bloomberg's announcement came on the screen LIVE. When he pulled out the confiscated bomb (an elbow joint with wires) we all laughed. These lame attempts by the 'powers that were' to control us are getting ridiculous, and we know it. People are waking up! ~ Noa
New York City authorities said Sunday they thwarted a terrorist plot that would have targeted returning military personnel, post offices and police stations with crude pipe bombs inspired by an al Qaeda magazine.
New York Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly holds pieces of what authorities said was a pipe bomb confiscated from alleged “lone wolf” terrorist Jose Pimentel.
Jose Pimentel, Alleged "Lone Wolf" Terrorist Bomber, Arrested
via @bkatzoomPhoto of Jose Pimentel allegedly in the act of making a bomb.
At a Sunday evening press conference, Mayor Bloomberg announced that a would-be terrorist bomber was thwarted from a plot to detonate devices in New York City. Jose Pimentel allegedly bought bomb-making materials at Home Depot and had begun building the explosives with the intention of targeting government workers and returning military personnel.
27-year-old Pimentel was thought to be working alone and was arrested yesterday afternoon. Bloomberg said he planned to bomb police cars and postal facilities in addition to members of the Armed Forces returning from service abroad. Pimentel lives in Washington Heights and was described as an "Al Qaeda sympathizer" by Bloomberg. "He was not part of a larger conspiracy emanating from abroad."
A video of a duplicate bomb, made by police officials, was shown destroying a car to the gathered press.
Authorities plan on charging Pimentel with "terrorism-related" charges.
Police commissioner Ray Kelly said Pimentel was an "unemployed native of the Dominican Republic" and "a U.S. citizen." He also mentioned that he had planned to change his name to "Osama Hussein" and make a pilgrimage to Yemen. Pimentel allegedly followed bomb-making instructions from Anwar al-Awlaki's Inspire Magazine.
The NYPD had been keeping track of Jose Pimentel since 2009.
"We had always planned to take him into custody before he could detonate a fully-operational bomb," Kelly said.
This is tape of the 'live' announcement...
You can watch a lamestream media report here....
Here are some of the forum comments from http://forum.prisonplanet.com/index.php?topic=222698.0
Dude, here goes the rest of our rights. They are finally going to play the homegrown card in full force. They read just like a playbook.
Let me guess.The bomb making materials were sold to him by federal agents.
They also showed him how to make a bomb?
The NWO criminals will be held accountable for their crimes against humanity.
"Let justice be done though the heavens fall"
"Who needs terrorists when you have a government like ours"
Most likely, guess we will find out in a few minutes. I know how this is going to be exploited and I am already in a rage about it.